“Not a bad thing?”

Qi Fei was angry, and for the first time wanted to take out his sword and give Ao Cang a few blows.

In the future, she will find an opportunity to poke that bastard to death, but before that she does not mind practicing first.

Mi Fei almost yelled at Ao Cang, “That bastard is gone, making everyone think that we forced us, and others have already regarded us as a savior.”

“We can’t deal with the demon race, and what awaits us is ruin, and the smell is all over the Dongzhou, and even the thirteen states.”

Ao Cang smiled slightly, took a step back, and quietly avoided Qi Fei’s saliva.

It’s okay to look good, but why so much saliva.

Ao Cang pressed down on Qi Fei with his hand, signaling Qi Fei not to get excited, he said, “But from another point of view, what about us repelling the Demon Clan?”

Qi Fei was startled, and then her eyes showed a little surprise.

As a member of the Mi family, it only takes a little bit for her to understand these things quickly.

If they can defeat the Demon Clan, they are the saviors of Dongzhou and the gods in the eyes of the cultivators of Dongzhou.

At that time, their prestige will rise to an incredible level.

However, Mi Fei was also worried, “However, it is rumored that the demon race is very strong…” More

than ten yuan babies died here in Dongzhou, and the people who fled back were rumored to have noses and eyes, what height of the demon race, green mouth fangs, infinite strength, invulnerability to swords and guns, and so on.

Ao Cang still sneered, and at the same time appeared full of confidence, “Others don’t know what the demon race is, you and I don’t know?”

“They’re human too, but they’re taller and thicker.”

“They are scary for ordinary people, but for us, they are also vulnerable.”

When Mi Fei heard this, her heart relaxed a lot, and a smile appeared on her face.

However, she is not a blind person, she also has her own opinion, “Gongsun Ci is from Yanzhou, he has fought with the Demon Clan, we can go and ask him about the information about the Demon Clan.” Soon

, the two found Gongsun Ci and asked about the information about the Demon Clan.

For the situation of the demon clan, Gongsun Ci did not hide it, and told the two generously.

“The demon race in the same realm is against our human race, their chances of winning are at least sixty percent, and once they are close to the demon race, their chance of winning can reach eight percent, or even more.”

These words made Ao Cang and Qi Fei’s faces change.

If so, they would have to think of something else.

Forty percent odds, two percent odds, what’s the difference between this and failure?

They won’t put their lives on the line for the sake of Dongzhou.

“However,” just when the two were in shock, Gongsun Ci’s voice changed, and his expression was proud, “That’s for ordinary cultivators, as the lineage of the five families and three factions, they can’t compare with us. Gongsun

Ci had a strong pride in his tone, holding his head high, shaking slightly, looking like a proud rooster, “Not to mention the demon race of the same realm, even if the demon race is one or two realms higher than me, I have not killed.”

“You have to make a move, be careful yourself, don’t be besieged by the demons, and kill the rest casually.”

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Gongsun Ci was already in the realm of the Transformation God, and his evaluation of the Demon Race made Ao Cang and Mi Fei hot in their hearts.

In this way, they have the confidence to dare to attack the demon race.

They were members of the five families and three factions, all of them were learning top-level exercises, and their strength was much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators.

The strength of the Demon Race is an ordinary enemy for ordinary cultivators, and for these disciples of great power, it is also an ordinary enemy.

Gongsun Ci’s words made Ao Cang and Mi Fei full of confidence, and they felt that the demon race was just like that bird.

It is okay to scare ordinary friars, but it cannot scare them.

Ao Cang’s brain was much more flexible than that of Qi Fei, and he asked Gongsun Ci, “How are those black-armored demon races?” When

Gongsun Ci heard this, he immediately pouted, showing great disdain, “Vulnerable, there are few yuan babies, mainly in the Jiedan period.”

“The powerful thing is that they form formations and spirit armor, and with the ability of the two of you, it is more than enough to deal with them.”

As soon as these words came out, Ao Cang’s eyes brightened.

Seeing Ao Cang’s eyes shining, Mi Fei couldn’t help but ask, “What the hell do you have in mind?”

Ao Cang smiled and said, “Isn’t it said outside that those black-armored demon races are very terrifying now? Since we’re going to make a move, we might as well make it bigger.

Fei Fei immediately understood, “Are you saying that we took the initiative to deal with those demon races?

Ao Cang nodded, “That’s right, since you want them to be afraid of those black-armored demon races like femme fatales, and we kill them, what do you say others will think of us?” ”

How else to look, of course, kneel down and worship.

However, Mi Fei was also worried, “With so many demon races, can we do it?”

Ao Cang laughed more confidently, “Didn’t you hear what Brother Gongsun said?” These demons are just small characters for us.

“Besides, it’s not just the two of us, but also the classmates.”

Just do it, Ao Cang and Qi Fei simply took the initiative to find Yan Hongyu, saying that they could take the initiative to deal with the cultivators of the Black Armored Demon Clan.

“Young Master Ao Cang, do you mean this?”

Yan Hongyu’s side was surprised and delighted.

The black-armored demon cultivators, like soldiers, rushed to kill in formation, like a sharp knife that opened the way, killing the Terran cultivators on their backs, allowing the Demon Cultivators who followed behind to drive straight in, causing huge casualties to the Terran cultivators.

Not only are their attacks terrifying, but even their defenses are extremely terrifying, and even long-range spell attacks are difficult to damage them.

Yan Hongyu was worried about how to deal with them.

Ao Cang and Mi Fei recommended themselves, and she couldn’t ask for it.

However, Yan Hongyu was also worried, “Can the two of you deal with them?”

Her gaze was skeptical, no way, Ao Cang and Mi Fei were bullied by Lu Shaoqing like angry little daughters-in-law, and her first impression was not a master.

I am afraid that I will be full of confidence and go up to send people’s heads, and then the blow to the morale of my own side will be devastating.

Ao Cang said proudly, “Don’t worry, the Demon Clan, with me waiting, my hand will come…”

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