The terrifying sword intent pervaded, and the armor on his body faintly sounded with the sound of gold and iron.

Feeling Lu Shaoqing’s strong killing intent, Lu was terrified.

Lu Shaoqing actually ignored Ji Yan’s life and death?

You must know that Ji Yan is still in a state of consolidation, and if he is attacked by others, if he is a little careless, his previous achievements will be lost.

It is not impossible for even the realm to fall back to the realm of the Avatar God.

What’s more, now Long Jian has come to Ji Yan, once he makes a move, it is not as simple as interfering with Ji Yan.

Once he makes a move, Ji Yan will definitely die.

Lu Shaoqing actually ignored it?

Lu’s side was even ready to intercept Lu Shaoqing with all her might, but she didn’t expect that Lu Shaoqing ignored it, but instead killed her.


Nine strands of starlight fell, tearing the sky again, this time no longer giving Lu a chance to dodge.

Nine strands of starlight were like nine stars blocking the space where Dead Lu was dodging, blocking her escape route.

The forces of terror converge and constantly shake the world.

Lu’s face changed drastically, feeling the breath of death.

She wielded her mace, mobilized her last spiritual power, and desperately resisted.

The mace burst out with black light, gathering her last strength and stepping into the sky again.

It was as if tiny ants were fighting against the sky.

However, in the face of great power, ants are always ants.

Lu’s power was consumed too much, and the loss of divine consciousness made her head explode at any time, and she couldn’t concentrate at all.


A starlight fell first, colliding heavily with the mace.


Under this blow, the sixth-level weapon revealed a crack.

Lu’s hands trembled, and the strength made it impossible for her to hold her weapon.

At the same time, the terrifying impact continued to fall, impacting her body.

The pure power was like a continuous stream of water slamming into the armor.


The powerful force made Lu feel as if she had been hit hard by a level nine sledgehammer.

The huge impact force caused all the organs in her body to shift instantly, and blood rushed straight to her throat and suddenly spurted out.

The second, the third….

A series of nine rays of light hit Lu’s body.

Under the continuous impact, the wolf teeth and armor shattered and shattered, turning into fragments in the sky.

Lu was also enveloped by terrifying power, and the bursting sword intent was devoured.

The terrifying power made Lu understand that Lu Shaoqing had actually retained his strength before.

Damn guys!

Lu roared angrily in her heart, damn it!

Isn’t he afraid of being self-defeating? Dare to retain part of your strength?

Damn Terrans!

Lu struggled desperately, resisted, resisted.

But in the face of great power, any resistance and struggle she made was futile.

Lu’s body continued to dissipate in the light, meeting the sun like a snowman, constantly melting.

Damn it!

Lu was desperate, she knew she couldn’t escape.

Desperate, Lu simply gave up resisting and looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly.

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Let your body gradually disappear into the light.

Her voice came out of the light, revealing her last strength, “I was careless this time, but I will come back.”

“You can defeat me, but you can’t kill me, your senior brother will be different…” Lu

was fierce in her heart, you killed me, Long Jian killed your senior brother to avenge me.

I can be born again, what about your senior brother?

I don’t believe he can be born again.

However, before she finished speaking, a sword intent suddenly came from a distance.

Aggressive! Fierce and high.

Lu was shocked again, this sword intent was familiar to her.

When Ji Yan and the Demon Transformation Gods were fighting, she hid in the secret and observed, and she was extremely familiar with Ji Yan’s sword intent.

Ji Yan woke up?

He, he consolidated so fast?

Lu was in disbelief, she turned her head with difficulty and saw a dazzling light break through the bloody sky.

A thought appeared in Lu’s mind

, it turned out that Lu Shaoqing did not care about Ji Yan’s life or death, but knew that Ji Yan was already well.

This pair of junior brothers, really damn it!

Lu’s heart was full of resentment, and the next moment, she fell into darkness and disappeared into the starlight.

Long Jian came to Ji Yan and looked at Ji Yan coldly from a distance.

Ji Yan sat with his eyes closed, after crossing the calamity, he was recognized by heaven and earth, the avenue was moist, and his injuries were too good to be good.

With a grim face, he exuded an indescribable aura, like a divine sword standing between heaven and earth.

Even if the two sides were now in opposing positions, Long Jian had to marvel.

People like Ji Yan, whether they are Terrans or Saint Races, are rare to see.

A peerless genius, rare in the world.

However, the more so, the more Ji Yan will die.

The Holy Race would not allow such a powerful person to go against them.

However, Long Jian decided in his heart to kill Ji Yan, but did not immediately make a move.

It’s only been half a day or so now, and it’s been a long time.

Long Jian’s heart was full of confidence and pride, looking at Ji Yan’s gaze as if looking at a dead person, he whispered to himself, “It took me a month to consolidate the realm before.

“You are a demon, half a month is always necessary, right?”

“Hey, who can protect you during this time?”

A smug smile gradually appeared on Long Jian’s face, and the feeling of being in control returned.

Lu was good at divine sense attacks, just like assassins attacking, Lu Shaoqing was no longer a concern.

At the moment, Ji Yan needs time to consolidate, and in front of him it is equivalent to being defenseless.

He can kill Ji Yan at any time.

It’s nice to have everything under control, and how delicious it feels.

Long Jian didn’t want to kill Ji Yan so quickly, he thought about continuing to enjoy this feeling.


Suddenly, Lu’s screams came from a distance, far away, the voice was very weak, but for the cultivators, no matter how far away and the smallest sound could be clear in their ears.

Long Jian was shocked and turned his head to go forward.

The stars in the sky twinkled and the starlight falling from the sky deeply stung Long Jian’s eyes.

Long Jian was shocked, Luju missed?

Then, Long Jian immediately reacted, Lu missed, and it was too late for him to go to the rescue.

The only way now is to minimize the losses.

Long Jian didn’t say a word, his wrist flicked, and the thousand blood silk showed its fangs at Ji Yan like a poisonous snake…

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