
Ji Yan’s body was splashed with blood, and now he was almost in a state of running out of oil, and he was powerless to resist in the face of a refining coercion!

However, no matter how much pressure on his body, Ji Yan’s waist bar never bent the slightest.

His eyes flashed with heat, his head was still high, his fighting spirit was high, and he didn’t have the slightest intention of retreating.

“Whew, whew…

..,” Ji Yan felt that his body would be crushed at any time, and would collapse at any time.

The emptiness in his body, the pain in his flesh, all told him that his body had reached its limit.

However, Ji Yan didn’t care, he took a deep breath, gathered his last strength, and once again raised the Wuqiu sword, pointing at Long Jian from a distance.

It’s just refining, what is there to be afraid of?

As the junior brother said, I am afraid of hair.

Even if the enemy in front of him was the Immortal Emperor, he was not afraid of the bright sword.

Feeling Ji Yan’s unyielding fighting intent, Long Jian’s face changed slightly.

It was the first time he had met such a person.

When encountering an invincible opponent, his body has reached the limit, and he actually dares to show his sword.

The will to fight has not only not weakened, but is stronger than before.

Such people, even the Holy Family, do not have.

Long Jian couldn’t help but glance at Benwei, who had already retreated to the side.

No matter how it looks good, it is very impulsive to slap Benwei to death.

Compared with Ji Yan, saying that Benwei is a piece of, Long Jian feels insulting.

Long Jian withdrew his gaze, he didn’t want to look more, look more, he probably couldn’t resist his urge to shoot to death, shoot to death this guy who disgraced the Holy Family.

He looked at Ji Yan, his eyes full of appreciation, “Such a powerful sword technique, the sword just now, the edge has reached the extreme, even the sky can be split in half.”

“You’re very clever, you left a hand against Benwei, let Lou Neng be careless, your real goal is Lou Neng, right?”

“It’s a pity, that sword is already your limit, and it’s hard for you to even move it now.”

After hearing this, Ben Wei’s face was even more ashamed, if he was not afraid at that time and killed directly, wouldn’t he be able to kill Ji Yan?

Unfortunately, he was so frightened that he did not dare to move, and he was extremely humiliated.

Long Jian continued to speak, throwing an olive branch, “Surrender, you can’t fight anymore.”

“I guarantee that you can become the most dazzling genius of the Holy Family.”

Ji Yan didn’t speak, if he could still continue to fight, he would have already drawn his sword at Long Jian.

Where will let him crap here.

Ji Yan still held the Wuqiu sword high and pointed at Long Jian from a distance to show his attitude.

Long Jian was displeased, his face showed a cold color, and his voice began to return to cold, “Don’t think I’m patient. ”

Is there no one in the Demon Clan? Finally your turn to play? Jian Bei’s voice came from afar, “What about the agreement?”

“Don’t shame yourself.”

“Hmph!” Long Jian snorted coldly, and a force volleyed away.

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Jian Bei sprayed blood wildly and fell heavily to the side.

“You’re going to kill me.” Jian Bei got up and shouted at Long Jian, “What kind of heroes are you to take us hostages?”

“Ji Yan Gongzi, you go, don’t worry about us.” Meng Xiao also shouted loudly, hoping that Ji Yan would leave.

Without their drag, even if they were no match for Long Jian, they believed that Ji Yan would be able to escape.

“Stop dreaming!” Jin Hou sneered next to him, Jian Bei was cleaned up, he almost applauded and cheered, “Ji Yan can’t run away, and you can’t run away.” ”

Even if the Demon Race wants to release Jiyan, the Dian Xing Faction will not release Jiyan.

Xuan Yunxin said loudly to Long Jian, “Ji Yan Gongzi has won the battle now, according to the agreement, Ji Yan Gongzi must be given time to rest.”

Long Jian stared at Ji Yan, who was still unyielding and his fighting intent was pressing.

He suddenly smiled, “Okay, according to the agreement, three days will be given to you.”

“You’d better hurry up and rest, after three days, I will arrange for someone to come and fight you, and by then, you won’t have a chance.”

Long Jian and the other demons disappeared, and Ji Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, and a wave of exhaustion surged up, making his body shake and almost fall from the sky.

He grabbed the Wuqiu Sword and returned to Jianbei’s side under the leadership of the Wuqiu Sword.

Seeing Ji Yan returning, Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui stared at Ji Yan fiercely, and they couldn’t wait to kill Ji Yan immediately.

Ji Yan is a bargaining chip used by the Dian Xing Faction to trade with the Demon Clan.

When the Demon Race kills Ji Yan, the Demon Race achieves its goal, and they will retreat.

The star pie will get the safety they want.

However, Ji Yan is too tenacious, like a small strong who cannot be killed, and the more he fights, the more courageous he is.

He has been fighting until now, constantly injured, but has never fallen, but has caused the demon race to suffer losses again and again.

Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui couldn’t wait to kill Ji Yan, not only because Ji Yan was dead and could let the demon race leave, but more because of the fear in their hearts.

The strength shown by Ji Yan was too strong, so strong that they were afraid in their hearts.

Once Ji Yan is allowed to leave alive, the future of the Dian Xing Faction is dead.

Sensing the killing intent of the two, Jian Bei and Meng Xiao stood in front of Ji Yan to prevent these two guys from taking advantage of Ji Yan’s recuperation to make a sneak attack.

Even Xiao Bai appeared with a brick and roared at Jin Hou and the two.

Xuan Yunxin sat firmly on the ground, without the slightest worry, but in response to the killing intent of the two, Xuan Yunxin spoke, “Don’t think about any crooked ideas, you dare to make a move against Ji Yan Gongzi, the Demon Race just has an excuse to destroy your Dian Star Faction.” ”

When she said the Origin Star Sect, Xuan Yun’s heart did not fluctuate, since she was calculated by the Point Star Sect, she had completely separated herself from the Point Star Sect, and the old feelings had long since disappeared.


Xuan Yunxin’s words were also what Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui were worried about, and the two could only suppress the killing intent in their hearts and snort coldly.

Xin Yuankui saw Ji Yan in front of him, but he couldn’t kill Ji Yan with his own hands, which made him very irritable in his heart, “What is the Demon Race doing?” ”

Isn’t it good to kill him directly?”

Everyone did not speak, including Xuan Yunxin and the three, they were also very strange.

It is indeed strange, what does the demon race want to do?

If you want to kill Ji Yan, you don’t need to use others, and Long Jian alone can kill Ji Yan.

However, Long Jian injured Ji Yan, and then let the demon race take turns to fight Ji Yan, playing wheel war, as if he was training troops.

Ji Yan, who closed his eyes to recuperate, suddenly opened his eyes, “Their target is Shaoqing…”

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