“Are you all right?”

Yin Qi came out of the cabin and frowned at the fluctuations coming from the distance.

Xiao Yi shrugged, “What can happen?” Only the second senior brother has something. ”

Being joined by the senior brother and the ancestor, it is difficult for the second senior brother to fly, right?

The second senior brother definitely didn’t expect that the master brother would let the ancestor help.

The three-person battle, the first battle is three days.

After three days, the exchange between the three stopped.

Ke Hong was the first to come back, his face was not very good-looking, and he got into the cabin without saying a word.

Although Ke Hong did not speak, Xiao Yi and Yin Qi could feel that Ke Hong consumed a lot.

The two were curious about what the outcome of the battle would be.

However, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan have not returned yet.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but mutter, “What’s wrong?” ”

Could it be that the second senior brother didn’t lose?”

Yin Qi disagreed with this statement, “How could it not be that he didn’t lose, the ancestor and the master brother joined forces, he definitely had to lose.” Not

long after, Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing also returned.

Ji Yan’s expression was grim and calm, and he could not see any fluctuations.

Lu Shaoqing, on the other hand, was triumphant, as if he had returned home with a big victory.

Yin Qi couldn’t help but muttered in her heart when she saw Lu Shaoqing’s happy and proud look.

Wouldn’t it, the Ancestor and the Senior Brother joining forces couldn’t help him?

After Ji Yan returned, Xiao Yi asked directly, “Senior brother, how is it?” Who wins and who loses?

“Of course he lost.”

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing looked triumphant, and it didn’t look like he had lost.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask again, “Wasn’t the second senior brother spanked?” ”

If you lose, it’s impossible for the ancestor not to spank the second senior brother’s ass.

“Just kidding,” Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, and said loudly, “No one in this world can spank me.”

“Even if you have the help of your grandmaster, don’t try to touch my ass.”

Xiao Yi and Yin Qi were even more confused, their faces were full of doubts, and they blinked curiously.

What the hell is going on?

Since you lost, you should not be able to laugh.

Also, why did the ancestor come back with a black face?

The curiosity in his heart made Xiao Yi impatient, and hurriedly pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, “Second Senior Brother, what happened?” ”

If you don’t say it, it will die.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and pointed at Ji Yan, “You ask him.”

Xiao Yi immediately looked at Ji Yan, “Senior brother…”

However, meeting Ji Yan’s sharp gaze, Xiao Yi instantly shortened.

The curious cat in his heart was instantly killed.

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Despicable!

Lu Shaoqing was triumphant, “More praise, you beat the ancestor yourself, it’s none of my business.” ”


Xiao Yi and Yin Qi were shocked.

Is it so exciting?

The master brother hit the ancestor?

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Ji Yan snorted, turned back to the bow of the boat and sat down.

Xiao Yi really couldn’t bear it like this, “Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, what are you talking about, what’s going on?”

Yin Qi also came over, curious.

Lu Shaoqing said triumphantly, “Hey, isn’t it that Senior Brother wanted to clean me up, but Grandmaster rushed out to block it for me.”

“At the critical moment, it was the ancestor who hurt me.”

Even if Xiao Yi, a brain-dead fan, listened to this, he didn’t believe a word.

Just kidding, the ancestor’s murderous look, beating Lu Shaoqing is almost the same, how can he still run out to block Ji Yan’s attack for Lu Shaoqing.

Yin Qi’s side may not understand yet, but Xiao Yi immediately guessed what Lu Shaoqing did.

It must have played a slippery head and made the ancestor suffer a loss at the hands of the master brother.

Pit Ancestor.

The second senior brother’s boldness is really big.

However, Xiao Yi felt that it was normal, pit people, the second senior brother can be described as a long history.

Pit master, pit master brother, pit junior sister.

Now there is another pit of the ancestor, the basic exercise.

Xiao Yi looked at the cabin curiously, she was a little curious about what the ancestor was pitted into.

However, although it was through the cabin door, Xiao Yi could also feel the murderous aura behind the cabin door.

Xiao Yi hurriedly looked away, she didn’t have the courage to provoke the ancestor as the second senior brother.

Subsequently, Xiao Yi also sighed in his heart, he had to be the second senior brother, cunning as a fox, and it was difficult to clean him up.

“Hehe, my ass is up to me.” Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan very proudly.

Ji Yan’s voice came over, “You do this to the grandmaster, when the master returns, you wait.”

Lu Shaoqing’s smile froze again, and then he pointed at Ji Yan angrily and cursed, “You stabbed the ancestor’s waist, and it has nothing to do with me.”

Although Ji Yan’s voice was faint, Xiao Yi could still hear the pride in it, “You see that Master believes me or you.” ”

That’s the power of credit.

The credit of the senior brother in front of the master is worth more than the credit of the second senior brother.

Lu Shaoqing was so angry that he went crazy, “I really want to kick you down.” ”

Xiao Yi has already begun to knock spirit beans next to him, watch the play, watch the play.”

Familiar scenes, familiar love and killing, still so cool.

For more than twenty years before, the senior brother and the senior brother lived apart, which was not interesting at all.

Now that the two have finally got together, the days are getting sweeter and sweeter.

Lu Shaoqing huffed into the cabin, and at first Ke Hong was still snorting coldly, and there was a thick resentment inside.

But later, I didn’t know what Lu Shaoqing said in it, the resentment disappeared, and Lu Shaoqing also came out with a triumphant smile.

“Hehe…” After coming out, Lu Shaoqing said proudly to Ji Yan, “Xiao Xian, you play with me, tender.”

Xiao Yi immediately came over, “Second Senior Brother, have you asked your ancestor’s forgiveness?” ”

Bah,” Lu Shaoqing flicked Xiao Yi, “Will you speak?”

“Do I need to ask for forgiveness?”

The curious baby continued to ask, “What did you say to the grandmaster?”

“I said that when the time comes, I will take the ancestor to drink flower wine, do you believe it or not?” Oh, and remember to call your daddy then. Xiao

Yi’s eyes widened, taking the ancestor to drink flower wine?

The second senior brother could figure it out.

But Yin Qi next to him immediately despised, “Bragging, you try?” The boss shoots you to death at the first time.

Xiao Yi also reacted, yes, the ancestor is not a womanizer, and drinking flower wine must be a deception by the second senior brother.

“Second Senior Brother, you lied to me…”

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