Holding his feet like iron tongs, tens of millions of pounds of strength pulling, I can’t wait to pull my feet off.

Lu Shaoqing looked down, only to find that it was not a red light that entangled him.

Rather, it is countless filaments so small that they are barely visible to the naked eye.

Lu Shaoqing moved with his foot, but found that each filament was extremely hard, and the strength was extremely powerful, and it was absolutely extraordinary.

Lu Shaoqing was secretly surprised, just now he thought that the red light was caused by Long Jian’s spiritual power, but he didn’t expect it to be a magic weapon.


Noticing Lu Shaoqing’s actions, Long Jian smiled proudly and introduced his magic weapon, “This is my magic weapon, Thousand Blood!”

“Nothing is indestructible, nothing is destroyed!”

When several Demon Transformation Gods in the distance heard this, their spirits lifted one after another.

“Lord Longjian’s Natal Weapon!”

“Hey, Lord Longjian already possessed this magic weapon when he was in the refining period, and as he grew, the Thousand Blood Thread is one of the most powerful magic weapons of my holy clan.”

“Countless people have died at the hands of a thousand bloods, Terrans, death is certain.”

Lu Shaoqing snorted and said with disdain, “Isn’t it spider silk, how do you look like a female spider, can a male spider also spit silk?” ”

Male spiders?


Long Jian’s face suddenly sank, and he shouted angrily, “Die!” ”

Thousands of blood strands are like proliferation, constantly waving, growing, and lingering.

In just a breathless time, Lu Shaoqing was wrapped in a thousand bloodshots, like a red mummy.

I couldn’t move, and I lost my breath.

The crowd of onlookers was shocked, is that all?

Guan Da Niu shouted, “No, he, he doesn’t do anything?” ”

Will the struggle be?

I didn’t even struggle for a while, wasn’t it careless?

Xiao Yi also clenched his fists nervously, although he was very confident in his second senior brother, but seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but worry.

After all, Long Jian’s strength is stronger than Lu Shaoqing.

The matter of the horse’s loss of the front hoof, no one dares to guarantee that it will

not pass a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing did not move, and Jin Hou couldn’t help it.

If he endures it any longer, the cheers in his heart will make him vomit blood, and he laughed, showing a smug expression of the villain again, “He is dead, and under this kind of battle, he dares to be careless.”

“Hehe, haha…” Xin

Yuankui also showed a gratifying smile.

Just now, seeing Lu Shaoqing so strong, it almost scared him to death.

Now it’s a foregone conclusion, it’s all over.

The Demon Race killed Lu Shaoqing and the others, and then retreated, and the Dian Xing Faction would come to safety and peacetime.

Accumulate strength, watch the general trend of the world, wait for the opportunity to move on the side, and wait for the time to sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Think about it.

Xin Yuankui laughed he ”

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The voice is steady and soft, like a superior who has no choice.

Looking at Xiao Yi and the others, their eyes were like looking at a dead person.

“Hmph,” Xiao Yi was upset, looking at the smug look of the two, he really wanted to kill them now, “When my second senior brother defeats him, let’s see if you can still laugh.” ”

Defeat Senior Longjian?” As if hearing the funniest joke, Jin Hou laughed even more wildly, “Daydream!”

However, in the distance, Long Jian sneered, “Wrapped tightly by my thousand blood, unless your body is harder and stronger than mine, otherwise, you obediently accept your fate.” He

urged a thousand bloodshots, ready to kill the killer.

His thousand bloodshots grew with him, as skilled as a part of his body.

Under his urging, the thousand blood was constantly wrapped tightly, and it was true.

Long Jian’s eyes flashed with fierce cruelty, and he was looking forward to the picture of Lu Shaoqing being cut into countless pieces.

He couldn’t get tired of seeing that picture.

However, Long Jian soon found that he could not urge the thousand bloodshots.

It was as if it had encountered an invisible resistance, and no matter how much it was urged, it could not go further.


Long Jian was shocked, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

In the past, when dealing with the enemy, he used a thousand bloodshots, invincible, and all enemies were strangled in front of the thousand bloods.

Long Jian continued to urge, and when he found that the Thousand Blood Thread really couldn’t go further, Long Jian flashed a trace of ruthlessness.


Long Jian spurted out a mouthful of essence blood, urging the thousand blood streaks again.

Thousand Blood Silks moved, but before Long Jian could be happy, the powerful resistance appeared again, and Thousand Blood Silks stopped again.

Then, a powerful force came back.

That kind of power made Long Jian feel like standing under a cliff, and a 10,000-ton boulder fell from the sky and fell heavily on him.

The powerful countershock force caused his blood qi to tumble and the spiritual power in his body reversed.

It was like a bomb detonating in his body, and the impact of the explosion made him snort.

“Whoosh!” As if the clothes were torn, the long sword appeared from the inside, and then a hand stretched out, the crack became wider and wider, and Lu Shaoqing’s figure jumped out from the inside.

“Yes, you really wrapped me as a dumpling.” After Lu Shaoqing came out, he raised the Mojun sword and slashed at Long Jian.

The sword light rushed into the sky, suddenly bloomed, and the sword intent raged and covered the entire sky, like a vast ocean, vast and endless.

Under this violent sword intent, heaven and earth were twisted, destroyed, shattered, and reorganized.

Where the sword light passed, heaven and earth revealed black cracks, cracked, and closed.

The opposite force collided, which made Long Jian feel uncomfortable.

Long Jian withdrew sharply, and with a wave of a thousand blood, the filaments turned into a huge red shield in a blink of an eye, resisting Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

Long Jian stared at Lu Shaoqing in amazement, he did not see any scars from Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing still became full of breath and jumped alive.

“You, you are actually not injured?” Long Jian was very uncomfortable, and at the same time his heart was extremely shocked.

His move just now was not resisted even by a Saint Race who was good at physical cultivation.

Lu Shaoqing can actually resist?

“You don’t even massage me with that little strength, and you still want me to get hurt?” Lu Shaoqing despised, having said that, if he could see the body under his clothes, he would definitely be able to see the dense red marks on it.

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his chest and grinned, “The massage technique is still good, you can go and be a cowherd…”

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