“Don’t make trouble!” Lu Shaoqing easily stopped Yin Qi’s giant sword and said in an adult’s tone, “Well!”

Yin Qi was so angry that her body trembled, and she wanted to slash a sword on Lu Shaoqing’s head.

It’s abominable.

“Why are you helping that woman? You have to go against me, do you?

“No, you overthink it.” Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “You are my junior sister, how can I go against you?”

“Then you will leave for Yanzhou immediately!” Yin Qi glared angrily and asked Lu Shaoqing to explain it with action immediately.

“Don’t go, it’s all said, the dogs won’t go, what am I going for?” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I’ll stay here for a while.”

“Abominable!” Yin Qi was so angry that he opened his teeth and danced his claws, Xiao Yi saw it last, and lowered his head with inferiority.

As soon as he bowed his head, Xiao Yi’s IQ occupied the high ground.

What Lu Shaoqing said was not a joke, staying here can indeed give Yan Hongyu the greatest help.

But Xiao Yi always felt that something was not right, IQ gushed out, inspiration appeared, thought about it, Xiao Yi analyzed it in a similar way.

“Second Senior Brother, after this time, no one dares to put small shoes on Sister Hongyu, right? Whoever wants to engage Sister Hongyu, without your help, everyone else will beat the person who wants to make trouble to death.

“After all, unless the alliance master who keeps Rainbow Rain is equivalent to having a relationship with you, with you as the umbrella of Dongzhou, with you, the demon race will not dare to attack easily.”

“As long as these people in Dongzhou have a little brain, they will not do such a thing as self-destruction of the Great Wall. Therefore, Second Senior Brother, there must be other reasons for you to stay here.

Xiao Yi felt that what he thought of, Lu Shaoqing could not have imagined.

Even if Lu Shaoqing left Dongzhou, no one dared to engage Yan Hongyu.

After listening to this, Lu Shaoqing was slightly surprised, and then praised, “Your brain has not degenerated over the years, and you can actually think of this, not bad!” Receiving

Lu Shaoqing’s praise, Xiao Yi was very happy, and said with a smile, “Second Senior Brother, why do you tell you why you have to stay here?”

Lu Shaoqing asked her, “You are a demon clan, you know that I am here, do they dare to come?” Knowing that my sect is in Qi Prefecture, do they dare to attack Qi Prefecture?

Xiao Yi shook his head, and even Yin Qi next to him secretly shook his head.

Judging from the performance of the demon race, they did not dare to provoke Lu Shaoqing.

Therefore, Dongzhou and Qi Prefecture will be safe for the time being.

However, does this have anything to do with Lu Shaoqing staying here in Dongzhou?

Looking at the doubtful expressions of the two, Lu Shaoqing spoke slowly, “Qi Prefecture and Dongzhou can’t come, where do you say they can go?”

Xiao Yi reacted, “Second Senior Brother, are you thinking of forcing them to continue attacking Yanzhou?”

“Almost, anyway, there are large troops in Yanzhou, let them continue to fight Yanzhou, it is best to beat Yanzhou down, and then go west.”

“To the west?” Xiao Yi and Yin Qi looked at each other, and both saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

At this time, you can see the benefits of small chest, Xiao Yi’s brain turns faster than Yin Qi.

Xiao Yi was surprised again, “Zhongzhou?

Then he was shocked, and a pair of eyes widened, “Second Senior Brother, your target is Zhongzhou? ”

I rely on, the second senior brother is still too good.

Xiao Yi just wanted to kneel down for Lu Shaoqing and worship deeply.

It’s still the second senior brother who is stingy.

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went to Zhongzhou, was bullied, and now I want to let the demon clan go to Zhongzhou’s trouble.

Sure enough, you usually have to pay attention.

Yin Qi was also stunned, “What do you want to do?” Don’t you tell me, you think that the Demon Race destroyed Zhongzhou?

Lu Shaoqing smiled modestly, “It’s not like this, let them eat dogs.”

Then indignant, “Isn’t it better to put the battlefield in Zhongzhou?” Put it in these country places of ours, it’s too bullying. ”

The demon race is very strong, and Zhongzhou is also strong.

Since this is the case, let both sides fight.

Yin Qi cut and raised the bar, “Zhongzhou is very strong, can the demon race kill it?”

“If you can’t kill it, it’s better to fight in Yanzhou than in Qizhou, right?”

“Anyway, the stronger the demon race is in Yanzhou, Zhongzhou will have to send people, it is best for both sides to beat the dog’s brain out and weaken the strength of Zhongzhou, which is also good for us.” Anyway, the dead Taoist friend is not dead and the poor road is on the line. ”

Zhongzhou is very strong, and the hidden strength of the five families and three factions is bottomless.

But the demon race is not weak, this time it is not a small fight, but a real war.

Instead of letting the five families and three factions and other Zhongzhou forces transfuse blood in the back, and the people in other states fighting in front, it is better to let Zhongzhou take the lead.

That’s fair.

A Zhongzhou that is too strong is not a good Zhongzhou.

Speaking of this, Lu Shaoqing suddenly sat up straight, and seemed to have caught something in his heart.

But that feeling was like a flash in the pan, disappearing in an instant, and he couldn’t catch it.

“Second Senior Brother, how?”

“It’s okay…” The

demon race retreated, and the alliance of Dongzhou not only did not dissolve, but continued to unite.

Having seen the horror of the demon race, everyone knows that Dongzhou can only survive if it unites.

Fighting alone, you will be swallowed by the demon race to the point that there is not even slag left.

After the battle with the demon race, Yan Hongyu’s position as the alliance master was completely secured.

Yan Hongyu was also even busier.

Busy until it was dark, there were more and more members of the Eastern State Alliance, and there were more and more things to deal with.

Lu Shaoqing took his two junior sisters Meizizi to stay here in Huangcheng, and he didn’t have to do anything,

he stayed here for three or four months.

Because Dongzhou is closer to the battlefield on the Yanzhou side, the intelligence of Yanzhou can be transmitted back in time, and the Demon Race and the Terran Race fought very fiercely on the Yanzhou side, and the two sides suffered heavy casualties.

However, neither side refused to take a step back, and the forces of the Demon Race continued to appear.

Similarly, the Terran side is also a dispatch general.

The big and small forces on the Zhongzhou side have sent manpower, and even Dongzhou here has been asked to send people to reinforce.

Ao Cang, Mi Fei and the other students had already left and went to Yanzhou for reinforcements.

Things in the outside world did not affect Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing appeared in the Time House, and he was ready to cultivate….

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