Knowing that Ji Yan went to the Dian Xing Faction

, Lu Shaoqing and his party changed direction and moved towards the Dian Xing Faction.

The further east you go, the less fighting there is, barely keeping the peace.

However, no matter which city power sect, they are all heavily guarded, and the formation is open around the clock.

Wave after wave of patrolling, every monk’s face was nervous.

The demon race attacked Yanzhou, and although it had not yet been killed here, it had already affected them.

Although the atmosphere was tense along the way, the imaginary killing of the demon army did not happen.

For that, Lu Shaoqing was very strange, he couldn’t understand, why did Ji Yan send to Dian Xing?

Even if he was familiar with Ji Yan, he couldn’t guess what Ji Yan was going to do.

Guan Daniu is very satisfied with such a peaceful environment.

By the way, this is normal, how good it is.

There is no demon race, there is peace.

Guan Daniu couldn’t help it again, his chubby face was full of joy and joy, “Look at it like this.” It’s not a bad thing over there.

“Maybe Ji Yan Gongzi is going to pick up a girl…..”

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked by Lu Shaoqing, viciously threatening, “Dead fatty, you shut up.”

“When there is a problem, I will kill you.”

Guan Daniu hurriedly dodged a little farther away, ran to Xiao Yi’s side and muttered, “Bastard, your temper is getting more and more irritable these days.

Xiao Yi shook his head and despised Guan Da Niu, “You don’t know anything.”

“What don’t I know?” Guan Daniu was indignant, “He’s crazy.”

Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled, very proud.

My senior brother’s situation is unknown now, and the second senior brother is very worried and anxious.

You still dare to provoke him, he has no time to beat you now.

You wait for him to try it when he is free?

Point Star Pie!

One of the two major sects in Yanzhou, on a par with the Tiangong Gate, has many affiliated forces under its jurisdiction.

More than twenty years ago, the Sky Gate was attacked by the Demon Race, suffering heavy losses and a great loss of strength.

The Dian Xing Sect has actually become the number one sect in Yanzhou.

The buildings of the Dian Xing School are simple and quaint, grand in scale and imposing.

The biggest feature of the Dian Xing architecture is that each building is depicted with stars.

Some are one, some are several, starry, far-reaching.

The huge building complex looms in the white clouds, like a palace in the immortal world.

However, there is a tense atmosphere in the current Dian Xing Pie.

In the white mist, some buildings have collapsed into ruins, cracks and collapses have appeared in the ground and mountains, and it is a scene after an earthquake.

In the building, the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect had different expressions, and their eyes were surprisingly unanimous in the same direction.

That is the depths of the back mountain of the Dian Xing Pai, and there is the back mountain of the Dian Xing Pai, a forest with no end in sight.

There were many dangers there, and even the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect did not dare to go deep.

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Many disciples of the Dian Xing Sect looked at the sky above the back mountain, where there were several figures as small as ants.

Above the sky, a white-clothed friar stood with a sword, standing in the sky, like the sword god who descended from the nine heavens, he exuded a sharp and sharp aura, which made people dare not look directly.

The powerful aura, the amazing sword intent, even if they were far away, many disciples of the Dian Xing Sect could feel the tingling pain in their skin.

“Ji Yan Gongzi, be truly unparalleled in the world!”

“I have heard of the first person in Qi Zhou before, I thought it was a boast, but the result is true.”

“Injured by refining and dragging his injured body until now, he is too strong!”

“Demon race, damn it! Shameless villain!

“Shut up, do you want to die? Such words are not allowed to be said again.

“Do we want to be like the Heavenly Palace Gate?”

“No, the leaders and elders have already fought hard, and Ji Yan is our bargaining chip.”

“Bring him here, let the demon race kill him, and we can leave the Star Sect alone.”

“What’s the difference between surrendering like that?”

“The demon race is powerful, the refining period is coming, what can we do?”

“Yes, only in this way can we be saved, Zhongzhou, unreliable.”

“Ji Yan Gongzi has already killed the three demon race gods, I am afraid that they will not be able to kill Ji Yan Gongzi.

…” “There is the existence of the refining period of the demon race

, Ji Yan, death is determined…” “Alas, Zhongzhou, it’s too hateful, Ji Yan’s death has nothing to do with us, everything is Zhongzhou’s fault.”

“That’s right, if you want to blame, it’s to blame Zhongzhou for not being willing to fully support, and the sect is also self-preservation…”

Many disciples of the Dian Xing Sect had mixed feelings.

Ji Yan is a Terran cultivator, his strength is amazing, and he is the most dazzling existence among his peers.

Now, he was calculated by his own sect and became a bargaining chip for the sect to exchange.

Although they are not people of their own sect, as the saying goes, dead Daoists are not dead and poor, but many disciples of the Dian Xing Sect still feel that their sect is not kind.

Above the sky, Ji Yan’s eyes were calm, and his body was straight, as straight as the Hillless Sword in his hand.

But his aura had already revealed weakness, and most of the white clothes on his body had turned dark red.

This shows that the fighting during this period was fierce.

In front of him were two burly and tall, tower-like demon cultivators.

The two demon gods exuded a powerful aura, making them like the top predators in heaven and earth, crazy and tyrannical, and terrifying.

The two Demon Transformation Gods are both in the late nine-layer realm of the Transformation God, the same as Ji Yan.

The two demon gods joined forces, their demeanor was arrogant and rampant.

The demon god holding an axe, wielding his own axe, said to Ji Yan, “Ji Yan, you count, as long as you admit defeat and surrender to our holy clan, we will spare your life.”

This demon god had deep jealousy and admiration in his eyes.

The demon race worships the strong, and the strength shown by Ji Yan is an out-and-out strongman.

Therefore, even if they claimed to be a holy race, they looked down on the Terran race, and in the face of Ji Yan, they couldn’t help but give birth to a desire to solicit.

Once Ji Yan becomes their person, their strength will definitely increase greatly.

However, what answered him was a sharp sword light, and Ji Yan didn’t even bother to talk nonsense with him.

“Damn, Ji Yan, don’t toast or drink, drink the punishment wine, I will definitely kill you today…”

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