Lu Shaoqing fell from the sky, his eyes closed, and he seemed to be in a coma.

Seeing this, Long Jian smiled coldly and whispered to himself, “Naïve fellow, why do you think Lu can join the Zijia Saint Guard?”

“Why do you become a close follower of the Holy Lord?”

“Do you really think it’s only by her power?”

“Her strongest is not the strength of the flesh…” After

speaking, he shook his head again, his tone was a little depressed, “Forget it, let her kill him.”

Then, his gaze fell on Ji Yan in the distance, smiled coldly, and then the figure disappeared.

Watching Lu Shaoqing fall with a scream, the corners of Lu’s mouth showed a sneering arc, and then, a special fluctuation permeated her body.

As if out of his soul, a divine consciousness instantly submerged into Lu Shaoqing’s body.

Lu’s heart was full of pride, and the world thought that she was a woman who could only use brute force, and would only rampage with strong physical strength.

As everyone knows, it was just a means she used to confuse outsiders.

What she really excels at is divine sense attacks.

This is also the reason why the Holy Lord asked her to come here to cooperate with Long Jian.

There are many people who are stronger than her, why send her who is weaker than Longjian?

Lu’s divine sense sneered all the way, like entering no man’s land and easily entering Lu Shaoqing’s sea of knowledge.

Lu’s heart was fierce, and she must let Lu Shaoqing taste her power.

Having lived for so long, I have never seen such a hateful Terrans.

He must be killed, and he must die a painful death, only in this way can the hatred in his heart be eliminated.

Soon, his eyes lit up, and Lu came to Lu Shaoqing’s sea of knowledge.

However, as soon as she entered, her smile froze.

Lu Shaoqing stood in the air, and after seeing her come in, he waved his hand at her and said hello, “Hey…..”

Why is it so long, I’ve been waiting for you for half a day.”

Lu was shocked, “You, you….” When

she saw her surroundings clearly, she wanted to turn around and leave.

Clear skies, clear days, all this is a normal picture.


Above the sky hangs a ball of light, like a golden sun, dazzling, people dare not look directly.

The slowly rotating golden ball of light exuded an aura that made Lu feel fear from top to bottom, inside and out.

What the hell is this?

Lu wanted to cry.

Is this a normal sea of knowledge?

Whose sea of knowledge has a sun in it?

Lu felt the danger in her heart and wanted to leave, but it was easy to come in and difficult to get out.

Now the only way is to defeat Lu Shaoqing to leave.

Lu Qiang suppressed the fear in his heart and secretly cheered himself up in his heart.

It looks very weird, maybe it’s just weird, and the strength is not good.

Believe in yourself, you have been cultivating for thousands of years, don’t be afraid of him.

Cheering herself up and cheering up, Lu’s fighting spirit was rekindled.


Coming here, it is useless to say more, only life and death are the final end.

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Lu’s body erupted with black light, like divine light, and the terrifying power was pervasive.

However, as soon as Lu’s side showed killing intent, the golden ball of light in the sky seemed to sense something.


A golden light descended into the sky.

As if the world was destroyed, the sky was burned and the sea was boiled, the sky shook, and the sea water boiled and evaporated.

Lu desperately dodged but there was no way to dodge, shrouded in golden light.


Lu screamed, and her body continued to collapse and disappear like evaporating seawater.

The terrifying power made Lu resist without resistance, and directly dissipated in the golden light.

At the moment before it dissipated, a thought arose in Lu’s heart, how could he be so strong?

The divine consciousness that invaded Lu Shaoqing’s body dissipated and disappeared completely.

Lu outside held her head and cried out in pain.

The loss of divine consciousness was unbearable even for her.

Her face was pale and she was sweating profusely, as if water had been fished out of water.

After the pain subsided slightly, her eyes looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror.

Only those who have personally experienced it know how terrifying Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense really is.

Lu even had an illusion that even the Holy Lord did not have such a terrifying divine sense.

Lu Shaoqing stood proudly and looked at Lu coldly, “I said, your strength is only worthy of stabbing the Holy Lord’s chrysanthemum. ”

You…” The contemptuous, disdainful tone made Lu furious, but soon she found a problem.

Lu Shaoqing’s breathing had become steady, and he did not look weak for half a day.

This discovery once again caused Lu’s pupils to contract suddenly.

“You’re not hurt?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, gave a thumbs up to himself, showed a mouthful of white teeth, and asked with a smile, “How about it, my acting skills can win awards, right?” ”

There were also a lot of people who said that my acting skills were very good.”

“You…” Lu was frightened, and Lu Shaoqing actually pretended.

She and Long Jian teamed up to deal with Lu Shaoqing, thinking that even if they couldn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, they would be able to inflict heavy damage on Lu Shaoqing.

Otherwise, Lu Shaoqing’s move just now would also be extremely consuming.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing actually pretended to do so.

Lu’s heart was extremely uncomfortable, and at the same time, a thought appeared in her heart, “You, you also know that I will sneak attack?

Lu Shaoqing was strange, as if looking at an idiot, “My move retained its strength, but you disappeared, a little brain can guess, right?” Everything

was in the calculations of others, and even his proud divine sense was vulnerable in front of Lu Shaoqing.

A thick sense of frustration permeated Lu’s heart.

However, Lu was not completely desperate, she looked at Lu Shaoqing’s proud look coldly, and gritted her teeth with hatred, “Don’t be proud, I haven’t lost yet.”

“Do you still have the power to fight a war now?”

One sentence made Lu silent, unwilling.

Divine sense was severely damaged, and as Lu Shaoqing said, she no longer had the strength to fight with Lu Shaoqing.

However, her gaze looked into the distance.

In the distance, Long Jian appeared not far from Ji Yan.

Lu laughed, “How, your senior brother, death is certain!”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice was full of indifference, Mo Jun’s sword swept across, the sky dimmed again, and the stars flickered, “Die and die, but before that, you go down first.” ”

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