Xiao Hei, who was allowed, cheered, waving his white and tender little hands, very excited, “Haha, great, Dabai, let’s go!” ”

Riding the Great White directly into the distance, killing the Demon Clan.

Looking at Xiao Hei’s back, Guan Daniu felt unbelievable.

He didn’t know much about Xiao Hei, let alone know that Xiao Hei’s strength was already in the realm of Transformation God.

So when he saw Lu Shaoqing let Xiao Hei make a move, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had heard it wrong.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing, his little eyes full of surprise, “No, you let her make a move, are you still human?” ”

Xiao Hei’s bird-shaped state is black, but after turning into a human form, he is a fat girl who is white and tender and cute.

Let such a cute little black make a move, Guan Daniu feels that it is a terrible and inhuman thing.

Guan Daniu couldn’t even help but say, “It’s better if you let her make a move!”

Lu Shaoqing wondered about Guan Da Niu’s attitude, “Aren’t you instigated to die?”

“Hmph! No matter what, you shouldn’t let a little girl make a move! Guan

Daniu was indignant, obviously he had strength, but he pretended to be forced and pretentious here, “In case she is no match for the Demon Clan, it will be too late for you to regret it.”

Lu Shaoqing glared at him, “Shut your crow mouth for me.”

“Am I wrong?” Guan Da Niu is a typical good scar forgot the pain, did not fight for a few days, and was bold again, daring to talk back to Lu Shaoqing.

“How is it possible for such a small girl…” However

, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a terrifying fluctuation in the distance.

Guan Da Niu turned his head to look, and a shocking situation erupted from Xiao Hei’s body in the distance, and the heavens and the earth shook.

Such a scene made Guan Daniu’s eyes widen and he was shocked.

“Avatar, Avatar?”

Guan Da Niu was numb, and he wanted to greet Tiandao’s mother that she was in good health.

Is there any heavenly reason?

The people around Lu Shaoqing are more outrageous than one, even a little girl is transformed into a realm, is there still a way for people like him to live?

Xiao Hei killed over, revealing a fierce aura, like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, directly pounced on its prey.

She did not use spells or weapons, but brandished her flesh fists and directly killed the demon race.

“Damn it!”

Seeing that Xiao Hei dared to kill directly, the demon who fought with Yin Qi roared.

When did the Terrans become so bold? I don’t know that their Saint Race is physically stronger than the Terrans?

He abandoned Yin Qi and killed Xiao Hei instead, and

he decided to use his own hands to tear this Terran who did not know whether he was dead or alive alive, so that the weak Terran knew the power of the Holy Race.

“Weak Terrans, I let you know the end of humiliating the Holy Race!”

However, as soon as they met, he knew he was wrong.

Instantly blasted away by a punch.

In the sight of Guan Daniu watching the battle from afar, Xiao Hei seemed to turn into a tyrannosaurus.

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That Demon Avatar God supported two or three rounds in front of Xiao Hei, and was torn apart by Xiao Hei.

Then he raised his fist a few times and burst the remaining half of the demon clan’s body.

Easily defeat a Demon Avatar.

The Demon Transformation God Yuan Baby, whose body was burst, burst out of his body, let out a terrified cry, and then thought about escaping.

However, he was bitten by Dabai, who was waiting for the opportunity next to him, and finally was easily caught by Xiao Hei.

Caught a Yuan baby, Xiao Hei Meizi brought it back, raised high to find Lu Shaoqing, “Dad, I want to eat.”

After Lu Shaoqing helped Xiao Hei erase Yuanbai’s consciousness, Xiao Hei tore a little to Dabai, and the rest was stuffed into his mouth, like eating a bun, and swallowed into his stomach.

Seeing Guan Da Niu covered in cold sweat, put this aside to show him horror movies.

It’s terrifying.

Xiao Hei, who devoured the Yuan baby, rode Da Bai and rushed to Xiao Yi’s side.

Fighting Xiao Yi, the Demon Transformation God had already noticed what was happening here.

Seeing his companion being killed so easily, he was already frightened.

Seeing Xiao Hei rushing over, it was even more like seeing a ghost, so he turned around and ran in fright.

Running like this, Xiao Yi immediately found an opportunity, Xiao Yi caught up, and was blasted in a few rounds.

Xiao Hei rushed over and smoothly caught his Yuan Baby, and brought it back again to watch another horror movie for Guan Daniu.

Watching Xiao Hei swallow two yuan babies in a row, Guan Da Niu would already be scared and his legs tremble secretly, ferocious, too ferocious!

Being a Lao Tzu is cruel, and being a daughter is also cruel, really is not a family that does not enter the door.

At the same time, Guan Daniu was secretly glad that he did not run away to provoke Xiao Hei, otherwise he would be miserable.

The two avatars who took the lead were all killed, and the remaining demon clans were not a concern.

After solving the demon chasing soldiers, he waited for Chao Kai to wake up.

Chao Kai’s injury was very serious, and Lu Shaoqing and they waited for more than ten days.

After more than ten days, Chao Kai finally woke up.

However, his state was still very bad, his face was pale and his breath was weak.

Completely healed, according to the current environment, it will take a year and a half.

Chao Kai, who wanted to come, saluted Lu Shaoqing and a few people, “Thank you for your life-saving grace.”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, signaling that he was not polite, “Everyone is a Terran, you can’t see death without saving, you

should, you should…” The peaceful and indifferent smile made him like an elder, in fact, his age was the second youngest in the field.

Chao Kai was even more grateful when he heard this, and at the same time, his good impression of Lu Shaoqing soared.

Sure enough, the rumors were not credible.

How can Lu Gongzi be as despicable and shameless as those people in Zhongzhou rumors, arrogant and unreasonable, obviously very friendly to people.

Looking at Chao Kai, who respected Lu Shaoqing, Guan Daniu secretly complained in his heart next to him, if you knew that this guy was the guy who hollowed out the old bottom of your Tiangong Gate, I don’t know if you would still respect him so much.

Thinking of this, Guan Daniu suddenly felt sad and indignant, he also went at the beginning, Mao did not catch it, and let Lu Shaoqing put one up, becoming a wanted criminal of the Tiangong Gate.

Fortunately, he didn’t see the front, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

After some courtesy, Lu Shaoqing entered the subject, “What happened to the Tiangong Gate…”

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