Guan Daniu was angry, stretched his neck, like an angry duck, and roared at Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t you understand people?”

“I didn’t go to Taocheng, go to the vicinity of Taocheng to inquire and see if the situation is okay?”

Lu Shaoqing looked righteous, so angry that a mouthful of blood rushed up.

Guan Daniu only hated his own strength, otherwise he had to let Lu Shaoqing know what was called Hua’er and why he was so red.

Is there any difference between Taocheng and Taocheng neighborhood?

No difference!

When you go there, maybe a few masters of the refining period will pop up, and even if Lu Shaoqing is strong, he will have to kneel.

Guan Daniu persuaded Lu Shaoqing bitterly, “Didn’t Chao Kai say that?” He had only heard that it was not yet certain whether Ji Yangongzi would go to Taocheng or not.

“What if he didn’t go?”

Without going, we became little sheep who threw ourselves into the net.

“What if I go?” Xiao Yi and Yin Qi spoke in unison.

Guan Daniu was speechless, knowing that you are worried about Ji Yan, but you also have to look at it in light of the actual situation.

Yin Qi looked down on Guan Daniu, “If you don’t dare to go, forget it, let’s go.” Guan

Daniu felt powerless and made a final effort, “What if I encounter a demon master?” ”

The two of you, one Yuan Baby, one Avatar God, how powerful can you be?

The Yuan Baby master is a master, and in this environment, the Yuan Baby has nothing to show off.

It’s not much different from a low-level cultivator.

When encountering the demon race, Lu Shaoqing can still run with his own strength.

What about everyone else?

Guan Da Niu does not want to take risks, who will go straight to the enemy’s base camp as soon as he comes up?

“If you don’t go, you won’t go,” Lu Shaoqing did not force Guan Da Niu, “You can shop here by yourself.” Guan

Daniu had the urge to turn around and return to Dongzhou to work for Yan Hongyu.

Getting around in Yanzhou? Didn’t you hear Chao Kai say that the Demon Race was chasing and killing Terran cultivators everywhere?

Yanzhou is not safe here at all.

In the end, Guan Da Niu couldn’t help it, and could only follow with a bitter face.

It was related to the safety of Ji Yan, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t have much nonsense, and rushed to Taocheng with a few people.

Along the way, the smell of blood in the air became more pungent, the corpses everywhere had dried up, and more demons were encountered.

There are also Terran monks, who are like lone travelers, struggling to survive in such places.

The place occupied by the demon race is not good at all, both mortals and cultivators have died under the butcher knife of the demon race.

The tragic situation along the way made Guan Da Niu’s heart jump, it was too terrifying.

This hasn’t reached Taocheng yet, that’s all.

When you get to Taocheng, isn’t it even worse?

Guan Da Niu is constantly praying, don’t go to Tao City, don’t go to Tao City.

Guan Daniu regretted it in his heart, he knew that he would not follow.

It’s better to work hard in Dongzhou than to worry like you do now.

Following Lu Shaoqing to Yanzhou was equivalent to getting on the thief’s ship and unable to get off the ship.

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I don’t know if Guan Da Niu’s prayer played a role, and Lu Shaoqing got information about Ji Yan halfway through.

They learned from some demon races that Ji Yan went to the Dian Star Sect.

“Dotting Star Pie? What is the master brother doing in the Star Pie? Yin Qi was curious.

Do you want to take a detour to rush back to the Lingxiao faction?

Xiao Yi’s side of a pound, his face suddenly became strange, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Second senior brother, is the senior brother going to help you destroy the Star Sect?” ”

Before, Lu Shaoqing and Xuan Yunxin clashed and killed many disciples of the Dian Xing Sect, and even the two brothers Xin Zhi, the personal disciples of the Dian Xing Faction, were also killed.

And offended their grandfather for this.

For this reason, Lu Shaoqing even thought about encouraging the sect to destroy the Dian Xing Sect and solve the problem once and for all.

However, later Lu Shaoqing’s strength slowly increased, and he no longer paid attention to the Yuan Baby of the Star Sect.

Now that Ji Yan actually went to the Dian Xing Faction, it was difficult not to let Xiao Yi be so suspicious.

Guan Da Niu’s side immediately pricked up his ears, “What? ”

As a dog of heaven, you must maintain professional sensitivity.

Does this bastard guy have a feud with the Dian Xing Faction?

However, it is normal for this bastard to offend people with this personality.

Lu Shaoqing denied it, “How can there be such a thing, he doesn’t care if I live or die!”

Guan Daniu guessed, “Could it be that the Demon Race made a move on the Dian Xing Faction?”

Yin Qi said impatiently, “Just take a look.”

“Okay, okay…” For this proposal, Guan Daniu raised his hands and feet in approval.

No matter how much the Dian Xing Sect is, it is safer than Tao Cheng.

Go to the star pie to go to Tao City.

Seeing Guan Daniu’s happy look, Lu Shaoqing hit him, “Don’t be happy too early. Guan

Daniu was in a good mood, he smiled, did not care about Lu Shaoqing’s blow, he had a reason, “That is not the stronghold of the demon clan, even if the Dian Xing faction is dangerous, it cannot be more dangerous than Tao Cheng.”

Lu Shaoqing kicked over, Guan Daniu dodged in time, and glared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “Bastard, what are you going to do?” ”

Lawlessness, more and more excessive, kicking people at every turn, is there still a royal law for this?

Talk well, suddenly move your hands and feet, moody, beasts?

Lu Shaoqing glared at him, “Shut up for me!” You raven mouth. ”

Guan Da Niu can allow himself to have other titles, what kind of fat, Tianji dog, even Tianji dog.

Only the title of crow’s mouth, he can never accept.

“Raven mouth! Raven mouth! You are the crow’s mouth. Guan Daniu was indignant, “No matter how dangerous the Dian Xing Sect is, can it be more dangerous than Tao Cheng?” I don’t believe it. Seeing

Guan Daniu still saying this, Lu Shaoqing was angry to death, “Good daughter, beat him!” Xiao

Hei swooped over, and Guan Da Niu turned around and ran in fright.

Ji Yan went to the Dian Xing Pai, although I don’t know why, no matter what, Lu Shaoqing he has to go.

In addition to caring about Ji Yan’s safety, this matter was also very important to the Lingxiao faction.

The Dian Xing Faction is close to Qizhou, and if the Dian Xing Faction also surrenders like the Tiangong Gate, the Lingxiao Faction will be dangerous.

In this way, the Demon Race can wrap up the Lingxiao faction left and right.

Fighting on two fronts, no matter how powerful the Lingxiao faction is, it can’t bear it.

“What a crime!” Lu Shaoqing let out a long depressed sigh, “I’m busy…”

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