One sword swept and destroyed the seven demon gods, even if they were all in the early and middle realms, it was enough to shock the world.

Guan Daniu stupidly took the photo stone to save this scene, and then muttered, “Despicable, murderous…” If

it weren’t for the opportunity to sneak attack, Lu Shaoqing might not be able to kill these many demonic gods.

But, in any case, the outcome is already preordained.

The Avatar of the Demon Race was dead and wounded, and none of them were intact.

Jian Bei also said stupidly, “It’s terrible.

“Big brother, it’s terrible…”

Xiao Yi wrinkled his nose and opened his mouth to say the reason why Lu Shaoqing did this, “Second Senior Brother is afraid that these people will take the opportunity to deal with us, so we must kill them first and solve the worries.”

After speaking, I felt a little sullen in my heart.

His strength is still too poor, and he has always let the second senior brother worry about himself.

If I had been stronger, this would not have happened.

Damn, I have to get stronger.

Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui turned pale, and their legs trembled secretly.

There were more than twenty Transformation Gods in total, and when dealing with Ji Yan, they were slaughtered by Ji Yan, and now they were killed by Lu Shaoqing, dead and wounded.

This group of Demon Race gods has almost completely lost their combat effectiveness.

The huge team is left, and Long Jian is the one who can fight.

At this moment, Jin Hou wanted to shout a few words at Long Jian.

Is it okay?

You waste demons, why are you so wasteful?

Is it okay to give some force? Quickly kill Lu Shaoqing, and then beat the others to death.

Long Jian’s angry voice came from afar, like a tiger after being teased by a monkey, and the roar resounded throughout the world, “Damn, you despicable human being, I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces.” Long

Jian’s eyes were red, as a refining period, he didn’t care if the people below lived or died.

What he cared about was that Lu Shaoqing actually attacked the people he brought in front of him.

What’s more, he couldn’t stop it in time.

This old face was completely swollen.

Now, the only way to make his old face swell down is to completely kill Lu Shaoqing, and then destroy the others, so that everything here will be erased from heaven and earth.


Without saying a word, Long Jian attacked Lu Shaoqing again.

The dark red light rose up into the sky, like a fierce beast stretching out thousands of red tentacles, densely packed, covering the sky, as if dyeing the whole world red.

The next moment, countless dark red rays of light seemed to have life consciousness, shrouded Lu Shaoqing.

Thousands of tentacles surrounded the space where Lu Shaoqing was, looking at it from afar, like a red giant egg.

The red light on the surface surged like a tide, shining brightly, and countless red vampire demons were devouring the space.

“Click, click…” A

scalp-numbing cracking sound sounded, and the space of heaven and earth seemed to be torn apart by red tentacles, and countless black and evil cracks accompanied the left and right, adding a bit of power.

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This blow seemed to be able to annihilate Lu Shaoqing and the space in infinite power.

Powerful forces make space twist, constantly squeeze, crack, and crumble.

Lu Shaoqing also felt great pressure, and the skin on his body seemed to be squeezed and pulled with this force.

In the end, it is an existence whose realm strength is stronger than him, and when he makes a move, it is a killing move.


Such an attack only made Lu Shaoqing feel pressure.

Long Jian is a five-layer realm, which is exactly within the range that he can deal with.

Looking at the red light around him like a tide rushing over wave after wave, Mo Junjian lit up.

The same radiance, the white sword light soared into the sky, turning into a giant sword, like the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, piercing the red giant screen, breaking the shell and sunrise.

Lu Shaoqing’s blue shirt fluttered, holding the Mojun sword and rushing out along the sword light, the surrounding continuous explosions, huge spiritual power, sword intent filled the surroundings, making his figure blurry and tall, as if the Nine Heavens Sword God descended.

Holding the Mojun sword, he swung it at Long Jian fiercely.

In an instant, the wind and clouds moved, and between the trembling of heaven and earth, countless black and white flames appeared out of thin air, dripping and wrapping Long Jian in it.

It’s not polite to come and go!

“You want to wrap me as a dumpling filling?”

“I’ll roast you like a roast duck!”

The black and white flames composed of sword intent were like heaven and earth divine fire emitting a scorching high temperature, distorting the void and blurring everyone’s vision, even if they tried to open their eyes wide, they could not see Long Jian’s figure.

Even from a distance, everyone seemed to be able to feel the terrifying temperature.

Such a terrifying momentum made the remaining six Avatar Gods of the Demon Race look ugly, and the fear in their hearts was even stronger.

If it weren’t for the luck of a few of them, they would have fallen under this trick.


With a cold snort, the dark red light flickered again, like a cold wind whistling through the moon.

“Boom, boom…” An

explosion sounded, one flame after another was extinguished, and the sword intent was crushed.

Longjian’s figure appeared in the explosion, as if stepping on his flames, and the dark red light wrapped around him like a spirit snake, as if devouring the surrounding fire spirits.

The surrounding flames disappeared, and the dark red light once again remained between heaven and earth, giving people a strange, desperate feeling.

Lu Shaoqing frowned secretly, the Heaven-level Sword Technique’s Fire Sword Technique was now a little unable to keep up.

Although the power is great, it is no longer enough for the cultivators of the Refining Void Realm.

Long Jian smiled coldly, as if to say that this attack was helpless.

Then pointed at Lu Shaoqing, and the dark red light in the sky surged towards Lu Shaoqing again like a poisonous snake.

This time is different from the last one.

This time the dark red light emitted an even more terrifying and terrifying aura.

Until now, Lu Shaoqing had not found out what magic weapon Long Jian was using.

Feeling the horror of the dark red light, Lu Shaoqing did not intend to entangle, but stepped out in one step and disappeared in place in an instant.

Flashes of light!

However, when Lu Shaoqing appeared from the space, he found that his body was stunned, and when he looked down, the red light was like a big hand firmly grasping his feet…

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