The pig brothers below showed signs of rioting.

Lu Shaoqing had to sigh at the charm of Xia Yu.

Fortunately, I don’t know about my relationship with Xia Yu, bah, I don’t have any relationship with her.

Nor can this thought be had, retreat, retreat.

If it were Senior Sister Xia Yu’s intimate clothes, it was estimated that it would be even more popular.

But, alas, I didn’t dare to speak.

The person below roared and asked, “Where to register?”

“Hurry, don’t sell it.”

They can’t wait to sign up right away and start fighting right away.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied with this attitude, he said, “No hurry, my words are not finished yet…” Wu

Tianzheng did not wait for Lu Shaoqing’s words to finish, he interrupted Lu Shaoqing’s words unpleasantly, “You said that it was a folding fan used by Xia Yu, it is?”

“I see you don’t know where to find the impersonation.”

Wu Tianzheng’s face could not hide the pride in his heart, his eyes were full of provocation, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing proudly.

Anyway, he came here to make trouble, and if the Lingxiao faction wants to do something, Gui Yuan Pavilion will destroy it.

After Wu Tianzhun said this, the pig brothers below also calmed down a little.

“yes, you can’t prove it.”

“Miss Xia Yu’s folding fan shouldn’t fall into his hands, right?”

“Fake, it must be fake…” ”

Lying groove, you gang of grandsons of Yuange, I don’t get angry, really I’m a bully?”

Lu Shaoqing was furious, and was ready to open his mouth to spray Wu Tianzhun to death.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a flash of figures around him.

Turning his head and looking, he was shocked, and Xia Yu actually jumped up.

I’ll go!

Lu Shaoqing is in a hurry, grandma, what are you going to do?

Without your arrangement to play today, what are you going to make fun of?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want Xia Yu to appear here, didn’t he pose to tell others that he had something to do with Xia Yu?

When Lu Shaoqing was about to drive Xia Yu down, Xia Yu had already taken the initiative to remove his disguise and revealed his true face.

When the people below saw Xia Yu, they were first stunned, and then boiled.

“Xia language, it’s Xia language!”

“It’s the first beauty Xia language!”

“Sure enough, it’s the Xia Yu girl.”

“Great, I didn’t expect to meet the Xia Yu girl here.”

“Xia Yu girl, I love you

…” “Lying groove, there is a toad here, everyone beat him to death…” ”

Xia Yu girl, it’s me, we talked.”

“Ma De, there is also one here, kill him…” Seeing

the people below boiling, Lu Shaoqing was speechless.

He looked at Xia Yu resentfully.

Xia Yu ignored Lu Shaoqing’s resentful gaze, she smiled slightly in her heart, but her expression remained unchanged, and she was very indifferent to everyone below, “I can assure everyone that the folding fan is real.” Wu

Tianzhun’s face darkened on the spot.

The Lord came out with a hammer, and he said that it was useless.

It’s abominable.

Wu Tianzhun’s face was hot and hot, as if he had been beaten by someone, and the thief hurt.

Lu Shaoqing urged Xia Yu in a low voice, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, okay, okay, you hurry down.” ”

Don’t come up again…” was

almost driven down by Lu Shaoqing, and Xia Yu couldn’t laugh or cry.

Lu Shaoqing avoided her like a femme fatale.

As everyone knows, after Lu Shaoqing saw Xia Yu appear, the people below were almost exploded, and Lu Shaoqing was even more determined to distance himself from Xia Yu.

After Lu Shaoqing waited until everyone below calmed down, Lu Shaoqing asked Wu Tianzhun with a smile.

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“How? Believe it?

Wu Tianzhun’s face became even more ugly, and now, he couldn’t lower his head.

He gritted his teeth, “Even if there is Senior Sister Xia Yu’s folding fan, someone will sign up, but we will not sign up for Guiyuan Pavilion.”

“Not everyone will sign up.”

The implication is that you want to hold this tournament, and it will not be successful.

At most, it is just to attract some people.

Wu Tianzhun’s words made many people nod secretly in their hearts.

Not everyone will do it for this folding fan.

With this skill, it is better to bully the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect.

For this situation, Lu Shaoqing is as stable as an old dog, and he still has a killer skill.

With a flip of the wrist, a jade Jane appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

Lu Shaoqing raised it and introduced the origin of Jade Jian to the people below.

“This is some of Senior Brother Ji Yan’s experience in cultivating kendo in the past, and this time as the grand finale prize, is it good enough?”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words came out, the people below boiled again, and they were even more powerful than they had just been.


“Is it Ji Yan’s experience in cultivating kendo?”

“This, this, I must get.”

“Whoever robs with me, I will kill whom!”

“I’m afraid of you, it’s priceless, I must…”

Ji Yan is now a new baby in Qizhou, and it is hot.

To be able to achieve such an achievement at the age of less than twenty-five, his stuff is naturally very valuable.

In the eyes of some people, it is far more valuable than the so-called Xia Yu folding fan just now.

The experience of cultivating kendo was enough to cause the cultivators to go crazy.

They didn’t dare to expect to be like Ji Yan, but as long as they comprehended a star and a half from the jade Jian, they could definitely benefit a lot and increase their strength.

The cultivation experience of the strong is absolutely priceless.

Moreover, among them, many female monks also became excited.

For this jade Jane, they are also imperative.

They don’t necessarily have to use it for cultivation.

They also have plans to collect it.

Xia Yu is the dream goddess of the male friars of Qizhou, so Ji Yan is the dream lover of the female friars of Qizhou and the protagonist of the spring dream.

Ji Yan is their male god, and the male god’s things are not to be missed.

Wu Tianzhun’s expression changed.

This kind of thing is enough to make his heart move.

He suddenly regretted it in his heart, knowing that he should not have said so full just now.

Just when he regretted it in his heart, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on him, and a playful look appeared in his eyes, “How, do you want to sign up for Yuange?” Faced

with Lu Shaoqing’s attitude, Wu Tianzhun was furious in his heart, and he wanted to say no.

But he hesitated, and when he saw the same door beside him, their eyes were burning at the jade Jian in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, revealing a heartwarming expression.

This jade Jane was of great value to them.

“Hmph, didn’t you say that everyone can sign up?”

Wu Tianzhun did not dare to make a decision for everyone, so he could only snort coldly.

“We Guiyuan Pavilion can sign up if we want to, and we won’t sign up if we don’t want to register, can you help me?”

Lu Shaoqing was even more satisfied, Xiao Zhang, really think I can’t take you?

Lu Shaoqing stood up and faced the people below, “Everyone, I originally thought that this time I would let everyone sign up for the competition for free.

“But some people were deliberately making trouble just now, and I’m afraid there will be problems in this tournament.”

“Therefore, the registration fee this time is one hundred lower grade spirit stones per person.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words surprised everyone below.

“What? Are you robbing?

And Wu Tianzhun’s face became very ugly.

Many people’s eyes fell on the body….

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