The voices of the three demon gods were full of horror.

Like a little girl who was being targeted by a big man, she screamed.

As soon as these words came out, Jian Bei and the others in the distance were also stunned.

Lu Shaoqing is already in the realm of refining the void?

Is it so fast?

And when he returned here, there were no surprises.

He has been stuck in the nine-layer realm for many years, which does not mean that his junior brother will be stuck.

“Senior Brother!”

Xiao Yi rushed over from a distance, and when he saw Ji Yan’s appearance, tears suddenly flowed down.


Xiao Bai also ran over from a distance with a brick and plunged into Xiao Yi’s arms.

At this time, Xiaobai was also in tears, and one person and one beast burst into tears.

Yin Qi pulled out his giant sword, his face full of anger and murderous anger, “Damn the demon clan, I will smash their corpses into ten thousand pieces!”

Then, her gaze fell on Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui, “Are you guys with the Demon Clan?”

Jian Bei leaned over, and his gaze couldn’t help but fall on Yin Qi’s chest, “This girl, don’t be impulsive, that old man is not easy to mess with.”

“Leave him alone, cut it first.”

Yin Qihui’s sanity was about to be devoured, his eyes were filled with tears, and he was even more flickering with killing intent.

Dare to bully the master brother.

Even if the Holy Lord came, Yin Qi would rush up and cut a few times.

However, Xiao Yi pulled her with tears in his eyes, “Senior Sister Yin Qi, don’t worry about them, they are dead.”

Xiao Yi’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing in the distance, with absolute affirmation.

The second senior brother is about to go crazy.

Lu Shaoqing would be like a vicious wolf staring at the three gods of the demon race.

After the three demon gods knew that Lu Shaoqing was in the refining period, they had long lost their fighting spirit in their hearts.

They are just a small mid-stage realm of Transformation God, and even if there are twice as many people, they can’t beat the refining period.

“You guys are really waste, you can’t even kill my senior brother by joining forces, waste, really shouldn’t exist above the world, die…”

Lu Shaoqing took a step and pounced on his prey like a vicious wolf.

When the people in the distance heard it, everyone was covered in black lines.

Jian Bei and others are even more 100% sure that this is Lu Shaoqing, if it is a fake package, it cannot be fake.

“Damn, damn it!”

The three demon races were terrified, but they were targeted by a refining period, and they knew that there was no hope of escape, and they all counterattacked.

Rabbits will jump off the wall when they are in a hurry, and dogs will bite people when they are in a hurry.

“Get out of my way!”

A demon god roared angrily, flipped his wrist, and a black hammer appeared, which grew in the wind, turned into a huge iron hammer and smashed down at Lu Shaoqing.

The light lit up on the surface spread in bursts, causing the surrounding vibrations, and layers of ripples rippled in the air.

The ripples spread, and on the ground, wherever the ripples went, whether trees, boulders, or mountain peaks turned into powder under the ripple shock.

Every ripple contains a powerful power, even the Yuan Baby can’t bear it.


The second Demon Avatar also took out the weapon in his hand, a throwing knife, the blade body was gray, and there was a faint gray mist rising on the surface, exuding a strange aura.

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After injecting spiritual power, the throwing knife roared, and it instantly disappeared into the air.

The third Demon Transformation God held a curved bow and shot an arrow at Lu Shaoqing.

The three gods of transformation all made their own tricks, but their attacks all had one thing in common, that is, they were all long-range attacks, and they did not dare to fight in close combat like the attack Ji Yan just now.

It can be seen that Lu Shaoqing just killed Benwei in seconds, and the blood mist in the sky scared them.

Black iron hammers, gray throwing knives, flying arrows as fast as lightning, space shattered, void shattered, and bombarded towards Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he drowned Lu Shaoqing.

Different forces bombard, fight, explode.

Violent explosions, powerful spiritual power catharsis, invisible shock waves spread madly to the surroundings.

The land within a radius of a hundred miles fell into earth-shattering explosions, and the energy constantly destroyed everything that could be destroyed.

The terrifying explosion caused the Dian Xing Faction far away to suffer another impact.

Countless houses rumbled and collapsed, countless peaks cracked, and landslides landed.

The disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were jumping and embarrassed.

Even if it was a monk, some people were accidentally injured.

Looking at the huge mushroom cloud that rose up, Meng Xiao’s face was full of nervousness, and his hands were clenched, “It won’t be okay, right?”

Xiao Yi answered her confident words, “It’ll be fine!”

“It’s nothing more than their death throes.”

Such a calculating senior brother, whether it is the Demon Race or the Point Star Sect, will have to die.

Besides, it’s just that there are three demon gods, and they can’t help the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi’s confident words made Jin Hou very unhappy, especially seeing that his enemy actually appeared in time, and he was still so strong, that Jin Hou was mad in his heart.

“It’s going to be okay?” Jin Hou sneered, “Even if he is in the refining period? The other party is three demon gods, and under the desperate counterattack, even if it is in the refining period, they have to suffer losses. ”

The refining period is amazing?

The refining period is awesome?

Don’t you have to die during the refining period?

Jin Hou was mad with jealousy in his heart, and he was very impulsive to personally kill Lu Shaoqing.

He couldn’t understand why Lu Shaoqing had improved so fast in just ten or twenty years.

Is there any more heavenly reason?

Is Heavenly Dao illegitimate?

Or is it that he was abandoned by the Heavenly Dao, everyone is improving so fast, and he is progressing so slowly.

It’s hard to think about.

Xiao Yi looked at him coldly, as if looking at a dead man, his gaze made Jin Hou unhappy.

“What to see? Do you really think he can win?

“Even if he can win?” Jin Hou sneered, “Don’t forget, the Demon Race also has a refining period here. ”

Hmph, in the same realm, the demon race is stronger.

Even if Lu Shaoqing is in the refining period?

The refining of the upper demon race was finally the end of being killed.

Xiao Yi asked coldly, “So what? ”

So what?

Jin Hou almost choked and rolled his eyes, I said so much, you are not worried at all, but dare to ask such a rhetorical question?

When Lu Shaoqing is killed, I see why you cry?

At this time, the billowing smoke in the distance dissipated, and Jin Hou immediately looked at it for the first time, he wanted to see Lu Shaoqing’s tragic situation as soon as possible……

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