Long Jian’s body dissipated and completely turned into the smallest particles in heaven and earth.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not have much joy.

Instead, he looked a little depressed.

The Yuan God in the refining period can already run out, and the simplest use is to become a doppelganger.

It’s equal to one more life.

Even Genshin scattered, a few more lives.

However, that would reduce strength and is a non-mainstream practice.

As it is now, although he killed Lu and Longjian, neither of them really died.

What disappeared was only a body, and the soul and consciousness did not disappear.

Of course, the disappearing body will have an effect on them, and these effects are still acceptable for death.

“It seems that the strength is still a little worse.”

Lu Shaoqing finally shook his head helplessly.

If the strength is enough, even if the doppelganger hides to the ends of the earth, no matter how far away, he can quickly find it and kill it at the first time.

However, if the refining period is so easy to kill, it is not worthy of being called the refining period.

In the end, Lu Shaoqing, who had been depressed for a long time, could only look up to the sky and sigh, “Holy Lord, I grass your uncle!” ”

It’s all to blame the Holy Lord for doing things.

Lu Shaoqing secretly guessed while greeting the Holy Lord in his heart.

This time, it was the Holy Lord’s action that specifically targeted him, seemingly to kill him.

But after Lu Shaoqing thought about it carefully, he couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.

“Shouldn’t the Holy Lord of Dog Day want to recreate my operation in the Peerless Rift?”

“It’s vicious!”

Lu Shaoqing thought about it and felt that this was the most likely.

His painting style became abnormal at the beginning of the disaster.

The black crack that Xiang Kui and others called the Black Abyss Crack, he could not only close, but also open.

Previously, he was calculated by the Holy Lord in the Peerless Rift Abyss and opened the black crack.

Now the Holy Lord still wants to come again in the thirteen states?

The more Lu Shaoqing thought about it, the more he felt afraid.

Thanks to the strong barriers of the world in the thirteen states, there were no black cracks.

Otherwise, all thirteen states will have to become a paradise for black monsters.

“The extremely vicious demon race, really damn it!”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but brandish the Mojun sword again, breaking his mouth and cursing, “Holy Lord, this bastard, you have to stab him to death sooner or later…”

After pointing to the sky and scolding, Lu Shaoqing returned to find Ji Yan and them.

Although Longjian’s self-detonation spell created chaos, it was convenient for him to escape.

Although the power of the explosion is great, it does not cause much damage to Ji Yan.

By the time the explosion passed, Long Jian had already disappeared.

Ji Yan did not pursue, but came to Xiao Yi and several people.

“Senior Brother!”

“Ji Yan Gongzi!”

Everyone is overjoyed, and Ji Yan is back, does it mean that the battle is over?

“Senior brother, is the demon race dead?” Xiao Yi hurriedly asked.

Ji Yan nodded, his tone affirmative, “Dead.” ”

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Lu Shaoqing went to chase Long Jian, and with Long Jian’s state, he would definitely not be able to escape Lu Shaoqing’s palm, so Ji Yan could be very sure that Long Jian would definitely die.

Xuan Yunxin stood up and saluted Ji Yan, “Ji Yan Gongzi, I’m very sorry this time, everything started because of me.”

Xuanyun’s heart was full of guilt.

The sect took advantage of her and let her come here with Ji Yan and several others.

As a result, it was packaged by the sect and sold to the demon race.

If Lu Shaoqing hadn’t appeared in time, their group would have died.

Although the target of the Demon Race was Lu Shaoqing, it was all because she fell for the Little Star Sect.

Moreover, although Lu Shaoqing arrived in time, Ji Yan was wheeled by the Demon Race.

One-on-one, one-on-two, against the realm of refining the void with the realm of the gods, how much suffering Ji Yan suffered in the process again, Xuan Yunxin saw the end from the beginning.

The process is extremely painstaking.

In other words, others have already collapsed, and they can’t support Lu Shaoqing’s arrival at all.

Ji Yan shook his head lightly, signaling that it was okay, and his tone was calm, “It has nothing to do with you, no one will believe that their sect will betray them.”

Betrayed by his own sect, Ji Yan could feel the pain in Xuanyun’s heart.

Although he was calculated by the Dian Xing faction, he was besieged by the demon race and used him as bait to lure Lu Shaoqing out.

However, Ji Yan was not angry, but very satisfied with it.

Didn’t he come here in Yanzhou to find a master showdown?

It just so happened that the demon race met his needs.

Xuan Yunxin’s face darkened, although she said that she didn’t care, but the betrayal of the sect still made her feel painful.

Seeing that the atmosphere was heavy, Xiao Yi hurriedly interjected and changed the topic, “Senior brother, what about the other demon races?” ”

In addition to Long Jian and Lu, the two demon races who came here also came to more than a dozen or twenty demon gods.

In the end, only six Demon Transformation Gods were left who were killed by Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

Long Jian ran, and Xiao Yi was worried that the remaining six Demon Transformation Gods would also follow.

“All dead.” Ji Yan said lightly.

After Lu Shaoqing killed Lu, he was not idle, and while Ji Yan and Long Jian were fighting, Lu Shaoqing went to solve the remaining demon clans as soon as possible.

Now there is only one Long Jian left, but counting the time, Long Jian should also die.

Xiao Yi thought about it, offended the second senior brother, and still wanted to run?

No way!

Jian Bei said admiringly, “Ji Yan Gongzi, you are really powerful.”

“Breaking through three realms in a row at once, there is no one before and no one after.”

The fat on Guan Daniu’s face snorted, and said sincerely, “Yes, once it spreads, it will definitely shock everyone.” Guan

Daniu was excited, this is big news.

Worthy of being a son of Jiyan, much better than that bastard.

I’ve been following that bastard guy for almost a year, being an otaku every day, and there is no big news at all.

Which is like Ji Yan Gongzi, just met and came to a big news.

Speaking of this, everyone was also amazed.

Breakthrough is breakthrough, breaking through three small realms in a row, saying it, it is enough to scare a large group of people.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask curiously, “Senior brother, how did you do it?”

Xiao Yi felt a little melancholy in his heart, they had been getting along for so long, and they still didn’t fully understand Senior Brother.

It’s a shame for me to be a junior sister.

Everyone also looked at Ji Yan curiously, although they knew that there was a gap between geniuses and mortals, and geniuses’ methods were not suitable for mortals.

But what if it works?

“How else can it be done? The longer you hold it, the sooner…”

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