As the voice fell, another demon god appeared.

Everyone’s scalp is numb, this person is dressed in white, seemingly flowing like the wind, dashing, with a faint smile on his face, but a feminine gaze in his eyes, revealing a cruel meaning.

“The black-armored Saint Guard who wants to kill us?”


Then he waved his hand coldly, and a cold breath came down towards Ao Cang, Mi Fei and the others.

The icy aura almost froze their souls, making them immobile.

Ao Cang, Mi Fei and other Zhongzhou students were about to be scared to death.

Is it so big today?

Fortunately, a gentle force appeared and helped them block the attack.

Another incarnation of the Terrans appears.

“Demon Clan, Hugh is presumptuous!”

Ao Cang, Qi Fei and the others retreated as soon as possible, not planning to kill the cultivator of the Black Armored Demon Clan.

Shout out one avatar at a time, who can stand it.

The black armored cultivators of the Demon Race were the same, and they also retreated one after another at the first time.

At the same time, the Terran and Demon cultivators who were fighting in the distance also retreated, and both sides retreated separately.

The Avatar God Boss came out, and there was nothing wrong with these low-level cultivators of them.

Even if you want to fight, you have to wait until the big guys finish fighting.

But by then, the big guys will divide the victory and defeat, and the battle will come to an end.

Whichever side loses the gods, which side dies.

The white-clothed god of the demon race smiled, “Since it is out, everyone should not hide it, and directly decide the victory.” ”

Come out.”

One after another, figures with a powerful aura appeared.

“Six, six avatars!”

When the Terran cultivator saw clearly that there were a total of six Avatar Gods in the Demon Race, everyone’s scalp was numb.

Coupled with the previous Rong Wei, they had a total of seven Avatar Gods.

So many avatars shot together, not to mention Huangcheng, even if it is thousands of miles around, a hundred thousand li will collapse and turn into a ruin.

However, what makes the Terrans feel at ease is that the Demon Race has a Transformation God, and there are also Terrans here.

And the number of Terrans is the same, excluding Wen Cang, who are also six gods, forming a one-on-one situation.

Many avatars appeared, everyone did not talk nonsense, each found their own opponent and began to fight.

Even if the Avatar God pulled the battlefield far away and high, both the Terran and the Demon Race felt a strong sense of oppression.

The whole heaven and earth fell into a terrifying tremor, constantly shaking, landslides one after another, rivers churning and pouring, the ground cracking, constantly appearing cracks, cracks constantly expanding.

The battle between the Terrans and the Demon Race is like the war between good and evil, the collision of positive and anti, the terrifying aura is intertwined, and the sky shakes, like the end of the world.

The cultivators of the Terran and Demon Races were all worried, lest the bigwigs would collapse this piece of heaven and earth.

Avatar made a move, even if it was in the Yuan Infancy stage, he could not intervene, and everyone could only wait nervously for the outcome of the battle between the two sides.

On the Terran side, Yan Hongyu, as the leader of the alliance, was in a nervous mood, a pair of jade hands full of sweat, nervously looking at the sky and looking into the distance.

Things have come to this point, and we can only wait for the results of the battle on both sides.

However, as time passed, the faces on the Terran side began to become solemn.

The situation is not friendly to humanity.

The body of the demon race is extremely strong, the skin is rough and thick, and it has an invisible layer of thick defense compared to the human race.

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And in terms of strength, the Terrans are not as good as the Demon Race.

After arriving at the Avatar God, the advantage of the Demon Race will be further amplified.

After all, the Terrans pay more attention to spell cultivation, and the strength of the flesh is enough.

Except for physical cultivation, not many people are willing to work the flesh.

Even if the Terran God is also a person who has the means, but in the face of the Demon Race God they are also under pressure.

On long-range bombardment, they do not take much advantage.

And in close combat, they are directly in the inferiority.

In other words, the Terrans are biased towards mages, and the Demon are biased towards the Demon Warriors.

From the beginning of the battle, the Terran gods quickly sensed the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, and they attacked from a long distance.

Avoid fighting demons as carefully as possible.

Therefore, the Terran side fights harder, and from time to time it is necessary to move in position, and it is necessary to control the distance to prevent themselves from being approached by the Demon Race.

Finally, fighting, fighting, the Terran God inevitably fell into the downwind.

The situation is moving in a direction that is unfavorable to the Terran Gods.

On the Huangcheng side, everyone looked at Yan Hongyu.

“Alliance master, we have to quickly find a way.”

“Yes, otherwise several seniors are dangerous.”

The Terran cultivators could see that according to this situation, there was a high chance that the Terran God would lose.

Yan Hongyu looked into the distance, her gaze was leisurely, her expression was calm, she shook her head and said, “I believe that all seniors, everyone should be calm.” ”

I lean! Believe?

Do you believe it can be eaten as a meal?

Many people are dissatisfied.

What does the alliance owner eat?

At the critical moment, it is up to the alliance owner to find a way.

There is no way, it can only be said to be a rice bucket alliance master.

Immediately, some people expressed their dissatisfaction.

“Alliance Master, now that you say there is no way, what should we all do?”

“Yes, alliance master, the demon race is fierce, you have to prepare for the worst.”

“You were the leader of the alliance, and you didn’t leave a little backhand?”

“You don’t want to do anything right now, when will you have to wait?”

The situation is not good, everyone’s pressure is increasing, the pressure is high, naturally vent their anger on Yan Hongyu.

Now everyone is still polite, really to the last step, the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Yan family have to be greeted countless times.

Yan Hongyu did not speak, and seemed to acquiesce to this fact.

This made everyone even more angry.

Rice bucket.

Just when everyone was angry, a voice suddenly sounded, “In this situation, even if Zhi Duoxing is reincarnated, there is no way. When

everyone looked back, they saw a bloody Ao Cang on his clothes.

It turned out to be a guy who didn’t look good.

Many Dongzhou cultivators secretly disdained in their hearts.

Ao Cang also noticed these gazes, and hated it in his heart, damn it, he must find the field this time.

Therefore, he endured the pain, did not care about healing, came to everyone and pointed at Yan Hongyu, “She has no way, I have…”

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