The Yuan Infant cultivator of the Demon Race appeared, unscrupulously exuding a powerful aura, like a storm erupting, blowing over the Terran side, making many Demon Race feel suffocated.

“Yuan, Yuanbao!”

“One, two, thirteen in total!”

“The Demon Yuan Baby, it seems, is more powerful and terrifying!”

“God, looking so burly, do we Terrans have a chance of victory?”

“Don’t panic, everyone, we have a formation, don’t be afraid of this gang of brutes!”

“The demon race has no brains, and they don’t know what a formation is!”

The Terrans were talking about it, and the attack slowly stopped.

Because these attacks have no effect on the meta-baby.

The Demon Race Yuan Infant Cultivator towered in the sky, and his tall figure was like a demon king from hell, exuding a terrifying aura.

“Weak, inferior Terrans should be erased from this world!”


The ruthless words of the Yuan Infant cultivators of the Demon Race spread throughout the heavens and earth, and then they all began to act, launching attacks against the Terran Array.

Most of the large arrays on the Terran side are second-level and third-level, and there are few fourth-level large arrays, and they are all connected to other large arrays as the main array.

Some of the Yuan Infant cultivators of the Demon Race attacked the Great Array from a distance, and bombarded each other with the Great Array.

Some Demon Yuan Babies were more direct and simple, using their bodies as weapons, like a cannonball falling into the sky, fiercely bombarding the large array.

The powerful force bombarded the large array, making the light of the large array sensitive, and the Terran cultivators who presided over the large array even sprayed blood from their mouths and passed out.

There are powerful people who can defeat a large array with one blow, and some bombard a large array is useless with a few blows.

If this continues, it won’t be long before the large array of defense lines that the Terrans rely on will collapse on all fronts.

But fortunately, the Yuan Infant cultivator on the Terran side also appeared for the first time.

“Demon Clan, look for death!”

“Arrogant demon race, let me meet you today!”

“Heaven has a way and you don’t go, hell has no door, you come from yourself, seek your own death!”

“The losers of the Banished Land also have a face back?”


The appearance of a celebrity Yuan Infant Cultivator made the Terran Cultivator cheer.

“Well, this is the first baby of our Terran race!”

“Haha, Demon Clan, see that you are still arrogant?”

“Great, there are a few more Yuan babies on our Terran side than the Demon Race, and we won!”

“Sixteen vs thirteen, our Terran race has three more Yuan babies, hehe, the demon race is dead!”

In the cheers of the Terran cultivators, the Terran Yuan Infant Cultivators turned into streamers and soared into the sky, streaking through like meteors, killing the Yuan Infant of the Demon Race.

Because both sides are yuan babies, the scope of the real fight is too large.

The two sides rose up into the sky in unison, killing more in the sky, and using it as a battlefield above.


The two sides did not have much nonsense, came to the sky, and quickly used their own means to kill each other fiercely.

One was wearing white spirit armor, stepping on three-pin imperial sky shoes, holding two spirit talismans in each hand, and looked at the opponent in front of him with a sneer.

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“Stupid demon race, coming to Dongzhou is your biggest mistake!”


As he drank loudly, the two fourth-level spirit talismans in his hand lit up, one bursting out of red light, like a flame bursting out, and the other white light flowing like lightning.

Two different attacks wrapped left and right, above this vast sky, burst out dazzling light, bursting incomparably, fiercely swept towards the demon race in front of them.

Red flames surged into the sky, reflecting half of the sky, white lightning streaked through the sky, and the surrounding area turned into a white sea of thunder.

One left and one right, completely sealing the retreat of the demon cultivator.

The Demon Cultivator remained motionless, allowing two attacks to roar in, finally drowning him in it.

“Find death!” The celebrity clan infant cultivator laughed loudly, “Brainless is really brainless, except for a little muscle, there is nothing else…”

However, before he finished speaking, suddenly his face changed.

He saw a scene that made it difficult for him to accept.

The Yuan Infant cultivator of the Demon Race slowly walked out from the continuous explosion and radiant smoke.


“That’s all?”

“You!” The Terran Yuan Infant Cultivator was terrified, his attack was not to say that the flames were extinguished, but it was not something that ordinary people could withstand.

The Demon Race cultivator in front of him was extremely relaxed.

The Demon Race Yuan Infant cultivator grinned, stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, revealing a cruel smile, “Terrans, weak things, should not continue to exist.

Then he laughed, and the breath on his body erupted, and the terrifying aura made him like a fierce beast, showing his claws and sharp teeth at his prey.

The Demon Race Yuan Infant cultivator rushed straight forward, like Mount Tai pressing on the top.

“Damn it!”

The terrifying aura made the face of the Terran cultivator change wildly, and a sense of danger surged into his heart.

But in the end, it was the Yuan Infant Cultivator, he shouted, “Arrogant!

Then several spirit talismans appeared in his hand, and the light soared again, and he slammed towards the demon cultivator.


The two sides fought for several rounds, and finally let the Demon Race Yuan Infant Cultivator kill the Terran Yuan Infant Cultivator.

A punch bombarded him hard.


A mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, and at this moment, the Terran Yuanying cultivator felt the breath of death, and as a Yuanying cultivator, he panicked in his heart and turned around and ran.

“Hugh is rampant!”

In the distance, there was a crushing Yuan Infant cultivator rushing over and shouting, intending to rescue.

However, this Demon Race Yuan Infant cultivator’s speed was beyond the imagination of the Terran side.

I saw his figure flash, then appeared behind the other party, and bombarded his back with a punch, once again beating the other party to blood.

Finally, under the terrified gaze of the Terran cultivator, this Demon Race Yuan Infant cultivator smashed his opponent, and the Yuan Infant came out of his body and fled in a hurry.

“Damn it!”

The Demon Race Yuan Infant Cultivator easily held the Yuan Infant in his hand, and in the frightened eyes of the other Terran Yuan Infant Cultivators, he completely killed his opponent.

“Haha, this is the weak Terrans!”


After killing a Terran Yuan Infant cultivator, the morale on the Demon Race’s side was greatly boosted, and the fierce flame was even stronger…

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