The thousand blood strands opened, and the filaments were like countless poisonous snakes, revealing Senran fangs and shrouded towards Ji Yan.

Now that Lu has suffered a loss, it looks like that it is difficult to resist Lu Shaoqing.

Although he said that he was dissatisfied with Lu for robbing his prey, after all, Lu was all his own person, and he was still a red man beside the Holy Lord, and he couldn’t see death without saving it.

In order to put pressure on Lu Shaoqing, Long Jian made the first move, and this time he did not keep his hand.

The main thing is to force Lu Shaoqing to throw a rat machine and force Lu Shaoqing to save people.

If Lu Shaoqing rushed to save Ji Yan, Lu would be out of danger.

Of course, if Lu Shaoqing does not come, he can kill Ji Yan first, and then kill Lu Shaoqing when the time comes, which is also a steady profit.

Looking at Ji Yan, Long Jian’s eyes flashed with fierceness, and he sneered, “If you want to blame, blame your so-called junior brother.”

Lu Shaoqing’s performance made him feel that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were just a little bit of the same family, but it was just a little, not much.

Lu can’t save it, he kills Lu Shaoqing again to help Lu take revenge, and when the time comes, he can also explain to the Holy Lord when he goes back.

Filaments flutter and wriggle in the sky, like schools of fish in the sea, frantically attacking food.

Rolling, flying, and as he had done with Lu Shaoqing before, he quickly wrapped up Ji Yan.

Long Jian was proud in his heart, the ruthlessness in his eyes was even stronger, and when he saw that it was almost the same, his open right hand grabbed it fiercely and turned into a fist.

In the next moment, the plan will turn into endless fragments.

However, the thousand blood was wrapped and tightened, but soon a strong counterpressure came, and the smile on Long Jian’s face froze.

Like before against Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t move forward, as if he had encountered an incomparably hard object again.

Long Jian’s heart couldn’t help but give birth to a bad thought.

And like before?

Wouldn’t it, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s sect majored in flesh? Aren’t they sword cultivators?

Will Jian Xiu’s body be so strong?

When Long Jian was about to exert his strength, suddenly an incomparably sharp sword intent burst out, rushing straight into the nine heavens, stirring countless storms and clouds, and shaking the sky.

Even if he was wrapped in thousands of blood, Long Jian could still feel the edge of this sword intent.

Long Jian’s body couldn’t help but tremble, in front of this sword intent, he seemed to feel the sharpest existence in the world.

This sharp sword intent seemed to be able to split the sky, and nothing in the world could stop it.

Long Jian was shocked, with such a sword intent, would this world exist?

Damn it!

Long Jian wants to scold his mother, how long has it been?

Less than a day, the plan has been consolidated?

Long Jian couldn’t help but feel a little panicked in his heart.

Why didn’t he hurry before and feel that everything was under control?

Don’t you just think that Ji Yan has not consolidated the realm, don’t worry?

Now it seems that arrogance and misjudgment have been made.

Is this something that people can do?

Long Jian roared in his heart, would normal people have this?

I thought that it was outrageous enough to have a Lu Shaoqing who could communicate with the Heavenly Tribulation, and now he has an extra plan.

Outrageous open the door to outrageous every day?

The sword intent became more and more intense, as if it wanted to destroy the world, and the terrifying power continued to rise.

Long Jian reacted and hurriedly controlled the Thousand Bloodshot again, wanting to strangle the danger in the cradle.

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However, a white light rose up into the sky, like a young life breaking out of its shell and coming into this world.

The sword light rushed into the sky, the sky shook, the sharp sword intent pervaded, the sound of roaring, the sky and the earth were pierced through countless small holes.

The sharp breath made Long Jian feel like a needle felt, and he could feel a deep tingling pain from far away.

Long Jian stretched out his hand, and the split thousand blood strands gathered again, flying all over the sky, turning into a red wall.

It was as if a waterfall fell from the sky, which could help him resist all the attacks of the world.

Looking at the thousand bloodshots like the wall of heaven and earth, Long Jian felt a little relieved.

But Long Jian, who reacted, immediately became angry in his heart.

Damn it!

Ji Yan’s sword actually made him subconsciously retreat in his heart.

Wait, I must kill you.

As soon as the thought fell, suddenly a sharp pain came, appearing from the depths of his soul, making Longjian’s body tremble.

Hair, what happened?

Long Jian was furious, when suddenly a white light lit up in front of him, and he looked up.

A white light appeared from the thousand bloodshots, and the next moment, the thousand bloods flying in the sky, like a wall of sighs, were like a white piece of paper being broken from it by a knife and turned into two halves.

“No, it can’t be!”

Long Jian felt that his soul was also broken in half at this moment, and he trembled with pain.

Long Jian couldn’t believe what he saw, he felt as if he was dreaming.

How hard the thousand blood is, no one knows except Long Jian.

Long Jian once thought that his Thousand Blood Thread was the hardest existence in the world, indestructible, and likewise, indestructible.

No matter what kind of divine weapon there is no way to destroy his thousand blood.

Even Lu Shaoqing could only devour part of his thousand bloodshot by unknown means, but the impact was not too great.

However, Ji Yan could split his thousand blood strands, countless filaments were cut off, and at the same time, he lost his aura, as if dead, scattered between heaven and earth.

The next moment, Ji Yan’s figure appeared in Long Jian’s line of sight.

With sharp eyes and a grim face, Ji Yan stood above the void, hunting in white, like a Nine Heavens Sword God descending from mortals.

Ji Yan held a long sword and looked at Long Jian quietly.

Calm gaze. Long Jian couldn’t help but feel a wave of fear in his heart, and his soul trembled again.

At this moment, Long Jian had an understanding that they had provoked the wrong person.

Neither Lu Shaoqing nor Ji Yan are ordinary people.

Young age, extremely talented, less than a hundred years old, already in the realm of refining voids, holding powerful sword techniques, and terrifying combat effectiveness.

Both of them revealed weirdness, neither of them were normal people.

Dute has an abnormal painting style.

Normal people run to find trouble with abnormal people, do you still need to say the result?

Long Jian stared at the Excalibur that was about to be unsheathed, and he was unwilling in his heart, “You consolidated it so quickly?”

“I don’t believe it!”

He refused to believe this fact.

As long as Ji Yan has not been completely consolidated, he still has a chance.

When Ji Yan heard this, his calm eyes looked at him, and suddenly the breath on Ji Yan’s body suddenly shook and climbed.

Long Jian was shocked, and the onlookers from a distance were also shocked….

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