Long Jian stopped, his face showing a bit of joy.

Dark red light, this is his thousand-bloodshot spirit.

Although he blew up a thousand bloodshots, he was reluctant to completely self-detonate.

Complete self-detonation is to kill one thousand enemies and self-damage eight hundred.

At least the spirit did not completely self-detonate, and there was still a part left.

That’s why he still has the strength to run so far.

The spirit of the instrument is still there, his life has not suffered serious losses, and the losses are reduced to a minimum.

At that time, as long as you recreate a suitable magic weapon and let the spirit fuse, your strength will recover faster.

A little smile appeared on Long Jian’s face, and he whispered to himself, “Hmph, maybe it won’t kill you, but as long as I can escape.”

“This revenge will be rewarded in the future!”

Long Jian stretched out his hand, intending to catch his own spirit.

However, just as the instrument spirit was about to return to him, a black hand suddenly stretched out from the suddenly calm sky and grabbed his instrument spirit.

Then, a little black guy appeared in front of Long Jian’s eyes.

Twisting his ass at him with a smug look.

Long Jian looked confused, what happened.

Who is this little black guy?

Which one is it?

But soon, Long Jian reacted, and his spirit was arrested.

“Who are you? Hurry up and let go! The

little black guy smiled, but instead reached out and tore it from his spirit.

Like tearing a chicken leg off a roast chicken, the spirit was partially pulled and held in the hands of the little black guy.

The pain that hurt his soul made Long Jian spurt out a mouthful of blood, and then Long Jian was shocked to see the little black guy stuffing the torn off part into his mouth.

Grunt swallowed into his stomach, revealing a satisfied expression.

Long Jian was shocked for 10,000 years, and even forgot to vomit blood.

Looking at the little black guy with a dull face, the scene in front of him was too amazing.

It was also at this moment that Long Jian could feel the breath of the little black guy.

Instrument Spirit!

The little black guy in front of him is actually an instrument spirit.

Long Jian felt his worldview collapse again, and he once again wondered if he was dreaming.

Didn’t you dream of coming across such a weird thing?

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, the two strange junior brothers, stopped talking.

The little black guy under his eyes alone, he has lived for so long, and it is the first time he has met.

It is true that the spirit of the instrument has spirituality, but it is flexible and flexible like a human being, and Long Jian has never heard of or seen it.


His spirit was actually devoured by the other party like food, and this devouring method was the first time he had seen it.

Such a weird and weird thing, how can you meet it in a dream?

“Damn it!”

The strange thing made Long Jian’s heart fearful, and he also knew that he was absolutely inseparable from the brothers Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

Therefore, without saying a word, he immediately turned around and fled.


“Where are you running so quickly?”

A lazy voice appeared, and then a long sword appeared from the void and stabbed straight at Long Jian’s waist.

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Lu Shaoqing made a sneak attack, and Long Jian did not expect that Lu Shaoqing would sneak attack at this time.

But still trying to dodge, take a strong breath, let yourself dodge as much as possible.


Lu Shaoqing left a deep wound on Long Jian’s waist.

“You, damn it!”

The pain from the wound made Long Jian almost go crazy.

He only hated that he was too promiscuous before and did not kill Lu Shaoqing at the first time.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Long Jian and stared at Long Jian’s waist, very sorry, “Why are you avoiding it?” ”

The waist of the refining period, and it is also the waist of the demon refining period, must be very valuable, right?”

Longjian is going to explode.

This bastard Terran can kill people as soon as he opens his mouth.


Mo Jun came over with Long Jian’s Spirit Spirit.

Lu Shaoqing patted its head, “Rude guys, before eating other people’s things, say thank you.”

Mo Jun touched his head and said dissatisfied, “He is a dead man, what is the thank you with the dead?”

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, how come the foodies around him are all backbones?

He patted Mo Jun again and said viciously, “I’m a polite person, so don’t disgrace me.”

Long Jian felt something choking in his throat, and he was very uncomfortable.

Be polite?

You bastard Terrans, see for yourself, are you a polite person?

Long Jian felt that he was full of anger, damn the Terrans, “Damn it, you can kill, you can’t be disgraced!” ”

Undisgraceful?” Lu Shaoqing’s expression became cold, “Those who insult others will always be humiliated.”

“Why didn’t you say this when you bullied my senior brother?”

The icy killing intent was pervasive, the temperature plummeted, and feeling this killing intent, Long Jian couldn’t help but shiver.

He kind of understood that there was not much brotherhood in any division, it was all fake.

Lu Shaoqing in front of him had been completely angered by their behavior against Ji Yan.

Right now, he can’t escape.

Facing death, Long Jian’s heart calmed down.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing calmly, regained his confident and calm appearance, and reproduced the temperament of a superior of the demon race.

He generously admitted, “This time we underestimated the enemy, I didn’t expect you to be so strong.”

Having said that, Long Jian couldn’t help but feel depressed in his heart, to be precise, he and Lu didn’t expect it to be outrageous to this point.

“However, there will be no next time, and the next time I meet you, I will not follow the so-called shit plan.”

Long Jian’s resentful words made Lu Shaoqing’s heart move, and he couldn’t help but ask, “What is the plan?”

“What does the Holy Lord of Dog Day do?”

“The world is so big, his target should be this world, he actually has the mind to target me, what does he want to do?”

“What are you keeping him for? Get up and kill him…..”

“Huh….” Long Jian laughed he

“Just guess slowly, and when you know, you will feel despair…”

Lu Shaoqing slashed down fiercely, and Long Jian did not dodge or dodge, allowing Lu Shaoqing’s sword to fall.


Long Jian’s body fell apart and dissipated in a powerful sword light.

Long Jian in front of him was killed, a mysterious fluctuation emanated, Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent did not enter the void, intending to completely kill Long Jian, however, in the end, Lu Shaoqing shook his head helplessly, “Alas, thinking about killing an existence in the refining period at a time, it is difficult…”

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