Seeing that Guan Daniu was going in, Xiao Yi persuaded again, “Forget it, don’t want it, you have something to come back in a few days.” ”

Now the second senior brother wants to destroy the world.

Guan Da Niu ran in is not looking for his own death, what is it?

When Guan Daniu heard this, he became even more angry and indignant, “He usually lies lazily here, comfortable, and I was pulled outside to be a strong man.” I didn’t say anything, but he was pretentious? ”

Guan Daniu is very angry, he didn’t go to Yanzhou, thinking of following Lu Shaoqing to dig up some explosive news.

Following the refining period, it is more likely to dig up explosive news.

However, I didn’t expect that the news was not dug up, and was pulled by Yan Hongyu to use as a strong ding.

He was exhausted, and Lu Shaoqing was lying here as an otaku man, and he was very comfortable.

He was already very upset, and now he actually pretentiously said that he was in a bad mood, can this be endured?

Xiao Yi was still bitterly persuading, “If you believe me, you will definitely not have good fruit to eat when you go in.” ”

The second senior brother is in a bad mood, so don’t let this fat man disturb the second senior brother.

Otherwise, I don’t care if this fat man lives or dies.

“No good fruit to eat?” Guan Daniu sneered, “He’s in a bad mood, does he still want to beat me?” I don’t believe it!

After speaking, he didn’t care about Xiao Yi’s obstruction, and directly rushed in.

Guan Daniu rushed in, and Xiao Yi, who was shopping or something, was not in the mood, and Yin Qi also followed in.

Then as soon as he came in, he heard Guan Daniu’s voice shouting, “Big brother, I heard that you are in a bad mood? What can you be unhappy about staying here all day these days?

“Come, if there is something unhappy to say for me, ah no, let me see if I can help you.”

The content seemed to care about Lu Shaoqing, but his tone was full of laughter.

When Xiao Yi heard this, he turned to Yin Qi and said, “The fat man is purely looking for death.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was depressed and sad, and a crooked voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

When he opened his eyes, Guan Daniu appeared in front of him with a smile, and his evil smile made him look very lewd.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Guan Daniu expressionlessly.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing didn’t speak, Guan Daniu said again, “Big brother, let’s talk about it, everyone is their own people, what are you unhappy about?” ”

How can I be happy if you don’t say something you’re not happy about?

Guan Daniu, who was proud in his heart, suddenly felt a chill in his body, and he was startled in his heart, and his instinctive body flashed, thinking of escaping from here.

However, Lu Shaoqing only snapped his fingers, and the surrounding space was blocked, and it was difficult for the big cow to move.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly jumped up like a cheetah and pounced on Guan Daniu.

It is still a familiar action, first kicking over, kicking the pipe bull down, and then riding up, punch by punch.

“Does saying something unhappy make you happy?”

“If I don’t hit you for three days, your skin is itchy, right?”

“It just so happens that I let you experience what it’s like to be unhappy.”

Punch after punch, beat Guan Daniu to a scream.

Xiao Yi shook his head speechlessly, and spread his hands to Yin Qi, as if to say, look, this is the end of not listening to advice.

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Yin Qi also nodded, not sympathetic to Guan Daniu’s fate at all, “He asked for himself.” ”

This time, Lu Shaoqing’s management of the big bull has been longer than before, a full quarter of an hour longer.

After beating Guan Daniu to a few pounds, he stopped.

After beating up the big cow, Lu Shaoqing’s mood was very good.

Clapping his hands, he breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling refreshed, “It’s comfortable.” Sure enough, people have an unhappy vent.

Lu Shaoqing, who was in a good mood, smiled and asked Guan Daniu, “It doesn’t hurt, right?”

“You,” Guan Daniu stared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, gritting his teeth, “Your mother, good health…” After beating

me, he asked me if it hurt.

Listen, is this something that a person can ask?

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing’s mood had recovered, Xiao Yi immediately came over, “Hehe, second senior brother, are you all right?” ”

Much more comfortable.” Lu Shaoqing sat down slowly, ready to continue to lie down.

Although Xiao Yi really wanted to ask Lu Shaoqing why he became in a bad mood, he was worried that if he asked, he would arouse Lu Shaoqing’s sad thing again.

For the sake of his small life, Xiao Yi still pressed his curiosity in his heart and did not dare to ask this question.

“Abominable!” Guan Da Niu’s side wants to cry without tears.

Xiao Yi leaned over and joked, “Look, if you don’t listen to the beautiful woman, you will suffer a loss in front of you.” Guan

Daniu was even more sad, his little eyes blinked, and he couldn’t wait to blink a few tears.

After Lu Shaoqing lay down, he casually asked Guan Daniu, “Are you here for something?” Or did you come specifically to make me happy and help me deflate?

“Your mother…” Guan Daniu was indignant, gritting his teeth, “Hmph, I want to live here.”

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing was strange, “There is no place for you to live?”

Guan Daniu was indignant, “When I went out, I was pulled to work, and I was killed and I didn’t go out.”

“I’m going to die here, and I don’t believe anyone else can get me out of here.”

Guan Daniu, as a friend of Lu Shaoqing, was trusted by Yan Hongyu and pulled to help at every turn.

Guan Daniu plans to hide here, die and not go out, and not give Yan Hongyu a chance to catch Zhuangding.

“Do you believe I can throw you out?”

Guan Daniu jumped up, “Can’t you give me so many places to live here?”

“If you want to live, pay the rent.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, poor, now you have to earn two spirit stones when you have the opportunity, otherwise even cultivation will be a problem in the future.

“Excessive!” Guan Daniu shouted loudly, “What else do you have in your eyes besides spirit stones?

“No one is begging you.” Lu Shaoqing didn’t care.

Guan Daniu was about to say something, when his face suddenly moved, and he lowered his head and took out his Tianji card.

And after reading the content on the Tianji card, he exclaimed, “This, this is impossible?

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? The curious cat Xiao Yi immediately came over and asked curiously, “What happened?” ”

The Heavenly Palace Gate has surrendered to the Demon Clan…”

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