
thousands of bloodshots that densely covered the sky were like stimulated kittens, suddenly withdrawing their bodies.

The next moment, it suddenly broke out again.

Densely packed once again occupied Lu Shaoqing’s field of vision.

Countless filaments floated in the air, constantly rushing at him.

Densely packed, countless filaments were squirming in front of him, attacking him.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the dense filament, Lu Shaoqing also felt a feeling of nausea in his heart, and while swinging his sword to resist, he muttered, “It’s thanks to me that I don’t have a dense phobia, otherwise he won.” ”

Although the filaments are so small that they are difficult to see with the naked eye, the power of the explosion cannot be resisted even by the Avatar God.

“Tear and pull…”

filaments rushed over, each filament carried a terrifying killing aura, and the terrifying power easily pierced through the void, stabbing the space around Lu Shaoqing into a sieve.

In the face of these pervasive and ubiquitous filament, Lu Shaoqing did not dare to easily resist with his flesh.

Although the flesh can resist, it also hurts.

Mo Jun’s sword swung out with his backhand, and the huge and tyrannical sword intent was filled again.

Although he did not allow the sword intent to turn into a barrier and destroy all attacks like Ji Yan.

But there is still no problem in using sword intent to protect yourself.

The invisible sword intent and the tangible filaments constantly collided in the void.

Very small, very subtle, but under the collision, it produces fluctuations that can destroy everything.

Small fluctuations continued to collide, fuse, and turn into even greater destructive fluctuations, once again distorting the surrounding space.

Filigree destruction, sword intent tyranny, and the distorted void made Lu Shaoqing’s figure also twist, as if it would disappear completely.

Mo Jun also appeared from the sword body, wandering around, crossing his left and right hands, and stuffing the filaments into his mouth one by one.

The indestructible filament was easily bitten off by Mo Jun, and he swallowed it into his stomach after chewing twice.

The collision of sword intent and filaments made a heaven and earth seem to be involved in a storm.

The invisible fluctuations continued to impact, once again causing this heaven and earth to be dealt a devastating blow.

Again and again it hits the ground, destroying the ground.

Under the continuous impact, the rolling magma often turned into a black smoke as soon as it came out and disappeared into the heavens and the earth.

The forces of the two sides are constantly colliding and constantly consuming.

In the end, the thousand bloodshots seemed to be weak, constantly fading, looking at it from afar, like a red tide receding.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure reappeared.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s breath was weaker and his breathing was more rapid.

Under the fight with Longjian, his consumption was even greater.

The same is true of Longjian.

The breath of both sides seemed very weak.

Guan Da Niu couldn’t help but mutter, “Big brother Niu, with one enemy and two, fight until now, and then fight, win.”

“Shut up!” Xiao Yi couldn’t help but kick Guan Da Niu, “Crow mouth, shut up.”

Guan Daniu was not convinced, looked at Jin Hou next to him like a dead father, and deliberately said loudly, “Isn’t it? That demon woman was nowhere to be seen, and she must have been injured and couldn’t make a move.

“There is only one opponent left, obviously not my eldest brother’s opponent.”

Raven mouth, crow mouth, I am not a crow mouth.

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Jin Hou was buzzing like a fly, and Guan Da Niu had long been unhappy with him.

Jian Bei looked sideways, he smelled the horse fart inside, “Lean, fatty, you actually secretly slapped my eldest brother’s horse fart here?”

“What do you mean by?” Guan Daniu hummed, “I’m telling the truth.

After speaking, he whispered to Jian Beidao, “I think I will be able to cross the robbery soon.”

Jian Bei suddenly realized and understood.

Before crossing the calamity, you have to have a good relationship with the younger brother of Tiandao.

As the saying goes, there are people who are good at doing things, and there are people above who are good at crossing the calamity.

Jian Bei could only praise from the bottom of his heart, “You are such a dog!”

Meng Xiao also kicked over, “Fatty, shut up!” Guan

Da Niu avoided it in time and slapped the horse fart to the end, “How handsome and powerful is the pig-killing sword trick just now, who can resist it?”

“That demon woman must have been crippled, otherwise she wouldn’t have shown her face until now, and she couldn’t still think of hiding and sneaking up, right?”

However, as soon as Guan Daniu’s words fell, a black light shot up into the sky.

When the red light subsided, the black light seemed to be born from the red light, turning into a black lightning bolt towards Lu Shaoqing.

The black armor burst out with pitch-black light, and Lu erupted in an even more violent posture, once again turning into a god of war, brandishing his own weapon and smashing the yellow dragon.

The speed is faster than before, and the power is stronger than before.

The powerful force caused turmoil in heaven and earth, and he held his mace high and bombarded it in front of Lu Shaoqing, and then smashed down fiercely.


The mace fell, and the world seemed to collapse under this blow.

However, this blow that could destroy the world was blocked by Lu Shaoqing reaching out and reaching out.


When the two forces collided, another shockwave burst that could destroy everything.

“No, it can’t be!”

Lu couldn’t help but scream.

This blow is her strongest blow, and the unparalleled power can even destroy the world.

But was blocked by Lu Shaoqing?

Lu couldn’t believe it, she suspected she was dreaming!

Lu Shaoqing sneered, “The power of the demon race is very strong, but it’s a pity, you are a three-eight, your power is useless except that you can stab the Holy Lord!”

“Damn it!”

Lu’s anger couldn’t wait to gush from every part of her body.

In anger, the mace lit up again, but this time, it was a strange gray light.

And on this Xiao Yi’s side, Yin Qi pulled out the giant sword, Meng Xiao raised his fist, Xiao Yi let go of Xiao Hei, they wanted to kill the fat crow of Guan Da Niu.

Guan Daniu faced everyone’s gaze and laughed, and he said, “Who, who would have thought that the demon race would be so cunning?

However, seeing that Lu Shaoqing blocked Lu’s sneak attack, he hurriedly said, “Look, I said that the eldest brother is wise and martial, and it is impossible to be successfully attacked by someone.”

However, as soon as his words fell, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came from a distance, “Ouch…” Then Lu Shaoqing’s

body fell from the sky and seemed to fall into a coma.

Meng Xiao was furious, and his fist was swung out with anger, “Dead fatty, take your life…”

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