Lu Shaoqing’s words made the two women understand immediately.

The Demon Race killed Duanmu Qingtian, so that some wavering Terrans discouraged the idea of becoming lackeys.

Well, the second senior brother did things thoughtfully, which was not what he could imagine.

Xiao Yi was not angry anymore, she rolled her eyes, and felt that it was more important to satisfy her curiosity.

She immediately showed a grinning expression, leaned in and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, what did you talk about hiding with that person from the Demon Clan?”

Yin Qi’s side despised it again, “What else can be discussed, it is definitely an unsavory thing.”

Lu Shaoqing yawned, “What’s unseemly, this is for you girl.” ”

Yin Qi: ???

“I told the guy that you were hot-tempered and fit to press Mrs. Zhai and asked him if he was interested. As expected, he thought you were too ugly and rejected me.

“You see, if you don’t hide and discuss, your face will be lost.”

“I’ll hack you to death!” Yin Qi exploded and took out his giant sword and slashed at Lu Shaoqing.

“Senior Sister Yin Qi, don’t be impulsive!” Xiao Yi hurriedly hugged Yin Qi, grabbed her, and then hurriedly said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, don’t sell nonsense, tell us.”

“What else can we talk about? Elder Rui felt that the Holy Lord was a bit abnormal, and hoped that I would help find out clearly. ”

Elder Rui?” Xiao Yi was surprised, “Why did she ask you for help?”

Yin Qi put the giant sword pestle at his feet and asked curiously, “Who are you talking about Elder Rui?” ”

I’ll tell you then,” Xiao Yi casually perfunctory Yin Qi, and then stared at Lu Shaoqing curiously, waiting for Lu Shaoqing’s answer.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing also did not understand, and in the end it could only be attributed to one reason, “No way, Elder Rui thinks I am handsome.” ”

No face.” Although Yin Qi was despising Lu Shaoqing, he was shocked in his heart, and even the demon clan came to Lu Shaoqing to help, which shows Lu Shaoqing’s unfathomable depth.

The demon race asked a human to help, and I am afraid that saying this kind of thing will make people feel neurotic.

Yin Qi looked at Xiao Yi and asked, “What have you experienced on the Demon Clan’s side?”

Xiao Yi smiled, still the same answer, “I’ll tell you when the time comes.” ”

Now let’s ask the questions in your heart.

Xiao Yi then asked Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, then can you help?” ”

Let it be.” Lu Shaoqing’s expression was depressed, and he said helplessly, “Even if you want to find out, you can’t start.” Before

, he also thought about learning what the Holy Lord was doing through the mouth of the Demon Race big man.

As a result, even Elder Rui, a high-ranking leader of the Holy Land, did not know about it, and in turn sought his help.

He couldn’t help it either.

You can’t run to ask the Holy Lord, can you?

“Can’t find it, what should I do?” Xiao Yi asked again.

“If you can’t find it, you can’t find it, leave him alone.” Lu Shaoqing did not force it, the thirteen states did not just have themselves, this kind of thing can only be followed, if it can’t be found, forget it.

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“Second Senior Brother, where do you plan to go next?” Xiao Yi made his own request at the same time, “I don’t want to go back to the academy, I want to follow you.”

“Why follow me?” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand in disgust, “How old are you?” Do you want to be a fart? ”

Don’t, don’t…” Xiao

Yi immediately rushed over and helped Lu Shaoqing hammer his calf, flattering and flattering, “Second Senior Brother, just let me follow you.”

“In the academy, I feel that the progress is not fast, but I still follow the second senior brother you quickly.”

This was the strong feeling that welled up in Xiao Yi’s heart after seeing Lu Shaoqing after the reunion.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing, her heart immediately felt very full, and then the realm that had been stuck was loosened, thus breaking through to enter the Transformation God.

“As long as I follow you, when the time comes, the second senior brother will point me wherever I fight, let me go east, I will never go west, second senior brother, you must have someone to take care of you, right?”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he didn’t continue to refuse, “It’s just a broken academy, there hasn’t been much progress in twenty years, it’s too dish.”

Xiao Yi jumped up, that happy, and then immediately put forward his own suggestion, “Second senior brother, next, why not go to Yanzhou?” ”

What are you doing in Yanzhou?” Lu Shaoqing gave Xiao Yi a roll of his eyes, “It’s dark there, and I was stupid to go there.” Lu

Shaoqing knew from Han Zhang’s mouth that the Demon Race refining void from Cold Star was not only him, and even he didn’t know how many.

The Holy Lord dispatched troops, and even Han Zhang couldn’t figure it out.

He was stupid to go to Yanzhou, and when the time came, he encountered the refining void, and he fought, wasn’t he tired?

“Go to Senior Brother, Senior Brother is in Yanzhou, don’t you want him?”

Lu Shaoqing sat up and beckoned to Xiao Yi to get closer.

Xiao Yi’s head came over, Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, immediately hammered at her, hammered Xiao Yi to tears, while hammering, while cursing, “Bastard, what do I want his log for?” ”

Hmph, duplicity, hard mouth.

Xiao Yi held his head while secretly thinking in his heart, I don’t believe you don’t want to be a senior brother.

Senior Brother must also miss you very much.

The two of you just have a hard mouth, and neither of you will admit it.

When Lu Shaoqing saw the expression on Xiao Yi’s face, he would immediately know what Xiao Yi was thinking, cursed and cursed, and continued to hammer, “Come, come, I’ll dig out your broken brain, anyway, you idiot doesn’t need brains.”

Yin Qi next to him rushed over, rescued Xiao Yi with a giant sword, and then pointed at Lu Shaoqing and said, “Go to Yanzhou.”

“If you don’t go, what is there to go to Yanzhou?” Dogs don’t go!

After Lu Shaoqing comfortably pillowed his hands, he continued, “Besides, we still have to stay here for a while.

“What are you going to do?” When Xiao Yi heard this, he rushed over again, so angry that Yin Qi stomped his foot straight to save you from the mouth of the tiger, and you yourself rushed inside.

“Second Senior Brother, is there anything else that hasn’t been done here?”

“Sort of!” Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “It’s not easy for Yan Hongyu that chick to be an alliance master, I have to stare here.”

“In case someone gets her down, what dowry will she take to marry Senior Brother?”

The giant sword was raised, and Yin Qi roared like a tyrannosaurus, “I’ll hack you to death…”

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