Hearing Duanmu Qingtian’s screams, everyone was overjoyed.

Someone also deliberately said to Qi Fei, “Mi Fei girl, you see, Duanmu Old Thief is not Zhai Senpai’s opponent at all.

“We can sit back and relax.”

Qi Fei’s face was difficult to see.

In his heart, he even scolded Duanmu Qingtian for not giving strength, so wasteful dares to learn people to come out and be arrogant?

What a damn bastard!

At this moment, Mi Fei desperately hoped that Duanmu Qingtian would give him strength.

Yan Hongyu and the others also showed happy expressions, Zhai Bingzhou defeated Duanmu, and then went to support the others. In this way, the Terrans won.

The situation returned to the same as before, and there was one more Avatar on the Terran side, and the situation was very good.

However, before everyone could rejoice, the injured Duanmu Qingtian shouted in panic, “Lord, help, help!”

Everyone was stunned, and a voice sounded, “What a waste!” Then

a powerful aura erupted, like an invisible air explosion, instantly tearing the heavens and the earth.

Everyone felt as if the sky was torn apart and the sky was about to collapse.

Several Terran gods fighting in the distance snorted one after another, and they were all disturbed, and then the opponent took the opportunity to enter.

In a few rounds, they all sprayed blood wildly and retreated.

“Refine, refine the void!”

Someone exclaimed, bitter and terrified.

As soon as these words came out, many Terran cultivators were already covering their chests and were about to fall.

Today’s various reversals, wave after wave, make people’s mood rise and fall like a roller coaster, and people with weaker hearts can no longer stand it.

The Terrans finally gained the advantage, and now a demon race in the refining period appeared.

It’s a fart like this.

There is hope, then despair, so that few people can stand it.

There was a refining period, and several Avatar Gods of the Terran race had no intention of fighting.

They used all kinds of means to force their opponents back and quickly fled.

Several Avatar Gods fled here without looking back, and the Demon Race of the Refining Period appeared, and they felt desperate.

Pessimistic that no one can resist the footsteps of the demon race this time.

Of the several avatars who appeared on the Terran side, only Zhai Bingzhou and Wen Cang retreated to Huangcheng, and the other avatars all fled.

The many cultivators in Huangcheng showed a desperate expression, who could resist the demon race in the refining period?

Ao Cang, Mi Fei and the others are also desperate, doesn’t it mean that the direction of the offensive power of the demon race over there in Yanzhou? Why is there still a refining period?

What about the refining period in Dongzhou?

Someone shouted in panic, “What to do? ”

What else can I do?

Everyone showed bitterness, and many people looked at Yan Hongyu.

Yan Hongyu was also bitter, and her heart was also desperate.

Now, even she can’t do anything.

Things have come to this point, what can be done except wait for death?

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The strong pressure made Fang Xiao couldn’t help but sigh, “If only Lu Gongzi were still here.” ”

Lu Shaoqing is a person who can give people a full sense of security, and Fang Xiao believes that even the refining period of the demon race is not his opponent.

Fang Xiao’s words immediately resonated with many people, and everyone felt hopeless, and many people simply pointed the finger at Ao Cang, Mi Fei and others.

“If it weren’t for you, how would that prince have left?”

It’s clear that it’s about to dump the pot.

Ao Cang is furious, he wants to back the pot?

You dirt bags were also very happy when he left.

He shouted unpleasantly, “Guan Laozi’s, it’s him who ran timidly.” ”

Before driving Lu Shaoqing away, Ao Cang and Mi Fei also felt that there was not much problem.

After all, the intelligence received has always said that the main direction of the demon race’s attack is Yanzhou.

Here in Dongzhou, it is just a small group of demons harassing, and there will not be too many masters.

The demon race did not play cards according to common sense, and sent the existence of the refining period here.

Someone asked Yan Hongyu, “Alliance Master, did Lu Gongzi really leave?”

“Is he going to joke with you?”

Yan Hongyu shook her head, “As far as I know, Lu Gongzi did leave Dongzhou.

These words made the expressions of despair on everyone’s faces even worse, and the last bit of hope was gone.

Many people looked at Ao Cang and the others angrily, and once again aimed the spearhead at Ao Cang and his party, “Blame them, otherwise we would not have such a desperate situation.”

“Yes, that’s right, the people of Dongzhou are arrogant.”

Ao Cang, Qi Fei and the others were half dead, and they were angry in their hearts.

But at the same time, they also regretted a little in their hearts, knowing that they would not do these things at that time.

However, it is too late to say anything.

They could only watch as the demon army surrounded them, and the Terran side did not even dare to send troops.

The eight Avatar Gods, including Duanmu Qingtian, appeared in front of them with a sneer, unscrupulously exuding their powerful aura.

The aura roared, the wind danced wildly, and the powerful aura plunged the entire city into a terrifying wave.

The powerful spiritual power constantly impacted the defense of Huangcheng, and the defensive formation constantly emitted white light and faltered.

All the Terrans felt like a boat that could be overturned at any moment.

“Are we going to die?” Some people were terrified, and their souls were trembling.

Just when everyone felt that the sky was about to fall, a figure slowly appeared in front of Huang Cheng and appeared in front of everyone.

The burly figure, tall and powerful middle-aged man, the breath on his body is indifferent and ordinary, but it is impossible to ignore.

His gaze swept over gently, and everyone’s breathing seemed to be stagnant.

The invisible and powerful sense of oppression made the Race cultivator banner dare not breathe more.

The eight Avatar Gods immediately converged their breath, bowed their heads slightly in front of the whole person, showed a respectful expression, and shouted in unison, “Lord Han Zhang!”

The Demon Race cultivators in the distance also shouted in unison, “I have seen Lord Han Zhang!” ”

The voice roared, mighty, stirring between heaven and earth.

The cultivators on the Terran side turned pale, and with such a high morale, even if they fought, they would not be able to defeat the Demon Clan.

Han Zhang carried his hands behind his back, and his eyes revealed a deep coldness, exuding the strength and terror of the superior.

After giving enough pressure on the Terran side, he slowly spoke, “Lu Shaoqing, where is it…”

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