Destroy the star faction, if these words come out of the mouths of others, they will definitely make people laugh to death.

As one of the two major sects in Yanzhou, the Dian Xing Sect is extremely powerful.

Over the years, the Dao has changed, and cultivation has become easier, with at least seven or eight in the Transformation God Stage, and more in the Yuan Infancy Stage.

Countless masters sit in town, resources are abundant, and genius disciples emerge one after another.

Who dares to say that such a sect can be destroyed?

However, when these words came out of the people of the Refining Void Realm, it was not a joke.

How strong is the refining period?

Only those who really break through know.

At present, there are countless masters in the Dian Xing Sect, even if there is a Transformation God sitting in the town, in the eyes of the people in the realm of refining period, they are just low-level, miscellaneous fish cultivators.

As long as there is no refining period, with Lu Shaoqing’s current strength, he can destroy the Dian Xing Faction in minutes.

Lu Shaoqing did not deny it, but smiled, “You make a move, destroy them, and export anger for yourself.”

“There’s no need for that.” Ji Yan directly refused, simply put away the Wuqiu sword, wrapped his hands around, and said coolly, “I want to thank them instead.” ”

Ji Yan is telling the truth, without the calculation of the Star Faction, he has not had the opportunity to fight with so many demon races.

I should have said thank you to the head of the Dian Xing Sect just now.

Lu Shaoqing’s smile disappeared, and he immediately scolded, “Have you been beaten stupid by the demon race?”

“People have pasted on your face, and not only are you not angry, but you lick it and thank you?”

“Cheap or not? Fuck your uncle’s. ”

Come, come,” Lu Shaoqing brandished the Mojun sword and slammed it at Ji Yan, “If you don’t want to do it, let me force you to do it.” ”

Lu Shaoqing used the sword technique this time.

Countless sword intents turned into flames in the sky and emerged, fiercely besieging Ji Yan.

But more flames fell from the sky, like a blossom of death.


The building of the Dian Xing Sect was hit by a flame, countless sword intent burst out, cut, strangled, and the three-story building instantly turned into pieces.

One, two, and one pavilion were reduced to pieces.

Shocked, countless Star Sect disciples scattered and fled.

However, when a disciple touched the falling flame, he screamed, and his body, like the building, instantly turned into pieces, setting off a blood mist in the sky.

“Ah, ah…”

countless disciples screamed, and blood mist burst out, like blood-colored flowers blooming.

Lu Shaoqing was just a simple sword, and the Dian Xing Sect was as if it had been blown by a violent wind, the building was destroyed, the disciples died tragically, and hundreds of people disappeared with a scream.

“No, no…” Seeing

that many disciples were only affected by the aftermath and turned into a blood mist in front of them.

Jin Sui was about to collapse, he trembled all over, and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to save the lives of his disciples.

However, all this was in vain, instead, he also had to be careful of the fire of death falling from the sky.

“Father, run away…”

Above the sky, facing Lu Shaoqing’s attack, Ji Yan had to make a move.

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Even he couldn’t ignore Lu Shaoqing’s attack.

The Wuqiu sword appeared in his hand again, and a sword fell, and a dragon groaned.

The sword intent turned into a divine dragon and soared into the sky, rushing into the firelight.

The flames skyrocketed, and the black and white flames instantly turned into black flames, constantly burning the divine dragon.

The two sword intents constantly collided, looking at it from afar, it seemed that the divine dragon was constantly melting in the firelight, and at the same time, the flames were constantly decreasing.

The two fought against each other in the sky, and the Dian Xing Faction below was once again terrifyingly impacted.

Although Ji Yan did not deliberately target the Dian Xing faction like Lu Shaoqing.

However, as a battle in the refining period, even the slightest fluctuation can cause a terrible blow.

When Ji Yan was in the realm of Transformation God, his sword intent was further comprehended, and his edge reached a terrifying point.

After entering the refining period, he went further and seemed to have reached the ultimate edge.

Ji Yan’s sword intent descended from the sky, and everywhere it passed, it was all cut.

The surface of the cutting port is flat and smooth, as if the sharpest knife has cut through, and both buildings and people have also turned into countless fragments.

Even the large arrays that lit up one after another were slashed by Ji Yan’s sword intent, the light dimmed, and finally turned into fragments and lost its effect.

The fragments destroyed by Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent were like pulling vigorously, the gap was uneven, and what was planned was smooth and smooth.

Although the sword intent of the two is different, the result is the same.

Under the conflict between the sword intent of the two of them, the Dian Xing Sect was smashed by countless meteors, and explosions sounded, constantly destroying everything.

Both people and things are destroyed.

The battle in the refining period, even the aftermath is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth.

After Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan only fought for a few rounds, the Dian Xing Faction was destroyed.

Most of the Dian Xing Sect had already turned into ruins, and countless disciples died tragically.

Many people turned into blood mist in the terrifying sword intent, and they couldn’t even leave a whole corpse.

Most of the disciples were killed and injured, and the remaining disciples were also frightened, and they couldn’t wait to flee here with their wings.

Jin Sui and the others were still barely able to keep themselves, but seeing the Dian Xing Sect in such a miserable state, Jin Sui almost collapsed.

The thousands of years of inheritance of the Dian Xing Sect has become what it is now, and Jin Sui’s heart is already full of pain.

Pain, regret, fear, hatred and other emotions mixed together, turning into a poisonous snake, constantly eating his soul.

Jin Sui was trembling, and his tears couldn’t stop flowing.

“Master, Grandmaster, disciple is incompetent, bring this disaster for the sect!”

Jin Sui knelt down and kept kowtowing to the worship building not far away, “Master, grandmaster, disciples are incompetent, disciples deserve to die.”

“Master, Grandmaster, if you have spirits in the sky, show your spirits, save the Star Sect, save your juniors…”

Jin Sui thumped his head and knocked out a deep pit in the ground.

Facing the two refining periods, the Dian Xing Faction did not have any power to resist.

Jin Sui can only pin his hopes on the dead ancestors to have spirits, hoping that the ancestors will show their spirits, kill Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, and save the Dian Xing Faction.

Next moment!

A sword light descended from the sky and slammed into the worship building of the Dian Xing Sect, and the worship building enshrined with the ancestor spirit tablet instantly turned into countless fragments.

Jin Sui spurted a mouthful of blood, and the person passed out directly….

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