The person who came was the head of the Lingxiao faction, Yu Chang.

Xiao Yi is very strange, the sect ceremony is approaching, now this time should be the busiest time for the sect, even the master does not know where to go these days.

How can the boss still have time here?

Moreover, the head looks angry.

After Yu Chang appeared, he was angry and asked, “What about the bastard boy?” ”

Gritting his teeth and full of anger.

Xiao Yi and Xia Yu could clearly feel Yu Chang’s anger.

Full of anger seems to erupt at any moment.

Xiao Yi shook her head, she didn’t see Lu Shaoqing, “The second senior brother should be here just now, I don’t know where to go at this time.”

Then, with some concern, he asked, “Chief, what did the second senior brother do?” ”

Second Senior Brother won’t go and ransack the chief, otherwise why would the head be so angry?

Yu Chang did not answer, the divine consciousness was pervasive, and the huge divine consciousness in the late Yuan Infant period swept over the huge Heavenly Royal Peak.

All of the Heavenly Royal Peak was at a glance under his powerful divine sense.

Xiao Yi, Xia Yu and the others felt this huge divine consciousness and couldn’t help but change color.

In front of this divine consciousness, they felt like ants floating in the vast ocean, struggling.

After Yu Chang swept it, his brows furrowed, he couldn’t find anyone, and he was even more angry, “Bastard, where did you run?”

After speaking, he didn’t care about Xiao Yi and the others, and went straight to Lu Shaoqing’s residence.

It seems that the car is familiar with the road, and it should not be less.

Xiao Yi and several people glanced at each other, and curiosity drove them to follow behind Yu Chang.

Yu Chang came to Lu Shaoqing’s residence and directly pushed the door in.

Xiao Yi remembered his previous encounter, and hurriedly reminded him, “Chief, you can’t…” There

are formations and prohibitions inside, and it is easy to be trapped.

But Yu Chang had already stepped in, and his figure disappeared behind the door, but with a cold snort.

The formation and prohibition arranged by Lu Shaoqing disappeared, and it was easily dissolved by his late Yuan Infant power.

Yu Chang’s figure reappeared in the sight of Xiao Yi and several people.

However, Yu Chang quickly turned back.

The anger on his face grew, “Bastard, hide and seek with me?

“You’d better not let me find it.”

Then, he used his divine sense again and scanned the entire Heavenly Imperial Peak again.

This time he was more careful and careful, and his careful care paid off.

As soon as his consciousness was collected, a sneer appeared on his face, and his tone was slightly proud, “Xiao Zian, can it escape the palm of my hand?” ”

Then it took off and went straight in one direction.

Xiao Yi and Xia Yu looked at each other, and then quickly followed.

On the way, Xia Yu couldn’t help it, and asked Xiao Yi, “Sister Xiaoyi, what did Junior Brother Lu do, it seems that the head of Yu is not lightly angry.” Bian

Rou and Fang Xiao also pricked up their ears, curious about what the answer to this question was.

From the time Yu Chang appeared until now, they could clearly feel Yu Chang’s suppressed anger.

For this question, Xiao Yi was also confused, and she didn’t know what happened.

Could it be that the second senior brother was not in the Heavenly Royal Peak for three days, and he really went to rob the leader?

Otherwise, the boss would not be so angry.

Xiao Yi shook her head, she was also curious about this question, and said, “I don’t know, first follow the head and find the second senior brother.”

Bian Rourou asked curiously, “Where are we going?”

Xiao Yi looked at it and said, “This direction is the residence of the senior brother.” Xiao

Yi and the four soon arrived at Ji Yan’s wooden house.

After coming here, Xia Yu saw the bare ground in front of the wooden house, and her face was awe-inspiring.

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“Such a strong sword intent.”

Xiao Yi nodded, with pride and pride on his face, “This is where Senior Brother usually cultivates. ”

Her cousin Xiao Qun has suffered a lot here.

Yu Chang was already standing in front of the wooden house, shouting, “Give me out.” The

tone carried an almost irrepressible anger, as if it would explode at any moment.

But there was no response from inside the wooden house, no movement at all.

Xiao Yi also couldn’t feel the breath of Lu Shaoqing in the wooden house, and it was strange, “Is the second senior brother inside?” Xia

Yu’s strength was the strongest of the four, she felt it carefully, and suddenly cried and laughed.

Inside, Lu Shaoqing’s aura was very weak and weak, and if she hadn’t felt it carefully, she wouldn’t have felt it at all.

Such an aura can be concealed from others, but in front of the power of the Yuan Baby, it is as bright as a lamp in the dark.

Yu Chang saw that Lu Shaoqing actually did not respond, and his nose was crooked.

This bastard boy is really cunning, “You can’t get out? If you don’t come out, don’t force me to tear down this broken wooden house.

After a while, Lu Shaoqing’s fearless voice came out, “You dismantle ah, this is the place of the senior brother, you can dismantle it.” Yu

Chang’s face twitched, it was so hateful, this little bastard.

“You hurry out, I have something to explain to you.”

I was stupid before I went out, Lu Shaoqing was resolute, “No, you have used the exclusive Flying Sword, this kind of big thing is not something I can participate in.”

“Chief, spare me, my small body can’t withstand this kind of toss, you like to find whoever you want to go to.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words were like Mars, instantly igniting Yu Chang.

Yu Chang jumped to his feet in anger, jumping like thunder, the ground shook, and the ground was stomped out of a deep pit, “Bastard, you still dare to say, you actually dare to refuse even my flying sword transmission, what else do you dare not do?”

“You think I won’t look for you if I send the flying sword back?”

Several viewers next to him finally understood why Yu Chang was so angry.

It turned out to be because of this incident.

Yu Chang is the head of the Lingxiao Sect and the supreme leader of the tens of thousands of disciples of the Lingxiao Sect.

His orders should be carried out truthfully by the disciples below.

As a disciple, Lu Shaoqing dared to refuse and sent the flying sword back.

Is this a rebellion?

“You come out.” Yu Chang shouted again.

“Not out.” Lu Shaoqing’s attitude was resolute, and he could not be killed.

“Okay, you don’t come out, do you, I’ll go in.”

Yu Chang broke in angrily.

Yu Chang pushed open the wooden door, and the sword intent around him was like an enraged viper, and they all came out of the hole, ready to attack.

In the eyes of Xia Yu and others, it seemed that this heaven and earth were filled with endless sword intent.

Several people’s faces turned pale, and these endless sword intent, even Yuan Ying felt better.

However, as a great power in the late Yuan Infant period, Yu Chang’s breath was put away, like a transparent person, and the irascible sword intent could not find the target, and they all returned to calm.

Lu Shaoqing’s flattering voice came from the wooden house, “Chief, you are here, sit, sit, don’t be angry, angry with the body, who will lead the Lingxiao faction forward?” ”

The Lingxiao Sect can’t do without you, just as I don’t have spirit stones.”

“What about my master?” This has to be clear, this is your last backer.

“Hehe,” Yu Chang sneered, knowing Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts, “He can’t take care of you, he went to look at your senior brother.”

“I’m going to clean you up today.”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, lying in the groove, it was over.

There are still people outside, who have been cleaned up here, where to put their own face.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly said, “Chief, if you dare to do this, I would rather die than yield.”

Then his tone was full of sorrow and indignation, as if he was going to the execution ground, and said, “Say, what do you want me to do?” ”

The strength of the head is stronger than the master, and he can’t afford to provoke, he can’t afford to provoke.

Bow to the forces of evil….

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