Guan Da Niu’s words were like thunder, shocking the three people present.

Lu Shaoqing also sat up, his face stunned.

Tiangongmen surrendered?

Such a weak chicken?

One of the strongest two main sects in Yanzhou, with the support of Zhongzhou, actually surrendered to the Demon Clan, is it a joke of the Heavenly Dao?

It is good to say that the forces of other sects have surrendered, but the surrender of the Tiangong Sect is difficult to believe.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but wonder if Guan Daniu was lying, “Are you sure? Wouldn’t it be bragging, would it? ”


Guan Daniu wanted to show Xiao Yi his Tianji card, and he shouted, “The news came from the headquarters, there will be no mistake.” ”

The Tianji card used by Guan Da Niu is specially crafted, and it can even be used as a natal weapon.

It’s not like the kind of Tianji card on the market that can only watch the news.

Lu Shaoqing asked Guan Daniu, “Is there any more detailed information?” Guan

Daniu nodded, but under the expectant gazes of the three, he smiled sarcastically, “But this is already confidential, and my level is not enough.” ”

Cut!” Xiao Yi and Yin Qi immediately despised.

Guan Daniu does not know much information, and a lot of information is deliberately concealed.

From the available information, it was known that the Tiangong Gate suddenly surrendered without warning.

The sudden surrender of the Tiangong Gate caught the Race off guard, and was taken advantage of by the Demon Race to enter, causing huge losses.

As for how big the losses were, the intelligence did not say, only that the Terrans experienced a rout and suffered a big loss.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, his face became solemn, pinched his chin and pondered for a while, and slowly spoke, “It seems that I have to go to Yanzhou.”

Guan Daniu did not approve of going to Yanzhou at this time, he said, “Yanzhou is very chaotic now, and it is dangerous to go rashly.

“Didn’t you say that dogs don’t go to that place?”

“Yes, dogs don’t go, and I’m not a dog.”

Guan Daniu rolled his eyes and emphasized again, “It’s dangerous to go now.” ”

Now the Yanzhou army is in chaos, and the fierce flames of the demon race are rising.

It doesn’t matter if Lu Shaoqing goes, he is in the refining period.

But Guan Da Niu, he is only in the Yuan infancy stage, and even Xiao Yi is not as good.

Yuan Baby will be very powerful in normal times, but in this situation, Yuan Baby and cannon fodder are not much different.

I went to Yanzhou, once I met the Demon Clan, I am afraid that there will be no slag left.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “You think I want to go?”

“You don’t want to, so you’re still going?” Guan Da Niu is even more puzzled, is it a slut?

At the same time, I secretly guessed in my heart that this bastard wouldn’t think of taking me over and letting the demon race kill me, right?

Well, it’s still possible.

This bastard has the smallest heart.

At this time, Xiao Yi opened his mouth next to him and despised Guan Da Niu, “You know a fart, my senior brother is over there.” ”

Knowing that there is a problem over there, my second senior brother can think about it before deciding to go.

If it weren’t for our people here, Second Senior Brother would be able to leave for Yanzhou right now.

Listening to Xiao Yi’s words, Guan Daniu understood, “Oh, it turned out to be worried about Ji Yan Gongzi, but Ji Yan Gongzi’s strength is so strong, you don’t need to worry.”

Lu Shaoqing kicked him unceremoniously, scolding and cursing, “Who is worried about him, who cares if he lives or dies?”

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“I’m worried about fellow Yan Guo. As a Terran cultivator, I have to contribute. ”

Cut! Guan Da Niu didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing would be so kind.

If you want to contribute to the Terrans, why would you go early?

Guan Daniu pouted, so painful that he straightened his teeth, he muttered, “Worried about Ji Yan Gongzi, what else is embarrassing?” ”

Really, Junior Brother, but Senior Brother is normal.

Do you have to be hypocritical about this too?

“Give me death!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and kicked the big cow into the air again.

I thought of flying up and letting Guan Da Niu gain a few pounds, but I thought that I was tired of fighting just now.

With a move of his hand, the big white who was held in Xiao Yi’s arms flew to his hand.

The big white hair exploded instantly, frightening it like a fluffy dandelion.

“Beat him up for me!” Lu Shaoqing threw the defeat on Guan Daniu.

The big white who was forced to open the business roared, his figure skyrocketed, and one turned over and pressed the big bull under the tube.

“Hehe, I’ll come too!” Seeing the fun Xiao Hei, he also participated with a smile.

One white and one black beat the big cow to scream again.

Xiao Yi looked at the screaming Guan Daniu, secretly despised in his heart, and did not have any insight.

What the second senior brother does not admit, you actually dare to say, you are not a slut?

Even I don’t dare to say that, you are so brave.

The news of the surrender of Tiangongmen soon spread from Yanzhou to Dongzhou.

The cultivators were in an uproar, and no one thought that such a big force as the Tiangong Gate would actually surrender.

After the uproar, the monks of Dongzhou became nervous and worried.

Will the Demon Race make a comeback again?

The Tiangong Gate can’t resist, can they resist this alliance?

“Don’t worry, with Young Master Lu here, the demon clan does not dare to invade easily.”

Someone mentioned Lu Shaoqing, which made many people feel at ease.

The existence of a refining period is a great deterrent.

“Yes, yes, fortunately there is Lu Gongzi, otherwise my Dongzhou is in danger.”

“It’s still good that the alliance lord can know a master like Lu Gongzi.”

“If there is the alliance master, there is Lu Gongzi, and I will firmly support

the alliance master…” However, Lu Shaoqing, the Dinghai God needle in the eyes of the Dongzhou cultivators, was now saying goodbye to their alliance master.

For Lu Shaoqing to go to Yanzhou, Yan Hongyu was not the slightest surprise.

Having spent some time with Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan before, Yan Hongyu is very clear about the relationship between Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

The Yanzhou side suddenly changed drastically, and the Terrans suffered unprecedented defeats and suffered heavy losses.

Lu Shaoqing had no news of Ji Yan, and went to Yanzhou to look for Ji Yan, she had already expected it.

“Gongzi, be careful on the road!”

Lu Shaoqing had stayed here in Dongzhou for so long, and she was full of infinite gratitude for making her position as the leader of the alliance stable.

For her, this is the most important opportunity in life, and everything is given to her by Lu Shaoqing.

“Gongzi, if you need it in the future, I will not hesitate to go up the knife mountain and go to the sea of fire.”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “When there is a spirit stone in the future, just give it to me…”

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