Above the firmament, there is nothingness, peace and security.

In fact, it is an undercurrent and extremely dangerous.

Like the surface of a calm lake, the undercurrents below are surging, murderous.

Thousand Bloodshot is like a hidden assassin, looking for opportunities in the secret.

Long Jian’s heart is fierce, in the field, see how you resist.

The silent thousand bloodshots suddenly appeared behind Ji Yan, turning into the most fierce and sharpest murder weapon and stabbing at Ji Yan.

Fast as lightning, once hit, Long Jian was confident that he could give Ji Yan a hard blow.

However, Ji Yan was a reflexive sword, and the dense thousand blood was cut off countless times.

Long Jian was trembling in pain.

Damn it!

Long Jian didn’t expect Ji Yan’s sense to be so keen, and he couldn’t do anything at all.

The fierceness in Long Jian’s eyes flashed, and the thoughts in his heart became firm again.


Like an ambush soldier who had been in ambush for a long time, a thousand bloodshots once again came towards Ji Yan in all directions.

I saw that the sky was once again filled with red blood light, sweeping like churning seawater.

Guan Daniu pouted, feeling very disdainful, “The demon race can’t do it, is the donkey skill poor?” Back and forth is this trick. ”

At every turn, a thousand bloodshots swept and surrounded the opponent.

Thousands of bloods are indestructible, and the lethality is terrible.

This trick can be said to be invincible against ordinary people.

However, the opponent Long Jian encountered this time was not an ordinary person.

Whether it is Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan, there are ways to deal with Thousand Blood.

Longjian has returned again and again without success.

So Guan Daniu secretly despises in his heart, the same move is not a little new, and he also wants to win?

He muttered, “If it were me, I might as well blow myself up, so that the power would be even greater…” As

soon as Guan Daniu’s words fell, a huge explosion sounded.

The red sky seemed to burn, the smoke of the explosion rose into the air, and countless energies were vented.

As if a gap had opened above the nine heavens, terrifying energy was venting from the gap to the world, destroying the heavens and the earth.

The first thing to be affected is the ground below.

The shock wave of the explosion fell from the sky, like a meteor falling, and smashed the ground.


Another huge explosion sounded, the ground was slashed off, the earth evaporated in the explosion, and a huge, bottomless pit appeared.

As if the center of the earth was also blown up, countless magma came out, and the next moment it turned into nothingness in the terrifying energy.

The explosion radiated brightly, expanding with the shock wave.

Everything that passed was annihilated, turning into the tiniest dust between heaven and earth.


Seeing the energy of the explosion continuously spreading towards his side, Jian Bei jumped three feet high and shouted, “Run!” In

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front of this terrifying energy, even the Avatar God felt as small as an ant.

Although the distance is very far, the scope of this explosion is beyond imagination, do not run, wait to be killed.

The fat on the face of the big cow was screaming, and he was the first to turn and look into the distance and run.

Everyone followed closely, Yin Qi took out his giant sword and swung it while running, “Dead fatty, don’t run, let me hack you to death…”

Although the crowd ran fast, they were caught up by the blaster of the explosion.

The energy wrapped in it rushed in.


Xuan Yunxin, Meng Xiao, and Jian Bei, who were already injured, were the first to withstand this attack.

They vomited blood one after another, and the figure stumbled in the air, as if it would fall at any time.

Guan Daniu and Yin Qi, the two Yuan infancy were even more like being hit hard, vomiting more blood, and fell heavily towards the ground.

Xiao Yi, an uninjured Avatar cultivator, immediately blocked the front and helped everyone resist the impact of the explosion.

However, not long after Xiao Yi entered the realm of the Avatar God, she also seemed powerless in the face of this explosion.

Just blocked a few breaths, the spiritual power in Xiao Yi’s body was swept away, and he could no longer maintain it.

The shock wave rushed over like a reckless bull, Xiao Yi snorted, and was also swept away.

In the end, Xiao Hei made a move, soared into the air, and reappeared into a bird-like state, screaming, a sword intent erupted from its body, and the feathers on its body stood up, like a divine sword.

The invisible sword intent soared into the air and turned into a barrier in the air.

Two different forces collide, distorting and cracking the surrounding space.

It seems that this heaven and earth will be destroyed at any time.

However, the energy of the explosion was too great, and the barrier held up by Xiao Hei continued to dissipate.

Like a strong wind, the dust on the ground is constantly blown away and disappears.

Xiao Yi and the others’ faces were pale and their scalps were numb, which was just that the aftermath of the explosion was so terrifying.

And it seems that the power of the explosion has not yet dissipated.

Xiao Hei can’t stop it, these people are in danger.

Xiao Hei saw that his sword intent continued to dissipate, screamed, his small mouth opened, and a black flame erupted from his mouth.

The black flame looks ordinary, there is no huge momentum, and there is no hot and terrifying temperature, but it has a bit of a gloomy and cold feeling.

The flames soared into the air, and everywhere they passed, everything seemed to slow down.

The continuous explosion energy seemed to slow down, and the next moment, it seemed to be ignited.

With a snap, black flames covered the front of Xiao Yi and the others, and even the void burned…

Long Jian self-detonated his magic weapon, and the explosion produced was no less than the self-explosion during the refining period.

The terrifying energy continued to impact, shrouding Ji Yan in it.

And Long Jian’s figure flashed at the moment of the explosion, stepped out in one step, and fled as soon as possible.

Although I was very distressed and embarrassed, I had to do it.

Long Jian knew that it would be difficult for him to defeat Ji Yan, and there was also a Lu Shaoqing who would rush over and beat him at any time.

I don’t want to die, I can only retreat.

The self-detonation of the Natal Weapon, his losses were great, it can be said that he could not recover without hundreds of years of rest.

But to save a small life, everything is suddenly worth it.

Long Jian flashed and moved, did not dare to stay for a moment, kept fleeing, he himself did not know how long he had escaped, a dark red streamer appeared behind him, flying towards him…

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