Soon, Lu Shaoqing and his party returned to the Lingxiao faction.

After returning, Ke Hong took a step and left a voice, “Boy, remember what you said.”

Xiao Yi pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes again and asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, what did you and Ancestor say about?” ”

Curious to death, the second senior brother is too hateful.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “It’s all said, take the ancestor to drink flower wine.” ”

Bragging!” This sentence, Xiao Yi is a hundred unbelievers.

Take the ancestor to drink flower wine, are you afraid that I am not a fool?

As Senior Sister Yin Qi said, if you dare to take your ancestor to drink flower wine, the head will have to shoot you to death.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing with resentment, Lu Shaoqing smiled, took a step and returned to the Heavenly Royal Peak.

Ji Yan has returned, as a senior brother, he has not shown his head for more than twenty years, and when he comes back this time, he naturally has to show his face and deal with the affairs of the sect.

Xiao Yi was driven to retreat cultivation by Ji Yan, and gave a death order not to break through a small realm and not be allowed to leave the pass.

It has been more than a year since Xiao Yidu became a god, and it is time to go further.

By the time Xiao Yi got out of the customs, more than a month had passed, and after coming out, the first time he went to find Ji Yan.

After completing Ji Yan’s task, Xiao Yi was allowed to come out and relax.

Relax, naturally look for Lu Shaoqing, follow the second senior brother to be cool.

However, when Xiao Yi arrived at Lu Shaoqing, he found that Lu Shaoqing didn’t know where to run.

“Strange, where did the second senior brother go?” Xiao Yi went to ask Cai Mei, Cai Mei shook her head, although she is now a disciple of Tianyu Peak, but where can she know the whereabouts of a personal disciple like Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi came to the plane tree, Xiao Hei was sleeping on his stomach here in the plane tree, and a group of dog-legged birds next to him were quietly guarding.

Before helping Xiao Yi and them block the self-explosion of Long’s magic weapon, Xiao Hei was also a little injured and became lethargic.

Knowing that Xiao Hei was sleeping to recuperate, Xiao Yi did not disturb Xiao Hei and was preparing to leave secretly.

Xiao Hei suddenly opened his eyes, his body shook into a big fat girl, and pounced, “Hehe, uncle!”

Xiao Yi hurriedly hugged Xiao Hei and pinched her chubby face before asking, “Where is the second senior brother?”

Xiao Hei tilted his head and shook his head, “I don’t know, Dad let me sleep here, saying that the place he went to was not suitable for children.” ”

Not suitable for children?

No way?

Xiao Yi was stunned, and a thought arose in his heart, the second senior brother would not really go to the flower bar?

Xiao Hei asked curiously, “Uncle Junior, what is it that children are not suitable?”

Xiao Yi did not answer this question, but ran to find Ji Yan.

“Senior brother, did the second senior brother go to drink flower wine?”

Ji Yanfat sat on the roof of the wooden house, with countless sword intent suspended around him, like a faithful guard.

It’s just Xiao Yi, otherwise others want to get close to here.

Ji Yan said lightly, “If you have that concerned time, you might as well practice well.”

“He does things, will it be your turn to worry about it?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly shrunk his head and retreated.

Forget it, you can’t get an answer, go find it yourself.

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Hei who was riding on Da Bai next to him, “Xiao Hei, can you find the second senior brother?”

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Xiao Hei rubbed his nose proudly and shrugged a few times, like a puppy, “Of course, my nose is smart.”

“Okay, let’s go find your dad!”

“Okay!” Xiao Hei waved his hands happily and shouted, “Dabai, let’s go!” ”

Big White carried Xiao Hei into the air.

Xiao Yi went out with two spirit pets, and not long after he went out, he met the head from a distance.

“Hey, boss!”

When Yu Chang saw Xiao Yi, a gentle smile appeared on his originally serious face, as if he saw the loving father of a good daughter, “Xiao Yitou, where are you going?” ”

Although Xiao Yi is not as good as Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, he is also extremely talented in the Lingxiao faction, and his strength is growing rapidly.

Genius disciple, who is not the treasure of the master?

Except, of course, that little bastard.

“Go find the second senior brother.” Xiao Yi answered honestly.

In the face paint, she is somewhat restrained.

After all, the head looks like a stern person.

“That guy isn’t at Tianyu Peak?” Yu Chang’s face was strange, “Where did you go?”

“I don’t know, I was going to find him.” Xiao Yi continued to answer truthfully.

“Go, I’ll go with you.” Yu Chang didn’t want to think about it, and turned around directly, “I came to find him this time.”

Xiao Yi’s curiosity came up, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Chief, is there anything wrong with finding the second senior brother?”

“This bastard boy didn’t come back to talk to me, he turned against him.” Yu Chang huffed, “Don’t you come to report to me about the things you encounter when you go out?” Do you still have me in charge?

Xiao Yi understood, and at the same time couldn’t help but smile more.

“Now that the Demon Race has invaded, Chief, do you want to hear the opinion of the second senior brother?”

Lu Shaoqing is smart, and thinks more about things than many people.

Yu Chang came to find Lu Shaoqing, as Xiao Yi said, to listen to Lu Shaoqing’s opinion.

Lu Shaoqing went out to wave, and he had a more authoritative view on many things.

Especially the Demon Clan, Lu Shaoqing is the authority of authority.

It doesn’t hurt to listen to his opinions more and be good for the sect.

However, after Lu Shaoqing returned, he ran directly back to Tianyu Peak, and he didn’t even bother to see him, the leader.

If it weren’t for something to be busy, he would have killed the Heavenly Imperial Peak long ago and pulled Lu Shaoqing out of bed.

After Yu Chang nodded, he said to Xiao Yi with a very sad heart, “Little Yitou, you must not learn from your second senior brother, you are capable, too lazy.”

“In the future, the sect will still depend on you young people.”

“Of course, you can learn his advantages, and you must not learn his weaknesses.”

After Xiao Yi listened, he smiled even more happily, even if he was in charge, he could not deny the advantages of the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi and Yu Chang chatted while coming to Lingxiao City under Xiao Hei’s lead.

“Strange, what did he come to Lingxiao City for?” Yu Chang was very strange, “I haven’t gone down in Tianyu Peak for more than ten or twenty years before, and today the sun came out from the west?”

Xiao Yi guessed, “Second Senior Brother wants to go down the mountain for a big meal?

However, when Xiao Hei brought them to a place, Xiao Yi and Yu Chang were silent.

The plaque on the gate of a building has three words written on it, Yongxian Lou….

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