Wu Tianzhun felt that the gazes around him seemed to be like sharp swords, fiercely inserted into his body.

The invisible gaze made him feel like a thousand swords piercing his heart.

This damn guy.

Wu Tianzhun hated it in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing just said a word, so he became the target of everyone and filled everyone’s hatred.

One hundred Lower Grade Spirit Stones may not seem like much, but it is also precious for some scattered cultivators.

Lu Shaoqing did not name names, but everyone knew who Lu Shaoqing was talking about.

Many people stabbed Wu Tianzheng, and these disciples of the Yuan Pavilion had their hearts.

A hundred Lower Grade Spirit Stones are also spirit stones.

Wu Tianzhun was stared at by everyone’s gaze, and he couldn’t stand it in his heart.

He glared angrily at Lu Shaoqing and said viciously, “Are you deliberately targeting us to return to the Yuan Pavilion?”

Lu Shaoqing was disdainful in his heart, the disciple of the big school is this urine nature.

When encountering something difficult to handle, he will carry out the sect behind him and scare others.

Unfortunately, the name of Guiyuan Pavilion may scare others, but it can’t scare Lu Shaoqing.

Zhang Conglong he dares to scare, don’t say you a Wu Tianzheng.

Not to mention!

Lu Shaoqing stared at Wu Tianzheng, the matter of the first meeting has not yet been calculated with you.

So, Lu Shaoqing nodded very honestly and admitted, “Yes, it is aimed at you Gui Yuan Pavilion, why should you?” ”

In a word, the intensity of the slap in the face is instantly full.

Just now, Wu Tianzhun also used this sentence to ask Lu Shaoqing, and now he was returned by Lu Shaoqing.

Wu Tianzhun felt that his chest was very uncomfortable and had the urge to vomit blood.

This guy is damn it.

“Okay,” Wu Tianzhun gritted his teeth and deliberately said loudly, “It’s not even started yet, you are going to target us Gui Yuan Pavilion, is it because our Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples have a conflict with your Lingxiao Sect disciples these days?”

“Everyone knows the real purpose of the tournament you held, will you target other people?”

Wu Tianzhun once again tried to provoke everyone’s emotions and guide everyone to stand on his side.

Wu Tianzhun’s words had some effect, and many people showed worry on their faces.

That’s right, everyone knows that Lu Shaoqing’s side held a tournament here, which was actually to relieve the pressure on their Lingxiao Sect disciples.

With this nature in front, it is difficult not to worry about what Wu Tianzhun said.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care in the slightest, he said, “Tell you, if you people from the Yuan Pavilion want to participate in this tournament, you must each pay five hundred lower grade spirit stones to be able to participate, otherwise you don’t want to participate.” Wu

Tianzheng’s eyes widened, are you a naked robbery?

Seeing that Wu Tianzhun wanted to speak, Lu Shaoqing shouted, “If you dare to say one more word, I will not allow your people from the Yuan Pavilion to participate, and at the same time, the registration fee for others will rise to five hundred lower grade spirit stones, you try.” ”

Xiao Xian, Zhang Conglong can’t fight me, do you think you can?

Wu Tianzhun swallowed the words that were about to spew out back into his stomach at the first time.

He didn’t dare to take this risk, provoked the wrath of everyone, and Gui Yuange couldn’t keep him.

At the same time, someone around couldn’t help it, “Don’t talk.”

“yes, shut up fucking away, don’t hurt us.”

“Gui Yuan Pavilion is domineering, and the people of the Lingxiao faction will see you as unpleasant, how can you drop?”

“Shut up, guy from Guiyuan Pavilion…” Seeing

that the people around him began to dislike themselves, Wu Tianzheng’s teeth were almost crushed.

But no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do in the face of this situation.

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“Senior Brother, what should we do?”

Someone asked Wu Tianzhun in a low voice.

Wu Tianzheng glanced around, most of the people around him had dissatisfaction with themselves, and even he saw this kind of gaze among the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion.

It was useless for him to stay here, he could only signal to leave here.

He didn’t even dare to speak, he could only whisper.

Seeing that Wu Tianzhun and the others were leaving, Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands and continued, “Guys, there is no way, I’m sorry.”

“The grandsons of Guiyuan Pavilion are too deceitful, and they can only charge a little registration fee…” Wu

Tianzheng, who was so angry that he left, wanted to rush back and kill Lu Shaoqing.

I didn’t name it just now, but now I still name it.

After Wu Tianzhun and the others left for a distance, Wu Tianzhun punched the wall next to him.

Punching a hole in the wall, he hated and said, “Damn it, I’m not done with him.”

“Senior Brother Wu, what should I do now?”

“What else can I do? Go back and report to Senior Brother and see how Senior Brother makes decisions.

Although he said so, Wu Tianzhun also knew that they had to send someone to participate in the Yuan Pavilion.

The jade Jian who did not say the cultivation experience of Ji Yan, but he had to participate in the face.

Otherwise, they will be said to be afraid to participate.

“What a damn guy.”

Wu Tianzhun hated Lu Shaoqing in his heart, a damn disgrace to the sect.

Just when Wu Tianzhun was feeling great hatred in his heart, a coercive pressure suddenly struck.

The same disciples who followed Wu Tianzhun snorted, and they all fainted.

Then a red shadow appeared in Wu Tianlong’s line of sight, and an alluring aroma began to fill the air.

Wu Tianzhong was shocked, his heart was full of vigilance, and he shouted, “Who?”

“Don’t be nervous.” The person who came was a young girl, dressed in red, with a graceful figure and extremely tempting.

Just looking at the figure is enough to drive many people crazy about it.

However, when Wu Tianzhun’s gaze fell on her face, he couldn’t help but say a pity in his heart.

The appearance is plain and unremarkable, which does not match her seductive figure at all.

Seeing this face, the madness originally born because of the figure will subside by half.

“Who are you?” Wu Tianzheng unconsciously felt contempt in his heart because of this person’s appearance.

However, when the aura of the girl in red emanated, the contempt in his heart disappeared, replaced by fear.

This kind of strength can destroy him with one palm.

Hurriedly habitually carry his backers out.

“Former, senior, junior is a disciple of Gui Yuan Pavilion…” The

girl in red chuckled, the laughter was full of temptation, and fell in Wu Tianzheng’s ears, and he couldn’t help but give birth to an evil fire in his heart.

“I know that you are a disciple of Guiyuan Pavilion, and I came to you to ask a few words.”

Wu Tianzhun knew that the strength of the girl in front of him was much stronger than his own, at least a master of the Jiedan Period, and he only dared to be careless or offend with the strength of the Foundation Building Period.

Even if there was an evil fire in her heart, she had to suppress it and have a respectful attitude, “Senior has something to ask, just open your mouth.” The

girl in red was very satisfied with Wu Tianzhong’s attitude.

“What’s your name?”

“Junior Wu Tianzheng.”

“You are Wu Tianzheng?”

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