Han Zhang’s voice was flat, but full of domineering.

Everyone also understood that he was coming towards Lu Shaoqing, and the others were not put in his eyes.

No one dared to speak, not even Zhai Bingzhou and Wen Cang, who were incarnated gods, did not dare to speak easily.

Han Zhang is a dimensionality reduction blow for them, and once it strikes against them, they will not be their opponents together.

Finally, seeing that no one spoke, Han Zhang’s brows furrowed, and he snorted coldly unpleasantly, “Cowardly humans like rats, are you all deaf?” The

sound was like thunder, shaking everyone’s blood and qi, and some weak people vomited blood on the spot.

It is no exaggeration to say that Han Zhang, who is in the realm of refining voids, does not even have to make a move, just snort a few times coldly, and he can make Huangcheng disappear.

At the critical moment, it was Yan Hongyu who stood up.

She summoned up enough courage, suppressed the fear in her heart, took a few steps forward, and faced Han Zhang, “Senior, Young Master Lu has already left here. ”

Left?” Han Zhang’s brows suddenly furrowed.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing leave here, although he didn’t say much, everyone had a feeling that Han Zhang seemed to have become disappointed.

After a few breaths, he looked at the Terrans who were looking at him nervously, and said lightly, “Surrender, I can be the master and spare your lives.” The

few avatars next to him seemed to want to say something, but finally closed their mouths.

As soon as Han Zhang’s words came out, many people’s hearts were shocked, some people showed bitterness and anger, but there were also many people whose eyes flashed and their hearts moved.

Although Yan Hongyu felt great pressure, she had a firm expression and shook her head to Han Zhang, “Senior, please forgive me.”

Han Zhang was slightly surprised, “Aren’t you afraid of death?” ”

Yan Hongyu is also dozens of years old, for Han Zhang, he is just a child, and he is still a girl.

In the face of him, he showed a look of not being afraid of death, which is really rare.

Yan Hongyu smiled slightly, her smile was quite miserable and tragic, “Even if you are afraid, there are some things that you can’t do, can’t you?”

“It’s impossible to put down your dignity and grovel to be a dog because you’re afraid of death, right?”

These words deeply stung Duanmu Qingtian, his face turned red, and he couldn’t help but drink angrily, “Smelly girl, it is your honor to allow you to surrender, don’t be ignorant.”

Yan Hongyu didn’t even bother to look at Duanmu Qingtian.

If it were not for this traitor, the situation would not have been so bad.

Han Zhang frowned and said displeased, “I speak, when will it be your turn to interject?” With

a cold snort, Duanmu Qingtian instantly hit hard, and blood sprayed from his mouth.

He lowered his head in horror and did not dare to say a word.

But the resentment in his eyes could not be concealed.

He was looked down upon by his former kindred, became a dog, and the dog owner was not good for him.

Don’t let me find an opportunity.

Afterwards, Han Zhang said to Yan Hongyu again, “You can think clearly, if you don’t agree, all the people here will die.” ”

Countless people trembled in their hearts. Some people want to open their mouths and let the eyes blush not make decisions for others casually.

Yan Hongyu still shook her head firmly, “Only one death.” Seeing

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this, Han Zhang didn’t say much, persuading him in his capacity was already very face-giving, and Yan Hongyu didn’t give face. If he continued to persuade, it would be very cheap.

He turned around and said, “Let’s do it.” Several

Demon Transformation Gods, including Duanmu Qingtian, couldn’t help but get excited.

Although the current defense line of the Terrans looks very spectacular and majestic, for the Avatar, it only takes a little labor cost to completely destroy it.

The white-clothed god of the demon race laughed, his voice was soft, and he spit out snake letters like a poisonous snake, “Haha, Terrans, Lord Han gave you a chance if you don’t take it, don’t blame us.”

“Today, you all have to die here and use your blood to announce the return of our holy family.”

The other avatars also laughed, and everyone’s eyes revealed fierceness and cruelty.


they laughed loudly, recklessly exuding their breath.

The powerful coercion continued to impact Huangcheng, and Huangcheng’s defensive formation continued to shine.

Many Terran cultivators even heard the clicking sound of the Dharma Array, and under the coercion of the Avatar God, the Dharma Array would collapse at any time.

The sky is falling.

Countless people are desperate.

At this time, Duanmu Qingtian smiled and said to the several Avatars around him, “A few adults, leave this matter to me.”

“Kill them, why dirty the hands of several adults?”

A lackey should have the consciousness of a lackey.

Duanmu Qingtian’s performance made several demon gods very satisfied.

“Not bad,” the white-robed demon god nodded in satisfaction, “In that case, I’ll leave it to you.”

Although it was a satisfied tone, his gaze staring at Duanmu Qingtian was full of contempt and disdain.

After getting permission, the killing intent in Duanmu Qingtian’s heart skyrocketed, making his whole person become distorted.

He took a step and came to the sky above Huangcheng, and everyone’s eyes stared at Duanmu Qingtian in shock and anger.

Traitors are often more hateful than enemies.

At the same time, traitors will kill their compatriots more ruthlessly than enemies.

Duanmu Qingtian looked fiercely at the Yellow City and the continuous camp below, and there were already cultivators of the human race who had secretly escaped.

Faced with such a situation, no one believes that there is still a miracle.

Morale dropped, morale was lost, and fear led them to deserters.

“Hmph!” Duanmu Qingtian snorted coldly, and then gathered all his strength and slapped Huang Cheng fiercely.

Although he was injured, the strength he exerted was not something that ordinary people could compete with.

The powerful spiritual power roared down, like Mount Tai pressing down, and all the formations in Huangcheng burst out of light madly, intending to resist Duanmu Qingtian’s palm under the urging of the cultivator.

The difference in strength was huge, and in the end, countless rays of light were extinguished, the formation continued to collapse, and the cultivators continued to vomit blood and fall.


With a loud bang, the defense that the Terrans had spent a lot of energy to arrange was easily destroyed by Duanmu Qingtian’s palm.

The powerful power caused many low-level cultivators to turn into a cloud of blood mist in a scream…

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