Yu Chang looked at Lu Shaoqing, this little slippery head promised so quickly, there was a conspiracy.

I couldn’t help but be suspicious, my eyes were suspicious, “You really agreed?” Lu

Shaoqing’s cunning was very clear to him, and agreeing so easily was not like his style.

Lu Shaoqing was full of grief and indignation in his heart.

You’ve killed you here, can I still refuse?

My master is not here, what else can I do except promise?

“Chief, you actually doubt my loyalty to the sect? I also want to contribute to the door. ”

Huh…” “Huh…” for the door to send force, these words came out of your mouth, even the punctuation marks can not be believed, Yu Chang sneered twice, and then said the real purpose of finding Lu Shaoqing this time.

“The sect ceremony is about to begin, more and more people are coming from all sides, and Lingxiao City is already overcrowded.”

“These guys are jealous of our Lingxiao Sect and constantly find trouble with our Lingxiao Sect disciples.”

“Your junior brothers and disciples have suffered a lot of losses, and if it goes on like this, it will not only blow the morale of the disciples, but also make the face of our Lingxiao faction have no place to put it.”

“So…” Lu

Shaoqing understood, knowing Yu Chang’s idea, he directly interrupted Yu Chang’s words, “Chief, shouldn’t you want me to come forward and knock all those guys over?”

“If that’s the case, sir, please be wise.”

“I can’t do it.”

Just kidding, he is not a Yuan Baby power, even if he has some strength, it is impossible to single out the crowd.

The people who came to the Lingxiao faction to participate in the ceremony this time, in addition to the two factions of Guiyuan Pavilion and Shuangyue Valley, there were other large and small forces in Qi Prefecture, and even people from nearby prefectures.

There were not 10,000 but thousands.

Even if he Lu Shaoqing was a god man, he couldn’t carry so many people.

Sure enough, it was a lazy insect, Yu Chang was not surprised by Lu Shaoqing’s rejection, and he had guessed it before coming.

Yu Chang’s expression was serious, full of confidence in Lu Shaoqing, and said, “This situation now, I think about it, only you can solve it.” ”

The expectations for me are really great, Lu Shaoqing is speechless.

I’m lazy like this, you still have expectations of me, what am I doing well?

I change.

Faced with the praise and expectations of the leader, Lu Shaoqing said sincerely, “Chief, you think too highly of me, and my strength is insignificant.

“I really want to solve it, as a Yuan baby, you slap a few up-and-coming people to death, won’t you be able to deter others?”

“The ban of the Lingxiao faction can just be used as an excuse.”

Yu Chang shook his head again, “It’s good that it’s so simple, so many people have come, and the ban is now useless.” ”

And there are so many people, there are also people who are stronger than the law enforcement team, they can resist the law enforcement team, how can they be stopped?”

This was also the reason why Yu Chang personally came to Lu Shaoqing, he could not personally take action in this capacity, and could only let the junior disciples come forward to deal with this situation.

Yu Chang shook his head in distress, it was not good to be in charge, “People come under the banner of coming to the door to congratulate and participate in the ceremony, they are guests, and we are the hosts.”

“What is it that the host shot and killed the guest?” Do you want the face of the Lingxiao faction?

“In short, I don’t care, this time the matter will be left to you, I don’t care what method you use, help me solve this matter.”

As the head of the Lingxiao faction, besides Shao Cheng and Ji Yan, he was the third person who knew Lu Shaoqing best.

A low-key, lazy genius.

More importantly, he has a lot of ghost ideas.

Faced with the current situation, he could only pin his hopes on Lu Shaoqing.

If this continues, the morale of the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect will plummet, and when the time comes, it will be just a joke.

Lu Shaoqing is helpless, why are you so confident in me? I don’t have that much confidence in myself.

For the mentality of the leader, Lu Shaoqing resolutely despised it, and persuaded, “Chief, don’t make it difficult for yourself for the sake of a little face, make it when you should make a move.”

“You are in the late Yuan Infant period, find a few excuses to kill chickens and monkeys, who can help you?”

