Speaking of his

own sect, Chao Kai’s face was full of bitterness, and his eyes were full of pain.

Thinking of his own sect, Chao Kai’s heart suddenly felt like a leaf that had lost its trunk, and he didn’t know where to float.

After suffering for a long time, Chao Kai slowly spoke, “It is said that a traitor who was expelled by the sect before has returned, and it is because of his appearance that the sect has come to this point. Speaking

of traitors, Chao Kai’s tone was full of hatred.


Lu Shaoqing and others were surprised, this is your sect, you yourself are not clear?

Chao Kai’s face was even more painful, and there was also an expression of regret.

“I was outside, working with the students of the academy to deal with the Demon Clan.”

“By the time I got the news, it had already happened, and I couldn’t stop it or know exactly what happened.”

“I wanted to go back and ask for clarification, and the result…” The

pain and sadness made Chao Kai unable to stand, and he knelt on the ground, pounding the ground angrily.

This is the sect that he considers home, and when the sect fell, he was not there and could not help the sect.

The feeling of powerlessness is the source of his pain.

Lu Shaoqing and the others could feel Chao Kai’s pain.

Everyone was silent, and they asked themselves, if their sect encountered such a thing, would they do this?

The fat man will always be a little more sad than ordinary people, Guan Daniu sighed, “If I encounter such a situation, I, I don’t know what to do.” ”

If you don’t surrender, maybe the sect will collapse and become dust in history, without face to see the ancestors and ancestors.”

If it surrenders, the sect will become a disgrace, and the ancestors of the sect will not be blind.

Xiao Yi and Yin Qi also showed expressions of deep understanding.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t seem to have anything at all, “I don’t know what to do?” If you can’t fight, surrender, what a simple thing.

Guan Daniu looked at Lu Shaoqing and complained, “I know that your correct answer is this.” ”

You bastard is despicable and shameless, greedy for life and fears death, insatiable greed.

It’s not strange to be a personal adulterer.

Xiao Yi was not happy, and immediately opened his mouth to defend his second senior brother, and shook up the big cow, “You know a fart, if this situation really happens, my second senior brother will be the first to rush up to kill the demon clan.” ”

Others don’t know, but Xiao Yi knows very well who his second senior brother is.

Take care of a hundred bulls who do not believe and pout.

You girl has been deceived.

If this happens, this bastard is the first to surrender.

Lu Shaoqing was not happy to take care of Da Niu’s face, “How?” I have someone on the side of the demon clan, you have this face, don’t beg me to take you to surrender when the time comes.

Guan Daniu couldn’t help but boo, “Cut!

Chao Kai heard everyone’s conversation, and he was even more painful.

Can you consider that there is a sad person next to you?

Your sect is fine, but my sect has surrendered.

Seeing Chao Kai’s painful look, Lu Shaoqing asked intimately, “Your sect has surrendered, but you didn’t surrender?” Is it because you can’t catch up, that’s why you’re so sad? One

sentence almost made Chao Kai Meng cry.

After he slapped the ground angrily, he stood up and gritted his teeth, “Even if it is death, I will not surrender.”

“I want to save the Tiangong Gate, bring the Tiangong Gate back to the right path, and let the world know that the Tiangong Gate is not a traitor to mankind.”

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Lu Shaoqing looked directly at Chao Kai, “Really?

After Chao Kai was silent for a while, he finally gritted his teeth, “The surrender of the Tiangong Gate is just a small mess, and I will definitely pull the Tiangong Gate back.” Feeling

Chao Kai’s firm tone, everyone couldn’t help but be in awe.

Lu Shaoqing said with a daoist heart, “You swear with a Dao heart, otherwise your words will be hard to believe…”

“Birds and beasts,” Guan Daniu couldn’t help it, “Are you a beast?” ”

Does this still require suspicion?

This kind of behavior, except for animals and animals, no one can do it.

Chao Kai, on the other hand, swore very decisively, saying that what he said was true.

After swearing, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes became a little more trusting, and at the same time raised his own doubts, “You are in the sect, why is it not clear?”

Chao Kai once again showed a painful expression, and then everyone understood from his mouth.

Chao Kai was fighting the Demon Race with the students of Zhongzhou outside, and by the time he knew that the Tiangong Gate had surrendered, a long time had passed.

He was also suspected and even hunted down by the Terran side.

After getting rid of the chase, I returned to the sect for the first time to ask clearly.

Back in the sect, not only did he not get an answer, but he couldn’t even get close to the sect anyway, and was besieged and chased by the demon race.

If he hadn’t met Lu Shaoqing, he would have died a long time ago.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, it seems that it may be that he can’t go back to the sect, and there is no way to surrender with the sect, so he will be so painful.

You have to cry that Kai doesn’t know what Lu Shaoqing thinks, otherwise he has to take a few bites of Lu Shaoqing.

Chao Kai has a home that can’t be returned, and it seems that there is no way to learn more about the information of the surrender of the Tiangong Gate.

As a genius, Guan Daniu showed regret on his face and couldn’t make big news.

So, he asked, “After your sect surrendered, what was the situation on the Terran side?”

After Chao Kai was silent for a while, he finally spit out two words.

It’s miserable!

It’s miserable?

Lu Shaoqing and the others’ faces were ugly, and these two were enough to show that the situation here was not optimistic.

Chao Kai said the information he knew, “After my sect was held hostage by villains, the Demon Race could calmly appear behind our Terran defense line.

“Sneaking up on us from behind, the Terran defense line did not expect that the Demon Race would kill from behind, and the whole line was defeated…” The

betrayal of the Tiangong Gate was equivalent to stabbing the Terran in the back.

After the demon race circled, striking back and forth, the large army of the Terran quickly routed, and the rest fought separately.

The current situation is that most of Yanzhou has fallen, the demon race is constantly chasing and killing the scattered Terran cultivators, and Yanzhou is once again in a bloody storm.

“What about the masters?” Guan Da Niu asked again, “What about our gods?” ”

Many of the students of Zhongzhou Academy this time are in the realm of Avatar God, and they are all the proud sons of the heavens of each state.

There is a great chance of victory against the demon race.

“The Demon Race also has a Transformation God,” Chao Kai’s voice was heavy, with a bit of despair, “And there is still a refining period on the Demon Race’s side. ”

Many students in the academy have fallen…..”No

matter how powerful the Transformation God Period is, in the face of the Refining Void Period, it is nothing.

Guan Daniu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he also slowly closed his mouth.

The heart is extremely heavy.

“Where is my senior brother…”

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