
The sky is dark, the sun is hiding among the dark clouds, and the weather appears gloomy.

And the monks in the Yellow City were just like this weather, with heavy hearts and no smiles.

There was a heavy breath in the air.

More than two months have passed since the appearance of the Demon Race, and the result has made the Terran cultivators feel extremely heavy.

After more than two months of fighting, all three defensive lines arranged by the Terrans in front of the Yellow City were destroyed, and the Terran cultivators suffered heavy casualties.

During the battle, the Terrans dispatched thirty-seven Yuan Babies and the Demon Race dispatched twenty-eight Yuan Babies to fight each other.

Seventeen people on the Terran side were killed in battle, nine were physically destroyed, and the rest were more or less wounded.

However, with such a heavy loss, it only killed twelve people of the demon race and destroyed the flesh of five people.

This shows the strength of the demon race.

The number of people in the Yuan Infant side is large, but there are many dead and injured people, accounting for less than half a bargain.

The number of cultivators killed and injured in the Jiedan and Foundation Building periods exceeded 10,000, and the number of injured people could not be counted.

The strength of the Demon Race gave the cultivators of the Race a direct understanding.

What made the Terran cultivators feel even more frightened was that the heart of the Demon Race was cruel.

After the monks who could not escape became prisoners of the Demon Clan, the Demon Clan all slaughtered and dyed the land of Dongzhou red.

Such brutal methods really frightened many people, and also further damaged the morale of the Terran cultivators.

Now the Yellow City is crowded with people, but whether it is the Yellow City or the continuous camp, there is not much sound, and it is lifeless.

Three lines of defense were breached, and Huangcheng was the last line of defense.

Once the demon soldiers came to the city, the allied forces here in Huangcheng were defeated, and Dongzhou was no longer able to resist.

Thinking that when the time comes, the iron hooves of the demon race can drive straight into Dongzhou and ravage Dongzhou, the faces of many powerful bigwigs are even more ugly.

“Demons, damn it!”

“You have to stop them, otherwise, Dongzhou will be over.”

“But the demon race is powerful, what should I do?”

“I think it’s better to go home and take care of each other.”

After more than two months of fighting, seventeen people were killed by the Yuan Ying cultivators, and I don’t know how many forces were crushed and disabled.

Many forces with low strength have already retreated.

Instead of being scattered by the demon race here, it is better to go home and watch, and there may be a turnaround when the time comes.

“No retreat!”

“Whoever retreats, I will be the first to kill!”

As the leader of the alliance, Yan Hongyu stood up for the first time and stopped this momentum.

You must not let people quit at this time, at this time, it will trigger a series of news, and finally everyone disperses, and makes a hair.

United, you may not be able to defeat the Demon Race, but at least you can compete with the Demon Race.

Each of them is scattered, and they will only give heads to the demon race one by one.

Yan Hongyu forcefully killed some people who encouraged to disperse and stabilized the situation.

At the same time, the voice spread throughout Huangcheng, “We still have the support of Zhongzhou, we have not been defeated…”

Yan Hongyu’s words were like a fire in the darkness, igniting hope in the hearts of many cultivators.

“Yes, we still have students from Zhongzhou College!”

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“All of them are yuan babies, their strength is incomparable, and with their shots, we will not lose.”

“Yes, Ao Cang Gongzi and Miss Qi Fei are from the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou, and they are the strongest.”

Many monks talked about it, and their morale was greatly boosted.

“I heard that when Ao Canggongzi was born, he had a vision of heaven and earth, and colorful light covered the heaven and earth, and he was the number one master in Zhongzhou.”

“That’s right, Ao Cang Gongzi is the most powerful young generation of the Ao family, and he overwhelms all his peers in Zhongzhou.”

“Miss Qi Fei is also, a peerless genius of the Mi family, a rare genius of kendo in a hundred lifetimes, and a future sword emperor!”

“Yes, there are two of them, the Demon Clan, not enough to worry about…”

“Isn’t it, otherwise they have the confidence to let Lu Gongzi leave?” It can be seen that they have the confidence to protect Huangcheng. ”

There are more and more rumors in the city, and all kinds of praise for Ao Cang, Mi Fei and other Zhongzhou students.

In the eyes of many monks, they still became saviors and protectors.

With their shots, the Demon Race will definitely be easily defeated.

And the rumors also reached the ears of Ao Cang and Mi Fei.

After the two listened, 10,000 grass and mud horses rushed past in their hearts.

I’ll go!

Ao Cang and Mi Fei have a similar sense of familiarity.

Isn’t this what Lu Shaoqing encountered before?

The first stage of Lu Shaoqing was worshipped and praised by everyone at the beginning.

In the second stage, rumors appeared, and everyone began to criticize Lu Shaoqing.

In the third stage, Lu Shaoqing escaped on the spot, and everyone greeted him with all kinds of greetings and all kinds of contempt.

And Ao Cang and Qi Fei are now encountering the first stage, and if they don’t do well by then, they will soon enter the second and third stages.

The two were a little crazy, how they felt a little lifting a rock to hit their own feet.

Lu Shaoqing left, and their group became a savior in the eyes of the cultivators of Dongzhou.

Why are many people praising them now, isn’t it waiting for them to deal with the demon race and save Dongzhou from fire and water?

When the demon race comes, they don’t make a move, and they are the ones who are scolded.

When the danger comes, they dare to run, and they will be cordially greeted by countless Dongzhou people for eighteen generations, and their reputation is completely stinking.

Gagging, Ao Cang and Mi Fei both wanted to vomit.

Why do you suddenly feel so disgusting?

Ao Cang and Qi Fei were resentful, and they kept greeting Lu Shaoqing’s ancestors for eighteen generations.

In Gongsun Ci’s method, they spread rumors against Lü Shaoqing and Lü Shaoqing’s sect.

Originally, they occupied the initiative, but as a result, Lu Shaoqing spread his hands and left directly, turning passive into active.

And Ao Cang and Qi Fei are active and passive.

Disgusting, extremely disgusting

, that bastard really deserved to die, just ran like this, leaving them in passivity.

Mi Fei was about to go crazy, targeting Lu Shaoqing, and it seemed that he had also been involved.

She jumped to her feet in anger, “Damn, I’m going to kill that bastard.” ”

How can there be such abominable, damn bastards in the world.

Ao Cang suddenly sneered, “This matter is not necessarily a bad thing for us…”

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