Lu Shaoqing praised Ao Cang and Qi Fei, making both of them angry that their teeth were almost crushed.

Instead, they hoped that Lu Shaoqing would beat them up, and beating them would be good for them.

But Lu Shaoqing was too cunning, not beating people, but praising them, such an operation made them so disgusting that they almost vomited as if they had eaten overnight dinner.

“Damn. Damn bastard, I definitely won’t spare him! After returning to his residence, Mi Fei slammed a table and roared angrily, “My life is not over with him!” Ao

Cang also hated it, “That’s right, I definitely want to kill him in this life!” ”

Both of them are the proud sons of heaven, when have they been disgusted like this.

They only hated that their strength was not enough, otherwise they would definitely kill Lu Shaoqing.

Mi Fei said to Ao Cang, “Hurry up and think of a way.” I’m going to clean up this bastard, I’m going to kill him. ”

Mi Fei doesn’t want to wait for a quarter of an hour, she just wants to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Where is Ao Cang, what good way is there?

The only way he thought of was, “Do you want to ask the masters of the clan to kill him?” ”

Lu Shaoqing is too strong, and no one in the younger generation of the five families and three factions is his opponent.

Not to mention his opponent, even Xiao Yi has few people who can beat her.

Ao Cang’s method made Mi Fei’s face ugly, “Unless the ancestors make a move, who can beat him?”

“Have you forgotten what happened before?”

Ao Cang was silent, he covered his chest, and felt a little sick.

It was not that he had not sent someone to deal with Lu Shaoqing before.

The Qi family’s Ao Beiluo, the Ao family’s Ao Changdao, Ao Monk, and the three major masters went out to chase and kill Lu Shaoqing.

The result?

The Qi family and the Ao family could not even recover their ashes.

Like if their family wanted to deal with Lu Shaoqing, they had to refine the void period, or even make a stronger shot.

However, even they don’t know if there is such a presence in their family.


Ao Cang also felt very distressed.

“Can’t there be a way to deal with him?”

Just as his words fell, a figure appeared in front of them.

The two were shocked at first, and after seeing the person coming clearly, they couldn’t help but be surprised, “Gongsun Ci?!” ”

The person who came was Gongsun Ci, Gongsun Ci’s face was pale, and his breath was not very good.

Ao Cang couldn’t help but ask, “Are you all right?” Gongsun

Ci’s face was as if he had crawled out of a pit, it was difficult to see the extreme, and there was an aura of hatred inside and out.

“Damn old thing, I definitely won’t spare him!”

When I came here, I was going to appear at a critical time to earn some face for the Gongsun family.

As a result, he was attacked by someone and made a joke.

“What’s wrong now?”

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After Gongsun Ci was attacked by the sneak attack, he fled to heal his wounds.

After the injury stabilized, he secretly came back, intending to see what the situation was.

However, after returning, he found that the demon race had retreated.

After understanding what happened from Ao Cang and Mi Fei, Gongsun Ci’s expression was not a little better, it was still so ugly.

From this point of view, it is Lu Shaoqing who is really in the limelight.

Gongsun Ci did not have the slightest good impression of Lu Shaoqing.

Being so young is so much stronger than him, it is impossible not to be jealous.

Gongsun Ci said hatefully, “Damn, why is he so strong?

Ao Cang couldn’t help sighing, equally hated, “That’s right, it’s too strong, we can’t deal with him.”

“He is so powerful that even the demon race is full of jealousy of him.”

As soon as he said this, Gongsun Ci suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and drank lowly, “It’s not right!

Ao Cang and Mi Fei looked at each other, and then looked at Gongsun Ci curiously, “What’s the problem?” Gongsun

Ci sneered, “Don’t you think his relationship with the Demon Clan is too good?”

“I suspect their relationship is not normal.”

As soon as these words came out, Ao Cang seemed to understand something a little, “You mean to say?”

“If the demon clan is afraid of him, they don’t have to be so polite to him, and they don’t have to secretly hide from others to discuss something.”

“The Terrans and the Demon Race are opposites, the relationship is so good, there is only one possibility, they are a gang!”

Gongsun Ci’s eyes glowed dangerously, and as soon as these words came out, Ao Cang and Mi Fei were immediately extremely surprised.

“That’s right, the relationship is too abnormal.” Qi Fei shouted, “That demon race in the refining period was too polite to him.

Ao Cang perked up, and instantly thought of the name of the hat that he was ready to give to Lu Shaoqing, “He has collusion with the Demon Clan, and he is a traitor of the Demon Race in our place.

“No wonder he has such a strong strength at a young age, he must have the support of the Demon Clan, otherwise how can he be more powerful than the people of our five families and three factions?”

Qi Fei smashed another table and shouted excitedly, “Great, pass the news back and let the five families and three factions discuss how to deal with this demon traitor.”

Ao Cang couldn’t help but praise Gongsun Ci, “Brother Gongsun is really smart, no worse than Gongsun Lie’s son.

Gongsun Ci snorted and said proudly, “I’m no worse than him.”

However, he also reminded the two, “This matter will be passed back and let the clan make decisions, and their experience is experienced.”

“If you want to deal with Lu Shaoqing, you have to find the best opportunity to strike, kill with one blow, so that he can never live beyond life…” On Lu Shaoqing’s side, Lu Shaoqing

took Xiao Yi and Yin Qi to find a place to live again.

After Lu Shaoqing came here, he was very satisfied with the environment here, although Huangcheng was crushed by Duanmu Qingtian’s palm, but some places were still preserved, Lu Shaoqing found a place, lay down directly, and sighed comfortably, “Hey, stay here for a while and go back, so as not to let the head say that I don’t do business.”

Xiao Yi pouted, looking very unhappy, “Second Senior Brother, why don’t you let me kill that old fellow?” ”

If you don’t do it, you will be a lackey and mutilate your companions.”

Such people deserve to be killed.

“You were so weak that you almost had no strength to walk, how could you kill? I feel sorry for you, besides, God has the virtue of a good life.

Yin Qi immediately despised, “Nonsense, then it’s not the same if you let the demon race kill?”

“Hey, the demons’ hands and ours are two different things. At least if the demon clan kills him, it can better deter other people who want to be dogs…”

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