In the Dian Xing Sect, the sect shook one after another, and there were terrifying fluctuations in the distance behind the mountain.

Let the Dian Xing Pie bear such heavy pressure, many people feel uneasy in their hearts, and there is a panic breath up and down.

The deal between the Dian Star Sect and the Demon Race was known to some sect disciples, and some sect disciples were not clear.

And as time passed, the elder disciples who knew the inside story were very worried, afraid that something unexpected would happen.

Many people have gone to the head to express their worries.

Facing the worries of the disciples, Jin Sui, the head of the Dian Xing Sect, was full of confidence and comforted everyone with a smile, “Don’t worry, everything is under control.”

But these words obviously could not reassure the elder disciples.

“Chief, this is no small matter.”

“Yes, Chief, it has been so long, there is still a battle in the distance, and the demon race is not a sure winner.”

“If the demon race loses, we will be finished.”

“At that time, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts, what should I do?”

Reaching a deal with the demon race, although it is said that it is not a direct surrender like the Tiangong Gate, but in the eyes of others, there is no difference from surrender.

Tiangongmen surrendered unconditionally, and they surrendered conditionally and maintained a certain degree of autonomy.

But in the eyes of others, it’s all surrender.

Once the Demon Race fails, their Star Sect has no place in the Terran world.

Jin Sui naturally knew that the consequences of trading with the Demon Race were very dangerous.

If you are not careful, the sect will disappear.

However, if you don’t, the sect will disappear immediately.

The demon race has sent out the existence of the refining period and directly killed the door, what else can he do?

The strongest thing in the sect is only the realm of the gods, and the existence of the refining period is a god for the sect, an invincible god.

Can they resist in the face of God?

It is better to take the opportunity to put forward your own conditions, make a deal with the demon race, and exchange greater benefits for the sect.

Facing the elder disciple’s mouths, Jin Sui was not angry, but calmly said, “The decision made by the sect is correct, this is the best way out for the sect at the moment.

“Zhongzhou wants to consume us, why should we listen to Zhongzhou?”

“In the future, the world will be chaotic and the world will be changeable, what we can do is to preserve ourselves as much as possible and accumulate strength.”

“As long as our strength increases, in the future, our Star Sect can reach a more powerful height.”

Jin Sui said as he spoke, and his face also showed a bit of expectation.

The Star Sect can become stronger and stronger in his hands, and he can become stronger.

Now that the heavens and the earth have changed greatly, cultivation has become easier, the sect has become stronger, and the resources have increased, and he will also benefit as the leader.

In the future, he may be able to break through the ascension, enter the immortal world, become an immortal, and live forever?

Thinking of this, Jin Sui’s heart stirred, as if he saw his future self become the most powerful existence in heaven and earth.

However, these words still did not dispel the worries of the elder disciples.

Seeing this, Jin Sui could only throw out a powerful news.

“Hou’er and Elder Xin, I went to watch the battle, and they passed back an intelligence.”

After a pause, after arousing everyone’s curiosity, Jin Sui slowly uncovered the mystery in everyone’s expectant gaze, “The Demon Race has two refining period existences this time.

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“What, what?”

“Really, really?”

“Chief, you’re not joking, are you?”

During the refining period, this news was like a bomb that stunned the elder disciples in front of Jin Sui.

Two refining period, what a horror this is.

One refining period can destroy all the forces in Yanzhou.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel fear in their hearts.

Is the strength of the Demon Race so strong?

In this way, it seems that it is also a wise choice to make a deal with them.

At that moment, everyone who came back to their senses slapped their horses at Jin Sui.

“Wise in charge!”

“It is worthy of being in charge, this move has laid the foundation for our Dian Xing Faction to be strong for the next thousand years and ten thousand years.”

“The demon race is really terrible, it is impossible to resist with our strength, it is better to repair with them.”

“The leader is wise, in this way, if other strengths and demons are defeated, we can sit on the benefits of the fisherman.”

After knowing that the Demon Race had come to the existence of the two refining periods, the people of the Dian Star Sect no longer had any objections and worries.

The refining period of the two demon races is approaching, even if it is an immortal emperor, he has to kneel.

Even if there are any other means to plan, it is impossible to turn over in the hands of the two refining period.


Everyone was overjoyed and felt that his head was simply the most wise in the world.

Wise and martial, the future of the Dian Xing Faction can be expected.

Listening to everyone’s, as the leader, Jin Sui, who was calm in heart, couldn’t help but smile, and his heart became more and more proud.

He continued, “Hmph, the Demon Race came to kill Ji Yan with such fanfare, which shows that Ji Yan is terrible, becoming a thorn in the eyes of the Demon Race, killing Ji Yan, can cut off the future foundation of the Lingxiao faction, and in the future, it can only be our star faction.” ”

The Demon Race didn’t say what they really wanted to do, just to target Ji Yan.

For this, Jin Sui did not doubt it, he had already heard about Ji Yan’s performance in Zhongzhou, after all, his son was also in Zhongzhou Academy.

The better Ji Yan performed, the greater the pressure on the Dian Xing Faction, who was a neighbor of the Lingxiao faction.

Being able to use the killing plan of the demon race is a great good thing for the Dian Xing Faction.

Just when Jin Sui calmed everyone and was triumphant, a stream of light passed in the distance, and then two figures appeared in the hall like teleportation.

“Senior Brother!”

“Elder Xin!”

Jin Sui saw Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui returning, and his face was beaming, “How?” Is the battle over? ”

The shaking has stopped, and the frightening fluctuations in the distance have disappeared.

Jin Sui had already planned that as long as the demon clan left, they ordered the Star Sect to close the mountain gate as soon as possible and closed the door.

Let the outside fight the head and bleed, and wait until the time to come out again.

However, when Jin Sui noticed the faces of Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, “What, what’s wrong?” ”

The people of the Demon Race are dead…”

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