The spirit stone was swallowed, white clouds appeared around it, spiritual energy surged, and the stars shone in the starry sky overhead.

If Lu Shaoqing raised his head, he would find that in the distant depths, there seemed to be the outline of a bright moon, hidden in the darkness.

Lu Shaoqing sat down and cultivated with the doppelganger indignantly.

Lu Shaoqing’s current realm is the early stage of refining the void, a layer of realm.

There are no fights these days, and the realm has not improved much, so he plans to improve a realm this time, and after playing for so many days, he has also concentrated on cultivation.

“Alas, fighting with others, killing a few people, devouring the yuan baby or something, it is easy to upgrade, and it can also save money.”

“It’s a pity, I’m a peace-loving person and don’t want to fight, so I can only be aggrieved that I came here and was bullied by the little brother of the dead ghost…”

Lu Shaoqing and the doppelganger sat opposite each other, cultivating together.

Your own doppelganger, like your own body.

The surrounding clouds and mist filled the place, shrouding Lu Shaoqing and the doppelganger.

The white mist is faint, and the spiritual energy is surging, like a fairyland.

The surroundings are very quiet, and time is slowly passing.

However, the doppelganger sitting in front of Lu Shaoqing, his closed eyes suddenly opened, staring directly at Lu Shaoqing in front of him.

It seems that Lu Shaoqing’s doppelganger has become another person.

The eyes of the doppelganger, black and white, exude a cold and emotionless gaze.

Before Lu Shaoqing’s body and doppelganger were one, even if they sat opposite each other, the picture was extremely integrated, without any sense of discord.

Now, the ontology and the doppelganger sit opposite each other, and the middle of the ontology and the doppelganger seems to have been slashed, becoming two different pictures.

The body of closed cultivation is in the white mist that the spiritual qi turns into, real.

Although the doppelganger side is sitting in front of Lu Shaoqing, less than an arm’s length apart, it gives people a false feeling of ethereal nothingness and non-existence.

Such a picture exudes a strange atmosphere.

The doppelganger looked at Lu Shaoqing calmly, as if looking at the ants under his feet, without the slightest emotion.

If ordinary people see such eyes, they will be scared to death.

These eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing quietly like this, without turning, blinking, or making any movement.

But staring like this, for a long time, Lu Shaoqing seemed to feel something.

He stopped cultivating, while the doppelganger closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation at the first time, and the speed was very fast.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and looked at them suspiciously, not noticing anything.

The feeling of peeping made Lu Shaoqing finally blame behind him.

He glanced back at the coffin and shouted, “Give me a point, otherwise I’m not polite to you.” ”

Twenty years have passed in a flash.

Lu Shaoqing’s side also smoothly entered the second-layer realm from the first-layer realm, and Lu Shaoqing, who woke up, smiled after checking his cultivation results.

But with a smile, Lu Shaoqing’s smile disappeared.

Does it work well? Of course, this is exchanged for spirit stones.

Before leaving, he made a gesture towards the coffin, “Little brother Wang Ba!”

After Lu Shaoqing left, the doppelganger still closed his eyes and cultivated.

Qianying reappeared, her eyes staring faintly at the doppelganger.

“Why is there a bad feeling?”

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Qianying whispered to herself, and Lu Shaoqing’s doppelganger also gave her an uneasy feeling.

Thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s behavior, the woman’s stunning face was covered with frost, “Bastard boy!

“People are hateful, even the doppelganger is ugly to death…” Lu

Shaoqing came out, very sad in his heart.

Thinking of being bullied so much by the dead ghost brother in the Time House, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t get angry.

Being pinched by the little brother of the dead ghost, in the future, say as many spirit stones as there are spirit stones?

He couldn’t get any more benefits from the dead ghost little brother?

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing was even more sad and felt like crying.

Is there any difference between this and losing ten billion spirit stones?

Lu Shaoqing came to the outside of the courtyard in a flash, and lay down sullenly.

Xiao Yi noticed that Lu Shaoqing’s interest was not high, and leaned over, “Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

“I lost ten billion spirit stones, don’t come and provoke me if you don’t want to die.” Lu Shaoqing said angrily.

Xiao Yi listened, and without saying a word, he ran to the side with a stream of urine, and held Xiao Hei and Da Bai as far as they could, so as not to let them disturb Lu Shaoqing.

Horrible, terrible.

The second senior brother must be in a bad mood at this time, so I better hide away.

Xiao Yi knew very well that his second senior brother, Lu Shaoqing’s temper was actually quite good, and he also showed no desire and want, and he was too lazy to think about ordinary things.

Even if someone greets him, he is fine, and even smiles and grins.

However, the spirit stone is definitely Lu Shaoqing’s forbidden.

In matters involving spirit stones, Lu Shaoqing was absolutely serious and unsympathetic.

Usually without a spirit stone, Lu Shaoqing can kill.

Now it is said that if you lose ten billion spirit stones, you can’t destroy the world?

Even if he was curious about what Lu Shaoqing was doing, Xiao Yi did not dare to provoke Lu Shaoqing at this time.

For the sake of life safety, hide as far as you can.

Looking at the sullen Lu Shaoqing, Xiao Yi felt as if he was staying next to a volcano that was about to erupt.

It would erupt at any moment, spewing hot magma to scald her.

Forget it, to be safe, let’s go out and walk around.

Tonight, I simply went to Sister Xiao’s side to spend the night.

Xiao Yi thought so in his heart, holding the humanoid Xiaohei and Dabai to find Yin Qi, and lied and said that he went shopping.

As soon as Xiao Yi and Yin Qi went out here, they saw Guan Daniu flying from a distance.

After seeing the two, Guan Daniu stopped sharply and came to the two of them, “Is that guy at home?”

“What are you looking for my second senior brother for?” Xiao Yi first asked, and then kindly persuaded him, “Even if the sky falls, you can come back in a few days.”

“My second senior brother is in a bad mood!”

At this time, whoever goes to him is unlucky.

Don’t you see that we are all going out to shelter from the limelight?

When Guan Daniu heard this, he was very dissatisfied, and said breathlessly, “He is in a bad mood? Bad mood is amazing? ”

He’s here with nothing to do, and he’s in a bad mood?”


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