The attic where the sect enshrined the ancestors’ spirit tablets was destroyed, becoming the last straw that crushed Jin Sui, and he attacked his heart in anger, a mouthful of blood sprayed violently, and Jin Sui’s whole person passed out.

Jin Sui fainted, and the Dian Xing Sect seemed leaderless, and the remaining disciples did not know what to do, wailing and wailing.

Jin Hou and the others finally rescued Jin Sui.

Although Jin Sui came to his senses, it was no different from death.

The main thing is that the heart is dead.

After making peace with the demon clan, he planned to close the mountain gate and recall almost all his disciples, but now they are all caged birds and have nowhere to escape.

If you want to resist, there is no way.

The strength of the refining period is not something they can compete with.

The disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were trapped, flashing and moving within a limited range, constantly avoiding the aftermath of the battle between the two in the sky.

The disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were wailing all the time, and their voices continued to fall in Jin Sui’s ears.

It made Jin Sui more painful.

At this moment, Jin Sui regretted it immensely.

If he knew that there would be such a result, he would not have made peace with the demon race and would not have calculated his words.

However, now it is useless to say anything, there is no regret medicine to take in the world.

“Does God really want to kill me to order the Star Sect?” Jin Sui knelt on the ground, looked up at the sky, and exuded an aura of despair.

Jin Hou, Xin Yuankui and others were equally desperate.

Faced with the existence of the refining period, they are like meat on a chopping board, at the mercy of others.

The Dian Xing Sect is full of regret, and the Dian Xing Faction is no longer looking forward to the future, but full of despair.

Unless a miracle occurs, no one can save the Star Pie.

“God, please…

..,” Jin Sui looked up at the sky, pleading, hoping for a miracle in the sky.


Jin Sui’s gaze froze.

I saw a touch of black suddenly appear in the sky.

It was like a thin black line floating in the air, and then the thin line slowly expanded, as if being pulled to the sides by two invisible big hands.

As if with a croak, a crack two or three meters long and half a meter wide appeared in Jin Sui’s line of sight.

On the surface of the crack is a black lightning bolt wrapped around it, and tiny black lightning flashes back and forth, like a black viper spitting letters.

What is that?

Before Jin Sui could return to his senses, these black cracks appeared everywhere in the Dian Xing Sect.

It was like popping up in an instant.

These cracks are not large, only two or three meters long and about half a meter wide.

But a lot, dense, countless.

“This, what is this?”

Jin Hou’s scalp was numb, and the black cracks that suddenly appeared emitted a strange aura.

This is not an ordinary void crack, ordinary void cracks will close automatically, but these black cracks will open automatically and cannot be closed.

At the same time, what appeared from inside was not a void storm of destruction, but some black mist.

The black mist is pervasive, and it feels strange no matter how you look at it.

Xin Yuankui’s face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, “Didn’t you find out?” These cracks appear where their attacks have occurred.

Hearing Xin Yuankui say this, Jin Sui, Jin Hou and others also reacted.

Moreover, everyone took a closer look and further confirmed.

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Jin Sui gritted his teeth and said hatefully, “It’s Lu Shaoqing, it’s Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent.” ”

No way, the attic of the ancestors in front of me was deliberately destroyed by Lu Shaoqing with a sword, and now an even bigger crack appeared.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent.

The crack that was several miles long and hundreds of meters wide was like a blood basin exposed by a ferocious beast, ready to devour everyone in the Dian Xing Sect at any time.

“What is he going to do?”

Seeing that the scope of the Dian Xing Sect was full of black cracks, black mist gradually appeared, and a strange aura pervaded, which made Jin Sui and the others feel uneasy.

And Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan above the sky also sensed that something was wrong below, and the two stopped.

Seeing that it was actually a black crack, Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes showing an inquiring gaze.

Others don’t know, but Ji Yan knows that his junior brother has an indistinct relationship with the black crack.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Ji Yan’s gaze, “Don’t look at me with such a gaze, I don’t know what happened.”

Ji Yan said lightly, “Caused by your sword intent.” Lu

Shaoqing suddenly felt tired, Grandma Li’s, these black cracks are haunted, do you have to pester him?

Why did you get through that ghost place in the first place?

It was struck by black lightning, causing the painting style to run further and further now.

Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, “What a crime.”

As Lu Shaoqing sighed, more and more black mist floated out of the black crack, and then quickly wrapped around the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect as if they were alive.


, what is this?”

“Help, help…..,”

the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were shocked here, and encountered these strange mist on the other side.

The disciples of the Dian Xing Sect desperately dodged and resisted.

However, in the face of the black mist, any dodging and resistance they had no avail, and in the end, they could only be entangled in the black mist and submerged into their bodies.


“Hey, I, my realm has broken through!”

“My strength has become stronger.”

“This, haha, great, actually has such an effect, haha…” After

the black mist entered their bodies, the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect found that their strength had actually been greatly improved, and they were overjoyed when they were suddenly rejoiced.

Some people even directly break through and enter the next realm.

Jiedan broke through into the Yuan Baby, and the Yuan Baby broke through into the Transformation God, and even the Heavenly Tribulation was saved.

The strength of the remaining disciples of the Dian Xing Sect has greatly increased in a short period of time.

Jin Sui and the others were stunned.

Looking at the black mist that hit, they didn’t know whether to dodge for a while.

The black mist looks weird, but it has such a good effect?

Wouldn’t it be poisonous candy?

And after Jin Hou saw that the strength of the disciples of the same sect had greatly increased, he gritted his teeth and took the initiative to face the black mist.


There was no resistance, and the black mist entered Jin Hou’s body faster.

In the shocked gaze of Jin Sui and others, the aura in Jin Hou’s body climbed sharply, and finally his body suddenly shook, without crossing the calamity, he directly stepped into the Transformation God Period.

“This, this…”

Xin Yuankui and the others could no longer hold on, and took the initiative to face the black mist like Jin Hou, like a moth to a fire…

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