The smoke cleared and the heavens and the earth returned to calm.

The fluctuations of the battle disappeared, and it seemed that the battle was over.

Noticing this, Jin Hou was secretly overjoyed in his heart, could it be that under the attack of the three demon gods, Lu Shaoqing became a scum?

However, when he saw it clearly, Jin Hou was stunned, “This, this…” Lu

Shaoqing stood with his hands in his hands, his body unscathed, and in front of him, were the three demon gods who had lost their breath.

The strongest blow of the three demon gods joining forces could not help Lu Shaoqing.

Jin Hou felt unbelievable, even if it was the refining period, the three demon races joined forces to strike a blow, how could it be a little embarrassing, and the worst thing was to give me some clothes, right?

Now, Lu Shaoqing is intact and nothing has happened.

Jin Hou shouted incredulously, “Impossible, this is absolutely impossible…” There

was also a faint panic in his voice.

Lu Shaoqing was so strong, it was not a good thing for him and for the Dian Xing Faction.

With a faint smile on his face, Xiao Yi looked at Jin Hou, as if a city person was looking at dirt buns, and asked Jin Hou a murderous word, “Have you ever seen a master?”

Jin Hou wanted to vomit blood.


Lu Shaoqing’s cold voice came over, and then, everyone saw Lu Shaoqing wave his big hand, and the bodies of the three demon gods shattered again, turning into a blood mist in the sky.

Jin Hou broke out in a cold sweat when he saw it, even Jianbei and several people.

Guan Daniu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and muttered in a low voice, “How did it become so ferocious.”

Jian Bei leaned over and nodded thoughtfully, “Yes, the eldest brother has become murderous, what’s wrong?” ”

O god, say Yang and Yang will be raised.

Xiao Yi sneered beside him, “Offended the second senior brother, these people are dead.” ”

Don’t ask my second senior brother before bullying my senior brother?

Live impatiently.

After Lu Shaoqing finished cleaning up the three demon races here, his eyes looked coldly at a certain place and drank, “Get out!” Long

Jian’s figure slowly appeared, followed by a dozen or so people far behind him, and what was shocking was that these people were all Avatars.

After Lu Shaoqing noticed this, his brows couldn’t help but frown.

With a team of more than ten people, this is an extremely powerful force wherever it is placed.

There are many gods of the demon race, but so many gathered here, how to look at it is not normal.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Long Jian and the others, his eyes fierce, but also with a bit of wisdom.

“So many of you are here, you won’t be waiting for me, will you?”

So many demon races, and they are all top combat power, do not bully other races, but come here to say that they are dealing with Ji Yan.

However, until now, Ji Yan has not been killed, and if he really wants to kill Ji Yan, he doesn’t need to besiege so many gods, he only needs to let Long Jian make a move.

The Dian Xing Sect is alive and well, so Lu Shaoqing only has this guess.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing’s words, before Long Jian could speak, Jin Hou couldn’t help but laugh.

“Haha, it’s really shameless! Who did he think he was, and that the Holy Race had come here with great fanfare to deal with him?

Xin Yuankui also reacted similarly, “I don’t know that the sky is thick, and the skin is really thick.” Long

Jian in the distance laughed, and he even clapped his palms vigorously and praised, “It’s really powerful, I actually guessed it.” ”

No wonder the Holy Lord said that you are a demon genius, only for such a little time, you are actually in the refining period.”

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“Yes, our target is indeed you.”

Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui’s smile froze, suspecting that they had heard wrong.

The demon race appeared here with great fanfare, and the target was not the Dian Xing Faction, nor Ji Yan, but Lu Shaoqing?

Are you kidding?

Why should he?

Jin Hou was unconvinced in his heart.

Even Xuan Yunxin and the others were very puzzled.

What did Lu Shaoqing do? Worthy of being treated like this by the Demon Clan?

Everyone was curious, and before they could ask Xiao Yi, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, full of sorrow and indignation.

“Holy Lord of the Day of the Dog, as for? After so many years, the little thing I did, he still cares?

“Why didn’t I settle accounts with him yet, but he came to trouble me first?”

That little thing?

Everyone’s eyes fell on Xiao Yi, hoping to find an answer from Xiao Yi.

Even Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui were the same, they also wanted to know why Lu Shaoqing’s face was so big, and it was worth the Demon Race to make such a big move.

Meng Xiao was very worried, Lu Shaoqing was actually targeted by the demon race, she took Xiao Yi’s hand and hurriedly asked, “Xiao Yi, he, what did he do?” ”

Xiao Yi didn’t tell others about their visit to the Demon Race before, for fear of being known and there would be trouble.

But now even if it is hidden, it is useless, so Xiao Yi simply said the matter.

“The second senior brother blew up the holy place at that time.”

Although a bomb was placed in the Peerless Rift Abyss at that time, the Peerless Rift Abyss was also counted as a holy place, so blowing up the Peerless Rift Abyss was equivalent to blowing up the Holy Land, and there was nothing wrong.

Blew up the Holy Land?

The crowd was stunned.



There were two sounds of falling to the ground next to them, and everyone saw that Jian Bei and Guan Daniu both knelt down and knelt down in the direction of Lu Shaoqing.

“Sure enough, big brother, fierce!”

“It’s too fierce!”

To bomb the Holy Land, how brave this was, the Terrans owed him a certificate.

Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui once again suspected that something was wrong with their ears.

Blowing up the Holy Land?

Are you kidding.

Are all the demons so wasteful? Even his own holy place was bombed.

Also, is this called a trifle?

“Did you go to the Demon Realm and deliberately go to bomb the Holy Land?” Meng Xiao asked curiously.

Xiao Yi shook his head, “No, when I strayed into the Holy Land, Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother came to find me, when they fought with the Demon Saint Lord, the Second Senior Brother was angry and exploded.”

“Moreover, if you don’t blow up, I’m afraid you won’t be able to escape.”

In fact, everything is to blame on that Mu Yong, if it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t have to do this.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu had already helped each other, and when they heard Xiao Yi’s words, the two knelt down again.


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