
“Huh…” Countless

magic weapons rose up into the sky, and various colors of light reflected the sky.

Countless magic weapons passed over the cultivators and smashed into the black-armored demon cultivators who had killed them.

A loud sound sounded, and the attacks from the magic weapon continued to fall on the black armored cultivator.

White, blue, and yellow colors are presented, which are as beautiful as fireworks.

The first wave of various magic weapons erupted with great power, making heaven and earth tremble continuously, and the brilliant light covered up, devouring the cultivators of the demon race.

“Haha, this is the strength of our Terrans.”

“You demon clans also dare to be arrogant in front of our human race?”

“Find death, let you aliens see what is the strength of human beings.”

“If you don’t stay well in the banished land, you dare to come back to find death?”

Watching countless rays of light devour the Demon Race forward, countless Terran cultivators laughed and were extremely excited.

Some Terran cultivators even laughed maniacally, proudly, “It seems that the Demon Race is not as terrifying as the legend!” ”

And yet!

When the light receded, everyone’s smiles froze instantly, and their throats seemed to be choked by something, unable to make the slightest sound.

A layer of dark red light appeared on the surface of the black armored friar’s demon race, and the light of one person did not look good, but when the light of thousands of people gathered together, it became an indestructible shield.

The attack from the magic weapon fell on the light shield, like raindrops falling on the umbrella, splashing high water, but it could not help the umbrella.

The dark red light swayed, like the light emitted by a demon, eerie and terrifying.

The Terran cultivators were frightened by the terrifying strength of these demon races, and for a while the Terran cultivators who killed the demon race stopped, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

And when they were in a dilemma, the black armored cultivator of the demon race had already killed.


A dull sound full of endless killing intent sounded, like the sound of the scythe of death, harvesting the lives of Terran cultivators.

The Demon Race cultivator was like a sharp knife, fiercely inserted into the Race cultivator.

Suddenly, a scream sounded, and the harsh sound resounded in the sky, and the Terran cultivators who rushed out were killed and injured in an instant.

Blood splattered, limbs flew, and countless corpses fell from the sky with blood.

In front of the black-armored demon cultivators, the Terran cultivators were like praying arms blocking the car, and they were crushed by the demon cultivators.

Looking down from the high sky, it was only for a short moment, and a large piece of the Terran cultivator fell.

The black-armored demon cultivator was like a black sharp knife, fiercely bursting into the middle of the Terran cultivator, like a black tide, surging, and quickly drowning the Terran cultivator.

The Terran cultivators were terrified, vicious, and crazy, and they all hit their strongest blows.

However, their attack fell on the Demon Race, which was firmly blocked by the black armor, and caused little damage to the Demon Race cultivators.

The thousands of Demon Race cultivators only fell a fraction.

On the contrary, on the side of the Demon Race cultivators, a single blow can usually make the Terran cultivators fall down with a scream.

A Terran cultivator finally killed a black-armored Demon Race cultivator with his own strength, but before he could catch his breath, two more Demon Race cultivators immediately bombarded him.

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Demon cultivators do not have the concept of one-on-one, and when they see a strong opponent, they will quickly rush up several people and kill the strong opponent with absolute numerical superiority.

Under the siege, this celebrity cultivator could only fall down screaming in the end.

On the other side, a Terran cultivator tried his best to finally smash the black armor on the Demon Race cultivator in front of him to pieces, revealing the true body of the Demon Race.

The Terran cultivator laughed proudly, “Without this turtle shell, how arrogant are you?”

However, the other party smiled coldly, simply gave up his weapon, and swung his fist straight at the Terran cultivator.

The two fought directly, and the Demon Cultivator showed strong physical strength, tearing the Terran Cultivator in half abruptly, and blood sprayed.


The blood-bathed Demon Cultivators became more and more courageous, while the Terran cultivators became more and more fearful the more they fought.

These black-armored demon cultivators were wearing armor, their defense was amazing, and they often broke the opponent’s armor, but found that the opponent’s strength had not decreased much.

The powerful physical close-in killing made the Terran cultivators who were good at long-range attacks extremely uncomfortable.

Long-range soldiers were approached, and the losses were quite heavy.

The cultivators of the Black Armored Demon Race alone had turned the human side upside down.

And there are more demon cultivators behind them, although they do not have standard armor and do not have agreed formation queues, but their individual strength will only be stronger.

They followed behind the black-armored demon cultivators and rushed up, causing greater damage to the human side.

On the tragic battlefield, the Terran cultivators suffered heavy casualties and retreated one after another, and the Demon Race followed closely to cover up.

Some of the Terran cultivators rushed into the defense line, and then a ray of light shot up into the sky.

One after another, large arrays emerged, one after another, closely connected, forming a solid defensive front.

Under the control of the cultivator, energy emanated from the large array and bombarded the demon cultivator.

The power of the formation far exceeded that of individual cultivators, and a white ball of energy fell.

The black-armored demon cultivators quickly lined up, and a dark red light once again appeared on the surface armor, firmly protecting them behind them.


Huge amounts of energy collide, and a violent surge occurs, producing a powerful shock wave.

“Yes, it works!”

The sharp-eyed Terrans shouted in surprise.

Although they did not defeat the demon race, their aura weakened a lot, and even the light on the armor became dim and swaying.

“Kill, keep killing!”

With an order, one attack after another continued to bombard the demon race.

The dark red light weakened and darkened under the continuous attacks, and some black-armored demon cultivators could not support it, their armor shattered, and then disappeared into the attack.

As for the ordinary Demon Race cultivators who followed behind them after they were hit, they didn’t even have time to make a scream and disappear.

In front of the defensive needles formed by the formation, the Demon Race suffered great losses, and the

Terrans took a vicious breath.

Just when the Terrans felt that they could destroy the Demon Race like this, a loud shout sounded, “Inferior humans, look for death!” ”

One after another powerful aura rushed into the sky, and the Demon Race Yuan Baby appeared…

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