Yan Hongyu was overjoyed in her heart, it was best to be like this.

Since you have faith, that’s a good thing.

Yan Hongyu said to Ao Cang, “Great, please leave everything to the two of you.”

“I’m going to tell everyone about it.”

Ao Cang and Qi Fei’s brows couldn’t help but frown.

Yan Hongyu’s careful thoughts, they can see it at a glance.

It’s good to win, but if you lose, the two will be scolded even worse by everyone.

However, Yan Hongyu also has her own reasons, she smiled delicately, “Now that everyone’s morale is low, it can just encourage everyone and boost morale.” ”


Ao Cang and Mi Fei secretly cursed in their hearts.

Having said that, the two can only win and cannot lose.

On the other hand, Yan Hongyu is using another way to get the two to contribute.

Soon, the news that Ao Cang, Qi Fei and the others were going to make a move spread throughout Huangcheng and reached the ears of all the cultivators.

The crowd was excited.

“Are the people from Zhongzhou Academy going to make a move?”

“Great, with their shot, we won.”

“I heard that Ao Cang Gongzi and Miss Qi Fei offered to deal with those demon clans wearing black spirit armor.”

“It is worthy of being from the Zhongzhou clan, with a strong sense of responsibility, unlike some coward, although the strength is strong, but cowardly as a rat, and escapes on the spot.”

“Yes, I greet his whole family…..”Knowing

that Ao Cang, Qi Fei and the others are about to make a move, the students of Zhongzhou Academy are going into battle, and the cultivators of Dongzhou have recovered their morale and raised their fighting spirit.

Soon, the Demon Race came.

The one who took the lead was still the black-armored demon cultivator, like a sharp knife, killing the Terrans.

The black armor, as if it came from a hell demon, exuded a terrifying aura.

It was like a black wave surging towards them, and the powerful sense of oppression made the Terran cultivators who saw the Demon Race for the first time shout in panic, “Demon, Demon Race! ”

The Demon Race is coming!”

“These demon races, look so terrible, are the demon races so terrible?”

Countless Terran cultivators looked solemn.

The black-armored demon cultivator is too strong.

Cultivators of the same realm often need two or three people to be able to deal with a black-armored demon clan, otherwise it is a unilateral slaughter.

Yan Hongyu’s gaze flickered, and her heart was under strong pressure.

These black-armored demon cultivators are a sharp knife of the demon race, as long as this sharp knife is removed, the Terran side will be much easier to fight.

This task was given to the students of Zhongzhou College.

There are thirty-seven students from Zhongzhou Academy who participated in the battle this time, although the number is small, but all of them are geniuses, and they are all in the Yuan Infant realm.

It was enough to deal with the black-armored demon cultivators.

The students of Zhongzhou Academy are not afraid of tigers, and many of them have long thought that they will meet the demon race.

Therefore, seeing the menacing demon race, feeling their strong breath, not only was not afraid, but the fighting spirit was high and the fighting spirit was agitated.

Ao Cang and Qi Fei originally thought that they would meet the demon race, but when they saw the menacing demon race, they suddenly felt great pressure.

The Demon Race side was menacing, and after seeing them closer, Yan Hongyu gave an order, and the formation on the Terran side attacked, and at the same time, the Terran cultivators took the initiative to attack.

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They bypassed the black-armored demon cultivators in front of them from a distance, allowing them to attack their own large array.

Their target was the ordinary demon race who followed behind the black-armored demon cultivator.

Thousands of people soon fought together, and the aura of misery pervaded.

In this way, the cultivators of the black-armored demon race were separated and became a lone army.

After Yan Hongyu saw that the time was ripe, with an order, the students of Zhongzhou Academy could attack.

“Haha, attack!”

“Demon Clan, look at my awesomeness!”

“Isn’t it just a few demons? Kill it! Mi

Fei did not take the lead, but carefully followed behind everyone.

The premise of killing the enemy is to protect yourself.

Soon, she met a demon race, dressed in black armor, revealing a pair of fierce eyes, staring at Qi Fei viciously, and the qi machine firmly locked on Qi Fei.

Mi Fei was furious, “You dare to trouble me during the Jiedan period?” With

a swing of the sword, the sword light roared, splitting this Jiedan cultivator in half.

In front of the cultivators of the Yuan Infancy Stage, even the cultivators of the Jiedan Stage could not resist no matter how strong they were.

With one sword, he killed a black-armored demon cultivator, and Mi Fei’s spirit was shocked, his morale was greatly boosted, and his confidence suddenly came up.

I thought how powerful it was, it turned out to be a product that was not useful.


After having confidence in his heart, Mi Fei was not careful, became bold, and was decisive to make a move.

Although her strength is not very strong, it also depends on who she compares.

Compared with Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi, it was incomparable at that time.

But compared with ordinary cultivators, Fei Fei is also an existence admired by ordinary cultivators.

Although the black armored cultivators of the demon race are very strong, they are all in the Jiedan stage, and in the face of the Yuan Infancy Stage, no matter how many of them are, they cannot be the opponent of the Qifei.

And as the students of Zhongzhou Academy made a move, the fierce black-armored cultivator was killed and suffered heavy losses.

Soon hundreds of people fell.

Seeing that the students of Zhongzhou Academy were so brave, the Terran side also shouted one after another, and their spirits were lifted.

“Well, with people from Zhongzhou joining, the demon clan is not a concern.”

“Or are they powerful, these are geniuses!”

“The demon race has kicked the iron plate this time, haha…” Yan

Hongyu and the others also showed a smile on their faces.

Although the Demon Race is strong, the Terrans are not without chance.

The students on the Zhongzhou College side laughed, “I thought it was so powerful.” So that’s the level?

“At this level, you dare to invade my Terrans? Act recklessly! ”

Mi Fei looked at the black armored demon race cultivator and only had this ability, although uniting together would cause him a little trouble, but it was only a little trouble.

The expression on Mi Fei’s face became more and more proud, “Is this enough?” Haha…”

It’s my turn to make a name for myself this time.

Kill these demons, and I will be the idol of these dirt buns.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly shouted, “Change formation!” ”

Hundred Saint Slayer Demon Slayer!”

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