A ray of sword light seemed to be born in the light of fire.

Before Ji Yan, the swords were all brilliant swords, thousands of zhang, covering the sky and the sun, occupying the entire world.

However, this time, it was just a wisp of sword light, not covering the sky, just a faint wisp, placed in the vast world, small and could not be seen directly.

The sword light is so small that people can’t help but despise it.

“Phew!” With a sound, the sound of sword light streaking through everyone’s ears seemed to sound.

The sword light flashed, and then disappeared.

As if the appearance just now was just an illusion.

Lou Neng was originally shocked to see his attack being defused, but seeing such a ray of sword light from Ji Yan, he smiled, “Haha…”

Does this also count as a counterattack?

Lou Neng wanted to laugh, but his voice only laughed twice, and then stopped abruptly.


Lou Neng’s body slowly turned into two halves, blood splashed, the Yuan baby collapsed, and finally everything turned into the smallest particles between heaven and earth, completely dissipating in heaven and earth.

“This, what is this?”

Ben Wei, who had already killed Ji Yan, stiffened in place, his body trembled, and a wave of fear came out, and even his soul was trembling.

When Jin Hou, who was farther away, saw the sword light disappear, he laughed, “It scared me, the follow-up is weak, there is no way, right?” ”

So a ray of sword light, they can hardly see in this position.

Xin Yuankui also sneered, “In vain, I bragged about how powerful he was before, but now it seems that it is just that.” Jin

Hou and Xin Yuankui both sneered and mocked, like a clucking old rooster, which was annoying to hear.


The next moment, Lou Neng’s body collapsed in a short period of time, and the scene of disappearing was seen by everyone.

The smiles of Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui froze, and their eyes were terrified.

Even Jian Bei and the three are numb in their scalps, what kind of move is this, so terrifying?

A single sword can kill a nine-layer realm god in seconds.

Is it so outrageous?

Then, above the sky, a black crack appeared, extending from Ji Yan to the distance.

Void cracks, which are common.

Even a Yuan Infant level battle can crack the space and crack the Dao.

However, the crack will soon close under the action of the force of space and return to normal.

But now this black crack is a little different, the crack extends to the distant sky, giving people the feeling of splitting the sky in half.

On the surface, there is a sharp breath, just looking at it makes people feel a tingling.

At the same time, the black crack did not close for a long time, and it took about half a quarter of an hour for the black crack to close, and the heaven and earth were restored as before.

The black crack closed, and Jin Hou and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene just now made them terrified, and the black crack was like a hand pinching everyone’s neck, making everyone unable to speak.

Jian Bei was excited, and shouted loudly, “Okay, look, this is Ji Yan Gongzi.” Jin

Hou and Xin Yuankui’s faces were difficult to see.

Especially Jin Hou, he has the heart to kill.

I can’t wait for Xin Yuankui to kill the few people in front of him.

This face was beaten and hurt.

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In the distance, Ben Wei roared, “You, what the hell is it? Ben

Wei was angry on the surface, but in fact he was terrified beyond description.

Lou in the same realm can be killed by a sword in front of him, and everything in his body turns into the tiniest particles in heaven and earth, and he can’t die anymore.

What a horror this is.

Ji Yan raised the Wuqiu sword and pointed it directly at Benwei.

The fighting spirit that rushed to the sky made Benwei’s face change again.

By this time, Ji Yan’s fighting spirit was still vigorous, and his fighting spirit was high.

Ben Wei is a demon raceman, and he was treated like this by Ji Yan, and his killing intent was overwhelming, and he couldn’t wait to rush up and fight Ji Yan again.

However, Lou Neng’s fate has made Ben Wei’s fighting spirit fall to the bottom, fear has emerged from his soul, and he does not have the courage to attack Ji Yan.

Ben Wei’s hesitant look made Jian Bei and the others look at it.

Jin Hou couldn’t wait to rush up and scold the waste of Benwei, but he didn’t dare to make a move.

Under such a situation, Jin Hou did not dare to speak.

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded, and a figure appeared in the sky.

The figure is tall, and his long hair is flying, like a demon god, wantonly exuding a terrifying aura.

After he appeared, it seemed that the light of heaven and earth dimmed a little, and he became the focus of the world.

After seeing the person coming, Ben Wei hurriedly bowed his head, “Lord Longjian!” ”

The refining period of the Demon Race exists, Long Jian!

Jin Hou immediately perked up, “It’s the senior of the Holy Family.

Meng Xiao became extremely disgusted, “Sycophants.” ”

Just now, there was a Demon Clan, and now as soon as the refining period of the Demon Race appeared, Jin Hou immediately changed his mouth to the Holy Clan, and his tone was very respectful.

Meng Xiao’s contempt, Jin Hou’s anger in his heart, he didn’t want this, but he couldn’t help it.

The demon race is too powerful, and there are several of them in the refining period.

The Dian Xing Sect has a god, but there is no refining period.

Long Jian alone can destroy the Dian Xing.

In the face of the refining period of the demon race, of course, how much respect you have will hide from respect, and you must not offend.

Long Jian’s gaze was cold and imposing, and he stared at Ben Wei coldly.

Although Ben Wei is a nine-layer realm of the Transformation God, he has risen over the years, and his background is a little worse.

And Long Jian has been famous for a long time, and it was already a period of refining before.

It is also famous on the cold star, and the fierce name is far away.

Under Long Jian’s gaze, Ben Wei lowered his head, and his forehead couldn’t help but sweat.

“Idiot! Lost the face of the Holy Family. With

a wave of his hand at Benwei, a force surged in, but Benwei did not dare to resist the slightest, allowing this force to fall on him.

Like a sledgehammer falling heavily on the body, unparalleled power poured into the body.


Ben Wei violently spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was obviously weak, and he was even more injured.

“This time is a small punishment, and next time there is such a punishment, it will not be spared.”

Long Jian’s cold tone made Ben Wei shiver, and hurriedly said, “There will definitely be no next time.” After

punishing Benwei, Long Jian’s gaze fell on Ji Yan, and an invisible coercion rushed towards Ji Yan…

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