There is no way, Yan Hongyu can only let Wen Cang make a move.

The status of a student at Zhongzhou College is not ordinary, and if she sees death and does not save it, she will be in big trouble.

Not to mention that it also includes Ao Cang and Mi Fei, the five families and three factions.

They can’t do anything.

At least nothing can happen right under her nose.

Wen Cang also knew this truth, did not refuse, the figure flashed, and came to the air.

With a flick of his sleeve, a powerful storm roared out.

The black-armored demon cultivators who besieged Ao Cang, Qi Fei and the others were suddenly struck by lightning.

They all fell down screaming, blood spurted wildly, and kept falling from the sky.

Even if they have a strange formation that can bring everyone’s power together.

However, their strength is always limited, and compared with the Avatar, the gap is too big.

Wen Cang only shot lightly, and it was like an autumn breeze sweeping away leaves, one by one, the black-armored demon cultivators fell and were injured, and their formation quickly collapsed.

Without the blessing of the formation, they could no longer compete with the students of Zhongzhou Academy.

The students who escaped from the trap were full of anger and murderousness.

I thought it was a hand-to-hand thing, but I almost lost my front hoof.

This face was lost to my grandmother’s house.

Ao Cang and Mi Fei showed their hideous looks.

If they can defeat the demon race in front of them, their reputation will reach the peak.

As a result, he almost capsized and had to be rescued.

The previous rhetoric became a joke.

Not to mention how depressed it is.

“Kill, kill them!”

The injured Ao Cang roared angrily, no matter how he looked at it, he had a look of anger and corruption.

If you don’t kill all these demon races today, how will you mix up in the future?

Also, Gongsun Ci of the Dog Day, the Demon Clan has this kind of formation?

Mi Fei’s face was even more frosty, and the long sword in his hand shot out fiercely, wanting to smash the corpse of the demon race in front of him into ten thousand pieces.

Wen Cang shook his head slightly, these little guys are still too tender.

Careless to suffer, afterwards angry to take revenge.

Forget it, let’s help them.

So that they do not suffer again.

Suffer a loss again, these little guys will not have the face to continue to stay here.

When Wen Cang was about to make a move, a cold snort suddenly came from the air.

The sound was not loud, but it was like thunder, making both sides of the battle stop.

A burly middle-aged man in a black shirt appeared, and he appeared in the sky with his hands on his back.

He looked ordinary, like an ordinary person.

However, real ordinary people can’t appear here.

Wen Cang felt the powerful power contained in this person’s body, and immediately looked at this person vigilantly.

“Demon Clan, Avatar!”

As soon as these words came out, the cultivators of the Terran suddenly felt numb in their scalps.

Until now, is the Avatar God of the Demon Race finally planning to make a move?

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The middle-aged man looked at Wen Cang coldly, and snorted coldly again, this time louder than just now.

It seemed to explode in everyone’s ears, and everyone’s faces changed greatly.

In their feelings, the middle-aged man changed from an ordinary person to a terrifying humanoid tyrannosaurus.

The terrifying power contained in the body, once it erupts, the whole world will be destroyed by him.

After this demon god appeared, someone in the demon race immediately shouted loudly, “Lord Rong Wei, it’s Lord Rong Wei!” This

was followed by the constant cheers of the demons.

“Haha, Lord Rong Wei also made a move, and this time we won.”

“Hehe, weak Terrans, how is it the opponent of Lord Rong Wei?”

“I can kill well this time, Terrans

, Terran…” Seeing the cheers of many demon races, Wen Cang felt great pressure in his heart.

Could it be that this demon race is powerful?

Wen Cang pointed at Rong Wei and shouted, “Demon Clan, Hugh is rampant!” This is Dongzhou, you are not allowed to be presumptuous!

Rong Wei’s gaze was withdrawn from the Zhongzhou student, staring at Wen Cang, making Wen Cang feel like he was being targeted by a tyrannosaurus.

“Weak, vile Terrans, damn it!”

Actually used the Yuan Infant to bully the Jiedan period, the Terrans, as rumored, were despicable and shameless.

Inferior races should not continue to exist.

Only our holy family can exist in this world and dominate the ancestral star.

After speaking, a big knife appeared in Rong Wei’s hand, flashing cold light, a knife intent burst out, and without saying a word, it was a knife against Wen Cang.

The sword light soared into the sky, and the powerful sword intent was pervasive, like a cold wind blowing, making the face of the human cultivator change wildly.

With this knife, the entire Yellow City will cease to exist.

Wen Cang’s face changed again, the other party’s realm was lower than him, but the strength that burst out made him feel threatened.

Wen Cang quickly sacrificed his weapon, a small tower.

With the infusion of spiritual power, a ray of light shot out from the tip of the seven-story small tower and collided violently with the sword light.

With a boom, the heavens and the earth trembled, and there seemed to be a twelve-level earthquake on the side of Huangcheng, and countless formations instantly shattered, destroyed, and caused an explosion again.

Countless cultivators sprayed blood and were injured in the shock wave of the two’s attack.

Yan Hongyu’s scalp was numb, and the power of the god was even more terrifying than expected.

According to this, it will not take long, and after a few rounds, Huangcheng is estimated to be in ruins.

Of course, the Terran side is not happy, and the Demon side is similar.

The nearest black-armored demon cultivator sprayed blood wildly and fell another batch.

Only about one-third of those who can stand remain.

In other words, Rong Wei himself killed a lot of his own people by the way.

However, both sides also know their own strength, and when they fight within this range, before the fight is finished, their own people will die first.

Therefore, the two sides had a tacit understanding to pull the battlefield away and disappear from everyone’s sight.

The two sides of the Terran Demon Race couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The god of transformation is too terrifying to provoke.

Ao Cang’s voice sounded again, “Kill, take the opportunity to kill these demon races.” ”

There are still about one-third of the Black Armored Demon Race cultivators left, and almost everyone is injured, this is a great opportunity.

Although the students of Zhongzhou were also injured in the impact just now, they hated the demon race in front of them, and it was difficult to dispel their hearts if they didn’t kill them.


Mi Fei took the lead, raising his long sword to strike.

And at this moment, another voice rose, “Alas, we can’t let you kill all our black-armored holy guards, otherwise, how can we explain to the holy lord…”

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