Lu Shaoqing?

Ji Yan’s words shocked everyone.

Meng Xiao was nervous, “What do you say?”

Jian Bei scratched his head, puzzled, “Why?” ”

Why did the Demon Clan use you to fish my eldest brother out?”

Even Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui were stunned, why did they get involved with Lu Shaoqing?

That bastard, that damn guy.

Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui’s faces were very ugly.

Jin Hou was humiliated by Lu Shaoqing before, and he could not forget this feud for the rest of his life.

Xin Yuankui knew that his two grandsons died at the hands of Lu Shaoqing, and he dreamed of killing Lu Shaoqing.


Now the demon clan is dealing with Ji Yan, but it is pulled to Lu Shaoqing by Ji Yan.

Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui never believed it.

Xin Yuankui sneered, not believing it at all, “He? What did he have that deserved the Demon Race to make such a big move? ”

You are extremely talented and amazing, and the demon race can still say something about you.

Jin Hou was the same, and he didn’t want to believe it.

If the real target of the Demon Race is Lu Shaoqing, it can only mean one thing, Lu Shaoqing is too terrible, so terrifying that the Demon Race wants to target him like this.

As an enemy, Jin Hou didn’t want Lu Shaoqing to be worthy of this.

It’s as if ordinary people kill and don’t want their enemies to be billionaires.

Xuan Yunxin’s face was solemn, she also thought about this question, why did the Demon Race fish Ji Yan here, and refused to kill for a long time.

She thought that the goal of the Demon Race was Lu Shaoqing, but she vetoed it just by thinking about it.

Because she felt that this was impossible.

However, now Ji Yan said in an affirmative tone that the target of the Demon Race was Lu Shaoqing.

Therefore, Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but ask, “Ji Yan Gongzi, why?”

Ji Yan spoke lightly, his tone flat, but anyone could hear the pride in it, “Because the Demon Race knows how terrifying Shaoqing is.” The

proud tone made everyone feel like an older brother was talking about his brother to others.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the ridicule of Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui.


Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui seemed to hear the big joke, and Jin Hou laughed so much that tears were about to flow out.

“Joke,” Jin Hou wiped a handful of tears, still smiling, full of mockery, “He is terrible?

“What is he? Can the Demon Race be so targeted?

“Do you want to put gold in his face or choose something else, the demon knows his horror, so you want to target him?” Haha, laugh dead, this is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard…”

Xin Yuankui also shook his head, feeling that Ji Yan was beaten stupid, “What qualifications does he have?”

“You guys shut up!” Meng Xiao waved his fist and drank unpleasantly, “He’s powerful, you know a fart.” ”

If he is injured, Meng Xiao will definitely rush up and burst the heads of the two dogs.

“Awesome? Hmph, joke…..”

Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui don’t believe a hundred people, how powerful Lu Shaoqing is?”

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No matter how powerful Lu Shaoqing is, he is just a Terran cultivator, and the Demon Race is a whole, with huge strength and many masters, will he be afraid of a small Terran cultivator?

If you are afraid of Lu Shaoqing, it is better to be afraid of their star pie.

Jian Bei and Xuan Yunxin did not speak, but looked at Ji Yan with some expectation.

However, Ji Yan did not mean to hit Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui in the face, but closed his eyes again and continued to recuperate.

Seeing this, although Jian Bei and them were very curious in their hearts, they did not dare to ask more questions to avoid disturbing Ji Yan.

Seeing Ji Yan like this, Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui sneered even more.


“What’s the use of saying these words? Used to scare people? Joke…,”

Jian Bei stood up, “Roll, you all give me a roll!”

“Cowards who dare not do it, get out!”

“You…” Facing

the two with awe-inspiring killing intent, Jian Bei was not afraid, “What are you, two cowards, the people of the Star Pointing Sect are soft-boned, coward-like guys.”

“Don’t think I dare kill you.” Xin Yuankui has to be all hairy, and the guy in Zhongzhou is really rude.

Jin Hou pulled Xin Yuankui, smiled confidently, and looked generous, “Elder Xin, there is no need to worry about him.”

“Let him live a few more days, and then he will regret it…” Three days,

this is the time for the demon clan to give Ji Yan a rest.

For Ji Yan’s current injury, three days is only to recover a little spiritual power, and there is not much other effect.

Three days for a monk is like a mortal doze off at noon.

When the time came, the people of the Demon Clan also came.

This time, the figures of the three demon incarnatees appeared, and the tall figures, like the demon king in the dark, appeared coldly around, bringing strong pressure.

The three Avatar Gods became Ji Yan’s opponents today, and the injured Ben Wei was also watching from the sidelines.

Seeing this, Jian Bei couldn’t help but roar angrily, “Despicable, you demon clan is too despicable.

“I’ll meet you scumbags too.”

Ben Wei said coldly, “The adult said, he is too strong, since this is the case, he will send more people.”

“Moreover, the three of them are only in the middle of the Avatar God.”

“Ji Yan, if you don’t want to die, surrender!”

Benwei’s voice was filled with deep resentment.

Three days ago, he was terrified and had become a joke for many demons.

This time, he followed regardless of his injuries, and prepared to wait for the opportunity, intending to take Ji Yan’s head with his own hands.

Ji Yan stood up and faced the three, or even four, Demon Transformation Gods, his face was fearless, and the fighting spirit in his heart burned violently.

Fighting, he is not afraid.

In his dictionary, he never threw in the towel.

“Mid-Avatar Period, damn it!” Jian Bei broke his mouth and cursed, “Demon race, bastard, shameless.”

“Ji Yan Gongzi, I will deal with them with you.”

Meng Xiao also stood up and huffed, “That’s right, everyone joined forces to hammer these bastard demons.” Jin

Hou, who had been waiting by the side, smiled happily when he saw the current situation.

“You two don’t bother in vain, what can you do with this little strength except to drag your words?”

Ji Yan shook his head and took off into the air, “Come on…”

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