“Cultivator, you can’t act rashly, do whatever you want, and cultivate a Mao Immortal, it’s because of this that you haven’t broken through for so long.”

Bastard guy, Yu Chang was a little flustered in his heart, and at the same time firmly had an idea in his heart, in the future, the position of the head of the Lingxiao faction would definitely not be able to let this bastard sit.

Yu Chang cursed, “Bastard, you say kill if you kill? Is it okay if I kill you first?

Then he raised his hand, “Are you doing it?” ”

, you’re like this, can I say nothing?

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Lu Shaoqing’s tone was tragic, “Dry, I did it, right?” Seeing

that Lu Shaoqing agreed, Yu Chang immediately changed his attitude, showed a smile, and praised, “I believe in your ability, do a good job.”

Being seen like this, Lu Shaoqing was not only unhappy in his heart, but very depressed.

He muttered, “Chief, if you dare to let me come, I will kill them all by then.” ”

If you are not afraid of losing face, I will embarrass you.

Unexpectedly, Yu Chang said that it didn’t matter, not angry at all, “It’s okay, you can kill it, anyway, the people behind the people came to the door, forcing me to have no choice, I can only destroy you and give people anger.” ”

Xiao Xian, do you think only you will play a scoundrel?

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, is there such a shameless leader as you?

When I’m done with this, do you want to cook for my lackeys?

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s wide-eyed appearance, Yu Chang felt proud in his heart and smiled.

Fight with me, you are still tender.

Then Yu Chang’s expression became serious, and he said to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, this ceremony is for your senior brother.

“You also don’t want your senior brother’s grand ceremony to be ugly, and lose your senior brother’s face when the time comes, right?”

Lu Shaoqing was depressed, is this considered soft?

Alas, for the sake of that guy, only to be able to get on.

Lu Shaoqing put forward his own conditions, “Chief, you have to ensure that people above the Yuan Infant cannot make a move.” ”

Sure enough, the plan was raised, and things were much easier.

It’s still Junior Brother Shao’s idea.

Yu Chang admired his junior brother Shao Cheng in his heart, worthy of being a master, and knew everything about his apprentice.

Yu Chang signaled to Lu Shaoqing not to worry, “Don’t worry, they don’t dare to make a move, I am staring.” ”

You just have to deal with those juniors.”

“I also told Senior Brother Xiang that I will cooperate with you when the time comes…”

Yu Chang explained and left.

Leaving a depressed Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing sat here in Ji Yan’s wooden house, feeling the sword intent around him and pondering.

Half a day later, Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Trouble is dead.”

Finally, Shi Shiran left.

Outside, Xiao Yi, Xia Yu and four others were here.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing come out with a depressed face, Xiao Yi came up and asked intimately.

“Second Senior Brother, is there anything wrong with the head looking for you?”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, very helpless.

“I hid here, but I still came to the door.”

Xia Yu and several people watching from the side were very speechless.

You are the only one who dares to refuse to accept the flying sword transmission book of the leader, and who dares to repatriate it back, and then runs to hide, and avoids the leader.

With a character like yours, it’s really a miracle that you haven’t been expelled from the Lingxiao faction.

Xiao Yi’s side was still curious about what happened when the head came to find Lu Shaoqing.

“Second Senior Brother, what do you say, what’s the good thing about the head looking for you?”

“Good thing?” What can this be called a good thing? Lu Shaoqing poked Xiao Yi’s head, “You idiot, you have all come to the door, what good can you do?” ”

It’s a good thing, will I hide?

Xiao Yi was poked and fled far away.

Looking at Xia Yu, who wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to laugh, Lu Shaoqing said, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, you said that you owe me a favor.

“Now that I have something I want your help with, you should return this favor.”

Xiao Yi, who was holding the head mouse, ran back, his eyes widened, what the hell was going on.

Curious about the dead.

Xia Yu was also very curious about what Yu Chang was looking for Lu Shaoqing, and actually needed her to help.

“Yes, Junior Brother Lu, you say, what do you want me to do?”

“No hurry, let’s go down the mountain for a meal first…”

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