“Come on a little identity, don’t come over the low-level cultivator, otherwise I don’t blame me for letting my junior sister go.”

Facing the demon race, Lu Shaoqing also looks like he can kill people.

Ao Cang below gritted his teeth and was very unhappy, “Arrogant, do you really think you are invincible?”

“The other party also has a refining period.”

The strength of the demon race is very strong, and under the same realm, the odds of victory of the demon race are very large.

Qi Fei was also very upset, and wanted to beat him up when he looked at it like that, “Bastard, so arrogant, he didn’t take us people to heart at all.”

“Now that the Demon Race has the upper hand here, when the fight starts, he is dragged down, who can resist so many masters?”

Mi Fei’s words resonated with the people around her.

Indeed, now on the Terran side, even if Xiao Yi is added, there are only three Avatar Gods, and the other party has seven Avatar Gods in addition to Duanmu Qingtian.

The difference in numbers is too great.

Qi Fei was right, the situation was not favorable for the Terrans.

“Yes, you should be polite, after all, the situation is not good.”

“The demon race has a bad temper, I am afraid that he will easily provoke the demon race like this.”

“Alas, big trouble.”

Many people have opinions in their hearts, and some people whisper out to express their dissatisfaction.

However, what they didn’t find was that since Lu Shaoqing appeared, the Demon Race’s avatars were like great enemies, and they all stared at Lu Shaoqing vigilantly.

Even the other Demon Race cultivators were secretly filled with a sense of nervousness.

After seeing it for a while, still no one made a sound, Lu Shaoqing was dissatisfied, “Why, no one has come yet?”

“Are you all deaf?”

“That’s how the Holy Lord taught you to be polite?”

Seeing that there was no movement on the Demon Race’s side, and no one spoke, Ao Cang whispered again, “Look, the Demon Race is so angry that they don’t want to talk to him.”

Fei echoed, “Who wants to talk to him?” It is estimated that the demon race is already brewing to kill.

“Although he is in the refining period, the demon race also looks down on him.”

At this moment, Han Zhang, who had disappeared, reappeared, carrying his hands on his back, as if he had come out of the void.

“Lu Gongzi, long admired the daimyo!”

The attitude is gentle and courteous, and the arrogant and disdainful appearance that he treated everyone just now.

Lu Shaoqing was suspicious, and looked at Han Zhang, “You know me?”

Han Zhang smiled, his smile was gentle, so that many humans subconsciously forgot his identity as a demon race, and his attitude was surprisingly good, “The name of Gongzi has already spread throughout the cold star.

“For thousands of years, what Gongzi did, the first person in the world.”

In the thousands of years since the Holy Land was established, it is not that no one has made trouble in the Holy Land, but it is still the first person to do it like Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was depressed for a moment, and then cursed, “Holy Lord King Baegg, he forced me.” ”

Smash me like a smash, this shame, must be returned.”

Then, he sighed again, but he didn’t expect that he was already a star in the demon world.

Celebrities are not good, should I practice signing at that time?

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing actually talked and laughed with Han Zhang, Han Zhang, a powerful figure of the Demon Race Refining Void Period, had a surprisingly good attitude towards Lu Shaoqing.

The Terran cultivators in the distance were all dumbfounded.

How does it look as if two friends are reunited, talking and laughing?

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Ao Cang and Mi Fei glanced at each other, and the two black fans felt that something was wrong.

Two guys seem to know each other?

Ao Cang expanded his voice and deliberately let the people around him hear, “How, this bastard knows the people of the Demon Clan?

The same is true of Fei Fei, “Shouldn’t you collude with the demon race?”

“Otherwise, why did the Demon Clan attack Dongzhou and not go to Qizhou?”

When you can button your hat, you must button it.

Surrounded by cultivators from Dongzhou, when they heard this, their faces quietly changed, and their gazes looking at Lu Shaoqing became different.

Ao Cang and Mi Fei noticed the strange appearance of the people around them, and a smile appeared on their faces.

Black death you bastard.

And at this moment, Han Zhang’s voice came over, “I didn’t expect that Gongzi’s means were so good that he easily wiped out the team sent by our Holy Family to Qizhou.”

“Dozens of Yuan Babies and several Avatar Gods have died, and there is also one of the Sword Family, which gives us a headache here.”

Lu Shaoqing flatly denied it, “Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t do this, I guess someone saw them unfavorably and wiped it out.”

“Invaders, everyone is punished!”

Even three-year-olds don’t believe this.

Han Zhang shook his head slightly, his smile remained unchanged, still gentle, like a kind uncle, “Gongzi, you killed them and showed your strength, you are warning us, let’s not attack Qizhou, right?”

“It is said that your sect is in Qizhou?”

Lu Shaoqing simply admitted, spread his hands, and looked indifferent, “Well, you said yes, how?” Want to avenge them?

Han Zhang’s words made Ao Cang and Mi Fei’s smile disappear.

The hat just now can’t be buttoned.

If you collude with the Demon Clan, you will not destroy a team of the Demon Clan.

Moreover, the previous rumors are self-defeating.

Only then did many Dongzhou cultivators know that they had wronged Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing did not care about Qizhou, the people had already destroyed the Demon Race, and after making the Demon Race afraid to attack Qizhou, they came to Dongzhou to help.

“We have all wronged Gongzi!”

“Gongzi is righteous, I am ashamed.”

“Gongzi is an anti-demon hero, I actually slandered Gongzi, it’s hateful…”

“Gongzi is unparalleled in the world, I and other villains have the heart of a gentleman, and misunderstood Gongzi.”

“The person who spreads the rumors is really damned, I greet his ancestors for eighteen generations

…” “Yes, the rumor-mongering people deserve to die…” The

faces of Ao Cang and Mi Fei suddenly turned black as carbon, and they had the heart to kill.

What a damn bunch of wallheads.

Country dirt buns.

What made Ao Cang and Qi Fei even more depressed was that the other students of Zhongzhou Academy looked at them strangely.

So angry that the two gritted their teeth.

Damn it.

If they knew that Lu Shaoqing had done this kind of thing in Qi Prefecture, they would definitely have to change the content of the rumors.

Now the two of them don’t want to hold their anger in their hearts.

Above the sky, Lu Shaoqing and Han Zhang were talking and laughing, and suddenly, Han Zhang glanced around, stretched out his hand, isolated the outside world, and at the same time covered the figures of the two…

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