Owning the Immortal Tower?

Xiao Yi hadn’t come to Lingxiao City for a long time.

But looking at the flowers on it, the tulle diagonally draped, revealing the fragrant shoulders, the woman with heavy makeup, and the various scents in the air, Xiao Yi knew where the Fanxian Tower was.

A place to drink flower wine.

The second senior brother really came to drink flower wine?

No wonder it is not suitable for children, do not bring children.

Yu Chang next to him was also full of black lines, covering his chest with his hand.

It’s hard to breathe.

It hurts.

After going out for a spin, is the bastard boy more depraved?

I used to be lazy to sleep at home, but now it’s okay, lazy to come out and drink flower wine.

When Junior Brother Shao Cheng comes back, how will he explain to him?

What happened when I went out?

A genius disciple who is now degraded to the point of drinking flower wine.

Shouldn’t you go out and understand the truth that life is short and have fun in time?

No, he must not be allowed to fall.

Yu Chang’s anger gradually came out, and his expression became firm, hmph, I will never allow him to fall.

If you want to fall, you have to ask me as the leader.

The Lingxiao faction does not raise idlers.

Yu Chang gritted his teeth, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to kill in, “Bastard boy, I have to teach you a good lesson today.”

The shocked Xiao Yi reacted.

Lu Shaoqing would not come to drink the flower wine alone, thinking of what Lu Shaoqing had said before.

Xiao Yi’s scalp was numb.

The second senior brother really dared to bring the ancestor to this kind of place.

The face of the ancestor is there, and the head went in and broke the good deed of the ancestor, I am afraid that I will be killed and silenced, right?

“Boss, boss, wait…” Xiao Yi, who was in a hurry, knew that what he had to do was to prevent the head from entering and avoid bloodshed.

The ancestor drinks flower wine, how can the juniors know?

“Wait? What wait,” Yu Chang was heartbroken, hating that iron is not steel, “It’s just lazy, now I actually learn this bad problem.”

“Don’t you know that there is a knife on the head of the color letter?”

Lazy, I can endure.

But this kind of behavior, I can’t bear it.

Sometimes color ruins a person.

In case you encounter a female cultivator who cultivates Yang and Yin, I am afraid that the bone marrow has been sucked dry.

Lu Shaoqing is the future pillar of the sect, and Yu Chang can tolerate other bad habits, but this behavior alone cannot.

Yu Chang didn’t want Lu Shaoqing to be ruined by lust.

“Today, even if I want to tear down this place, I have to take the bastard boy back.”

“Chief, maybe the second senior brother has his intentions…” Xiao Yi continued to dissuade.

“There is a fart intention,” Yu Chang became even more angry, “go out, I don’t know where to get the bad problem, get out of the way, it’s not easy for anyone to come today.” Yu

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Chang has now begun to gradually rage, like an awakened Tyrannosaurus rex.

Xiao Yi couldn’t stop it at all, and in the end he could only move out of the killer weapon, “Chief, what if the ancestor is inside?”

Yu Chang was stunned at first, and then couldn’t help laughing, shaking his head, as if he saw through Xiao Yi, “You little girl, you can even say such things in order to save that bastard boy.”

After a pause, “You dare to stop me, I’ll let Junior Brother Xiao Chuang clean you up.”

After speaking, he ignored Xiao Yi’s stop and directly entered the Yongxian Tower.

Xiao Yi was helpless, and he could only keep up.

Holding Xiao Hei and following behind Xiao Chuang, after Xiao broke in, several beautiful female cultivators immediately surrounded him.

“Yo, uncle, you haven’t been here for a long time.”

“Sir, you want to die in the slave family…” These

female cultivators are all in the foundation building period and the end period, and everyone is absolutely beautiful, with picturesque eyebrows, flowers and moon appearances, and a smile that touches the soul.

Although it is in the land of fireworks, it maintains the temperament of a monk, like an ethereal fairy.

Any fairy placed in the mortal world is a kingdom and a city, which can make mortal emperors crazy.

Yu Chang’s face became even more ugly.

These female monks in front of them are self-willing to degenerate existences, like wolves, what is the difference between the bastard boy coming in, and the little lamb entering the wolf’s den?

“Hmph!” With a cold snort, Yu Chang slightly exuded his own breath.

Yu Chang was already a god, and showing a little breath was enough to frighten the people around him.

A group of employees who supported Xianlou were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they felt that Yu Chang in front of them was like a tyrannosaurus, and they were a flock of small sheep.

Yu Chang was just about to make a fuss, Xiao Yi hurriedly pulled Yu Chang and reminded, “Chief, this is Lingxiao City.”

After Xiao Yi’s reminder, Yu Chang reacted immediately.

Lingxiao City is the territory of the Lingxiao faction, just under the mountain of the Lingxiao faction.

It has developed into the most prosperous place in Qizhou.

There are millions of cultivators who have come here, and taxes alone have become a big income for the Lingxiao faction.

Whoever dares to make trouble in Lingxiao City will not be able to get by with Lingxiao.

Now that he is making trouble here, isn’t he punching himself in the face?

What’s more, there were many Lingxiao Sect disciples in the city.

He made a fuss here, the head of the hall made trouble in the land of fireworks, and was seen, where did this face rest?

The head takes the lead in making trouble in the city, who will dare to come to Lingxiao City to open a store in the future?

As a leader, you must take the lead in creating a good business environment.

Yu Chang immediately said coldly, “Get out of the way, I’m looking for someone.” ”

In view of Yu Chang’s terribleness, the people watching the scene here also have to obediently hide on the side.

Even when the boss came out, he didn’t dare to breathe more, like a kitten hiding on the side and watching.

Watching them go straight to the top floor, the boss wanted to open his mouth, but finally closed his mouth.

It seems that the existence of the god can not be offended, and the people behind her cannot be offended.

Xiao Yi continued to advise Yu Chang while going upstairs, “Chief, do you want to think again, think about it?” ”

Make a fuss, when the time comes, I’m afraid it won’t end well…” Yu

Chang didn’t listen to Xiao Yi’s words, and said coldly, “I’m for his good.”

“Bastard boy!”

Xiao Hei came to a door upstairs, “Dad is inside!” When

Yu Chang heard this, without saying a word, he directly kicked the door and broke in….

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