Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan stood opposite each other, and two different sword intents filled the air.

The invisible sword intent collided, and the eyes of the two also collided in the air, bursting out countless sparks.

Ji Yan held a long sword, standing in the sky, floating out of the dust, facing the junior brother who had not been seen for a long time, Ji Yan’s fighting intent slowly climbed.

After a long time, you walked ahead of me again.

“Let me see how you’ve progressed over the years!”

After speaking, an unceremonious sword was slashed out.

The sword light soared into the sky, and the sharp sword intent surged out, piercing through the heavens and the earth, leaving countless fine holes.

The shot is decisive and fierce, and it is not at all like a competition.

Lu Shaoqing backhanded a sword, easily defused, and then said triumphantly, “I haven’t seen me for so long, I want to bully me as soon as I meet, who is used to you?”

“I was bullied by the demon race, and I want to find the field on me, it’s too naïve, look at the move!”

Lu Shaoqing was also a sword, and the same sword light counterattacked back.

The two did not deliberately make any sword moves, just simply swinging the sword to compete.

The sword intent of the two collided invisibly in the air, constantly impacting, and disappearing.

Jian Bei and the others, who were watching the battle from afar, couldn’t help but talk sideways, the two of them came and went, sword by sword, thousands of sword lights, sharp and violent sword intent collided.

Ji Yan’s sword intent is fierce, invincible, invincible, even the sky will be cut.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent was violent, like a violent sun, ready to explode at any time. Destroy the world.

The collision of two sword intents produced terrifying fluctuations, and if someone was involved, it would instantly turn into the tiniest particles.

Even if the Avatar God is involved at this time, it will disappear in an instant.

The two kept shooting, and they couldn’t see the slightest intention of fighting in it, but they fought like enemies, eager to cut each other off the horse.

Jian Bei couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “Big brother, are they really just talking?”

“Looking at their posture, I can’t wait to kill each other, you say that they are enemies, and it is almost the same to divide life and death.”

Xiao Yi asked strangely, “Isn’t this normal?” Shouldn’t it all be like this? ”

Every time the two senior brothers compete, which one is not like this?

The words silenced everyone.

When you fight like this, it’s easy to accidentally kill someone.

Guan Da Niu Ze said, “If you continue to fight like this, you have to divide the victory and defeat, and you must not lose both?” Jian

Bei and the others very much agreed with Guan Daniu’s words, fighting so fiercely, it is impossible to divide the victory and defeat, and no one is injured.

Xiao Yi smiled when he heard this, “Don’t worry, no matter who he suffered, the second senior brother will find an excuse to stop the discussion.” As

soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lu Shaoqing being struck by Ji Yan’s sword, and then flew upside down into the distance.

At the same time, his shout came from the sky, “Lean, are you really? Ji

Yan did not speak, but once again brandished his long sword and bombarded the past.

“You, wait for me!”

Lu Shaoqing kept retreating and went into the distance.

The battlefield of the two shifted instantly, and everyone hurriedly followed.

But soon Xuan Yunxin found that something was wrong, “This, the direction is to send to the point star.”

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Xiao Yi was puzzled, and also came to be curious, “Doesn’t the second senior brother want to fight, and he wants to find some star factions to settle the account?” ”

This way of doing things is very Lu Shaoqing.

Make excuses to find something to do, and then stop talking.

Everyone continued to follow with doubts.

Although the Point Star Sect was already far away, for Lu Shaoqing’s existence, the distance was only one or two steps away, and soon, the Point Star Sect appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s line of sight.

The place where the Dian Xing Pai is located, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, thousands of miles of mountains, is a place that gathers feng shui and has a beautiful environment.

Placed on Blue Star, it is definitely a five-A tourist mecca.

But now this five-A tourist attraction is like suffering a magnitude 10 earthquake, and it looks like a mess.

The ground cracked, countless cracks crisscrossed like wounds on the body, pavilions and houses collapsed, and mountains collapsed.

It seems that the fluctuations of the refining period have also affected here.

Inflicted huge losses on the Point Star Faction.

Lu Shaoqing came to the sky above the Dian Xing Sect, condescending, his eyes cold.

He stretched out his right hand, grabbed it in the air, and the earth qi surged in a radius of thousands of miles, and countless spiritual forces swept through, as if he had blown a storm of spiritual energy.

In the void, one after another array flickered, and then disappeared into the ground.

The aura roared, and finally turned into a faint white mist that permeated the dot star pie.

Everyone felt that this change had occurred in this world, but what changed, no one knows.

“What are you going to do?” Ji Yan followed and couldn’t help but ask.

He looked at the Dian Xing Pie, his eyes were calm, and there was not the slightest mood swing.

Although he was calculated by the Dian Xing Faction, Ji Yan wanted to say thank you to the Dian Xing Faction.

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly, “Here, as a battlefield for us to compete…”

Xiao Yi and the others followed, and the aura lingered around them, but there was not the slightest fairy land and peace, but there was a heavy pressure.

“What is the second senior brother going to do?” Xiao Yi couldn’t help but speak out.

At this time, if you want to send a hand to the point star, shouldn’t you slash down with a sword and immediately destroy the point star faction?

Jian Bei said with a solemn face at this time, “It’s sealed, we can’t get in.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone also tried it, just as Jian Bei said.

It was found that the space of the Dian Xing Sect had been blocked and could not be entered.

The space of thousands of miles has become like a copper wall and an iron wall, which outsiders cannot enter.

Jian Bei looked at Xuan Yunxin, “Could it be that Dian Xing sent his own large array to block the space and turn himself into a turtle?” ”

As long as it is a force, no matter how strong or weak it is, it will arrange formations as much as possible to protect the safety of the sect.

In case of danger, opening a large array and turning into a turtle is the most common practice.

Xuan Yunxin shook his head and affirmed, “No, the Dian Xing Faction does not have such a powerful array.

Xuan Yunxin was very sure that this was definitely Lu Shaoqing’s means.

Xuanyun looked at the distance shrouded in white mist, as if the fairy mist lingered, exuding the aura of immortal Dao, sacred and inviolable.

However, the white mist that the spiritual energy turned into was like a ghost fog in Xuan Yunxin’s eyes.

A sentence appeared in Xuanyun’s heart, the Star Pie is about to end!

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