The two disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly became vigilant, made a guarded gesture, and said to Han Zhang, “What are you going to do?”

“Want to fight in broad daylight? What a system! Lu Shaoqing also took a step back, “You demon clans can let go, I can’t take this mouthful.” Han

Zhang wanted to spit blood, no wonder his old friend said before he came that this kid could kill people.

He smiled bitterly and said, “Gongzi, Fu Yun and I are friends.

“So it is.”

To Han Zhang’s surprise, Lu Shaoqing was not the slightest bit strange, but nodded as a matter of course.

Logically speaking, Lu Shaoqing is in the Holy Land, and the relationship with Fuyun is not bad, and he still has the grace of teaching Fuyun’s two apprentices.

I was surprised to suddenly meet a friend who called himself Fuyun here.

And Lu Shaoqing’s performance seemed to have been expected.

He couldn’t help but speak, “Gongzi, don’t you feel surprised?

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “What’s so strange, Fu Yun is also an elder of your holy land, all the incarnations of Hanxing have been trained in the holy land, and Fuyun has become friends with you, what’s strange?”

That’s true, but it’s hard to be convincing.

“Gongzi, there are many gods in the Holy Land, and not everyone is Fuyun’s friend.”

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing explained again, “In Qi Prefecture, your demon race can’t wait to slaughter our Terran race.

“And here, you actually allowed the Terrans to surrender on a large scale, which is obviously contrary to the order you are carrying out now.”

“If I’m not mistaken, you and Elder Rui and Fu Yun are in the same group, right? Therefore, you are Fu Yun’s friend, which anyone with a little brain can guess. ”

Lu Shaoqing has been to the Holy Land and has contacted many people, knowing that there are two factions in the Holy Land.

Hawks and doves.

The Holy Lord is a hawk, while Elder Rui is a dove.

This time, the methods of the demon race are fierce, cruel, and large-scale killing, as if they want to exterminate the human race.

The Terrans can have surrenders, but large-scale certainly not allowed.

When Han Zhang heard this, his face changed slightly, and he could probably guess it based on this alone?

Isn’t that too thoughtful?

Then Lu Shaoqing smiled, “It seems that I guessed correctly, just right, I have something to ask you.”

Han Zhang was stunned again, and then laughed as well, “It just so happens that I also have something to tell Gongzi.”

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other, and immediately looked at each other and smiled, Han Zhang made a gesture of invitation, “Gongzi, you ask first, except for confidential information, I can tell Gongzi everything I know.” Although

Lu Shaoqing turned the Holy Land upside down, Elder Rui and these people did not regard him as an enemy.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t have a polite relationship with Han Zhang, and asked directly, “Holy Lord, this bastard, what is he going to do?” ”

This is what Lu Shaoqing wants to know, this large-scale killing of the demon race is not like the style of the Holy Lord.

And the Holy Lord must have done this for his purpose.

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Only by understanding the purpose of the Holy Lord can we sleep peacefully.

After a pause, Lu Shaoqing put forward his own speculation, “Could it be that the Holy Lord who poked me before hanging?” Have you changed to a new Holy Lord?

“Such a happy thing, can’t you make a long-distance call to inform me?” Make me happy and happy? Really not enough friends.

Listening to Lu Shaoqing’s words, Han Zhang could only show a wry smile, “Actually, this matter is exactly what I want to tell Gongzi.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, not understanding Han Zhang’s words, “What do you mean?”

Han Zhangzhi said, “The Holy Lord’s behavior is unusual, and he gave the order to slaughter the Terrans to those who set out for me and others.

“Ask us to set off a bloody storm in the land of the three states, and use the blood of the Terrans to stain the land red.”

“The Holy Lord’s statement to us is to deter the Terrans, but we do not believe this.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, there was no need to shock the Terrans so quickly.

The heels are not firm, and the shock is a hair, and then it will only attract more enemies.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “You asked him directly, you are in the refining period, you can also face the saint if you are a villain, right?”

Han Zhang smiled bitterly, “Who dares to ask?

Lu Shaoqing immediately despised, “This can’t work, the Holy Lord is engaged in dictatorship like this, eating jujube pills.”

“If he doesn’t say, him and remove him from his position.”

“The demon race belongs to everyone, not him alone.”

Han Zhang continued to smile bitterly, looking a little helpless, if only things were so easy.

However, Lu Shaoqing was very strange, “What are you telling me these for?”

“Shouldn’t I help you find the answer?”

Seeing Han Zhang nodding, Lu Shaoqing despised, “Your face is so big, you want to be beautiful.”

Han Zhang said solemnly, “I was entrusted by Elder Rui to come to you and tell you about this.

“Elder Rui said you can find the reason.”

“My day!” Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes, he was almost copied by Elder Rui, “Her apprentice still owes me 200,000 spirit stones. ”

She trusts me so much?”

After Lu Shaoqing finished speaking, he confidently ruffled his hair, “Alas, handsome, no way.” ”

People are handsome, and they are easy to be trusted.

This world, indeed, eats by face.

Han Zhang’s head is full of black lines, Elder Rui can be your old ancestor.

He simply ignored Lu Shaoqing’s narcissism, and then told Lu Shaoqing some information, but this information Lu Shaoqing knew from Miao Ya, and there was not much difference.

Most of the demon races who came to the thirteen states here were the forces of other cities, and the true masters of the Holy Land did not move.

Lu Shaoqing guessed a wave on the spot, “Shouldn’t it be thinking of letting you people kill people to make your reputation stink, and then the people of the Holy Land will come out to clean up the mess, and then push the charge of murder to you, slaughter you, and take the opportunity to close a wave of people’s hearts.” ”

Lying groove, this may be very large,” Lu Shaoqing said to Han Zhang after guessing, “I think this is very likely.” You are very dangerous, come and come, hurry up and resist, revolt, abandon the darkness and turn to the light, we Terrans welcome you here.

Han Zhang waved his hand expressionlessly, lifted the barrier, and let the figures of the two reappear in front of everyone…

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