Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan looked coldly above the sky.

Seeing that Jin Sui, the head of the sect, took the initiative to lead people to face the black mist, he couldn’t help but despise, “Stupid! ”

What is the black mist, here in the thirteen states, no one knows better than Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

It is a poison with sugar.

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Sacrifice God, really dead?” ”

These black mist meters are no strangers.

It is hard not to wonder if the sacrificial gods did not die, but followed them to the thirteen states.

Lu Shaoqing gave Ji Yan a roll of his eyes, “I can’t die anymore.”

Then he said his own speculation, “Although the sacrificial gods are dead, there are obviously more sacrificial gods coming forward.” ”

Thirteen states, pills.”

Although a black mist appeared, neither Ji Yan nor Lu Shaoqing was worried in the slightest.

Ji Yan looked at Jin Sui and the others, whose strength had increased a lot below, and said lightly, “Kill them all.” The tone was

flat, without any fluctuations.

Even if there are thousands of disciples of the Dian Xing Sect below.

If no black mist appeared, perhaps Ji Yan would have prevented Lu Shaoqing from destroying all the people of the Dian Xing Faction.

But now, even if Lu Shaoqing doesn’t make a move, he can still make a move.

Stained with black mist, as far as Ji Yan knew, only Lu Shaoqing alone could save it.

However, the people of the Dian Xing faction, even if they opened their mouths, Lu Shaoqing would not be able to save them.

Therefore, it is better to kill them and send them on the road as soon as possible to avoid more accidents.

Eroded by the black mist, they no longer belong to humans, and sooner or later they will become the kind of monsters without reason.

Lu Shaoqing drew his sword and smiled, “Go, hero, world peace depends on you to maintain it.”

“I’ll go close the black crack!”

Then the figure flashed and ran.

Ji Yan shook his head, of course he knew the reason why Lu Shaoqing let him make a move, let him take revenge and vent his hatred.

“Bad fun!”

Ji Yan couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice.

Then Wuqiu sword was raised, like a sword god, and a sharp sword intent erupted, straight into the sky.

With Ji Yan as the center, it spread out to all around, quickly covering the entire Dian Xing Sect.

In the next moment, countless sword lights with sharp sword intent fell like meteors, accurately hitting all the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect.



Countless Dian Xing Sect disciples fell one after another.

The black mist in his body also dissipated in the sharp sword intent.

Jin Hou stepped into the realm of Transformation God here, and the power in his body was surging, making his self-confidence reach the peak.

“Haha, Avatar, I’m also in the realm of Avatar.”

Jin Hou laughed, his heart full of hope.

A strange black mist appeared, which might get him out of trouble.

Hope arose.


The next moment, the sword light descended from the sky, and the sword intent was sharp, as if death had descended.

Jin Hou, who had just stepped into the realm of the Transformation God and felt that he had great power, trembled all over his body and trembled in front of this sword intent.

At this moment, Jin Hou deeply understood how big the gap between the cultivators of the Transformation God Period and the cultivators of the Refining Void Period was.

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None of the ants were enough to describe his insignificance in front of this sword intent.


Xin Yuankui next to him bore the brunt of the attack, and was pierced by the sword light, and he could not resist it with his increased strength.

The invisible sword intent easily shattered Xin Yuankui’s body, and the injured Yuanbai escaped from his body in horror.

Jin Hou became frightened and had forgotten to dodge.

“Hou’er, be careful!”

At the critical moment, it was Jin Sui who rushed over in time and blocked a sword light for Jin Hou.


Jin Sui screamed in front of Jin Hou, his body shattered, and finally he was injured and disappeared into the sword light with Yuan Ying, completely falling.

“Father, Father!”

Jin Hou cried out in grief.


The sword light flashed,


Jin Hou was also pierced by the sword light, and suddenly felt a sharp sword intent erupt in his body.

“Poof, poof…” Jin

Hou’s body was suddenly full of holes, like ten thousand swords passing through his body, blood splashed, then it fell apart, and then his body shattered and was cut into countless pieces.

Jin Hou’s Yuan Baby escaped from his body with a frightened look, feeling the sword intent that permeated around him, Jin Hou’s Yuan Baby screamed, subconsciously wanting to escape.

However, feeling the surrounding environment, Jin Hou was desperate.

Do you have to die here today?

After he seemed to feel that there was no way to escape, Jin Hou felt a resentment in his heart.

Hatred for Lu Shaoqing, hatred for Ji Yan.

His face was distorted, and his heart was full of hatred.

Jin Hou looked up to the sky and roared, “I hate ah…” Jin Hou

only hated that his strength was not enough, and he was powerless in the face of his enemies.

Suddenly, a black mist swept in again, and Jin Hou’s Yuan Infant instantly turned black.

Then, a huge suction force came from the black crack that appeared in the position of the Ancestor Spirit Tablet enshrined by the Dian Xing Sect.

Jin Hou’s Yuan Baby flew uncontrollably towards the crack, along with Xin Yuankui’s Yuan Baby.

The Yuan Babies of both turned black and flew towards the crack.


Lu Shaoqing, who was closing the other cracks, sensed that something was wrong.

Without saying a word, it is a sword here.

A sword fell, and a crack tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters deep was split into the ground, and some disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were swept into it and disappeared.

Lu Shaoqing shot at Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui, but the black crack suddenly increased the suction when Lu Shaoqing dropped the sword.

The two infants, Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui, were sucked into the crack almost the moment before Lu Shaoqing’s sword light fell.

Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of this crack, his gaze was like electricity, like a sharp sword straight into the crack.

It was pitch black inside, and Jin Hou had already disappeared into the darkness.

The dead silence, cold, and violent aura made Lu Shaoqing very disgusted.

“Trouble!” Lu Shaoqing couldn’t see anything, and he didn’t dare to easily probe into it.

After finally seeing nothing, he reached out and touched it, and the black lightning on the surface of the crack was absorbed by him, closing the crack.

In the following time, Lu Shaoqing closed the remaining cracks, and all the people of the Dian Xing Faction disappeared.

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth swept in again, turning this place into a white space…

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