Yu Chang entered imposingly, and Xiao Yi followed closely with Xiao Hei in his arms.

“Uncle, what are you doing covering my eyes?”

Xiao Hei huffed and ripped off Xiao Yi’s hand.

Xiao Hei, who opened his hands, saw Lu Shaoqing at a glance, excitedly broke free from Xiao Yi’s hand, and pounced and shouted, “Dad!”

Xiao Yi also saw the surrounding environment clearly.

In the center of the room, white clouds were ethereal, and beautiful women dressed in pink and white clothes danced, like fairies dancing, even Yu Chang and Xiao Yi who broke in could not make them stop.

Lu Shaoqing and Ke Hong sat on it, with fine wine, food on the desk, and beautiful people serving next to them.

Xiao Yi covered his face, the second senior brother turned out to be true, he didn’t lie.

Really bring the ancestor to drink flower wine.

Yu Chang burst in angrily, but when he saw Ke Hong sitting next to Lu Shaoqing, he froze.

Why is the grandmaster here?

Ancestors also want to drink flower wine?

Yu Chang’s brain buzzed, as if he had been smashed by someone, and he couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

Ke Hong saw Yu Chang come in angrily, straightened his body at that time, and looked directly at Yu Chang, “Something?” Facing

the ancestor, the burly and majestic head of the Lingxiao Sect instantly shortened, “No, no…” ”

What did you do without you breaking in?” Don’t know how to knock on the door? Ke

Hong was very dissatisfied, “You juniors, you are so rude. ”

Yu Chang is a little crazy.

How did the ancestor learn badly?

His gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing beside Ke Hong, Lu Shaoqing was holding Xiao Hei at this time, holding the spirit bean to feed Xiao Hei, noticed Yu Chang’s gaze, and said to Yu Chang with a smile, “Chief, are you here to settle the bill?”

Yu Chang was resentful in his heart.

You little bastard, you definitely brought the ancestors.

He glared at Lu Shaoqing fiercely, gave Lu Shaoqing a look, and seemed to say, you wait for me.

“Hey, Ancestor,” Lu Shaoqing smiled at Ke Hongdao, “Look, the head looks a little strange, do you disapprove of Ancestor Master you coming here?” Yu

Chang was mad in his heart, roaring in his heart, I disagreed with a hundred.

I came to drink flower wine myself, and I actually brought my ancestor with me.

Passed out, does the Lingxiao faction still have face?

Now that the Lingxiao faction has become the first sect in Qizhou, this face is more important.

You little bastard doesn’t want face, you actually want to rip off the face of the ancestor with you.

Yu Chang was indignant, “Don’t call me the boss.” ”

Now in front of the public, I can’t afford to lose this person.

Lu Shaoqing immediately pointed at Yu Chang and turned to Ke Hong again. It was like a villain suing, “Ancestor, look, look, the head is very upset.”

“I must not want you to come here.”

Ke Hong snorted and said dissatisfied, “How? Do I still have to ask your consent to do things? Ke

Hong was a little unhappy in his heart.

After all, as an elder who came to drink flower wine and was bumped into by the junior, it is only right to be happy in my heart.

Just as Lao Tzu went to prostitute, and was bumped into by his son, how embarrassing it is to be.

Ke Hong is already a thousand and hundreds of years old, there is nothing on his face, but he is a little embarrassed in his heart, and after the embarrassment, he is unhappy.

I want to beat Yu Chang.

Yu Chang was so depressed in his heart, he didn’t dare to say it even if he disagreed with a hundred.

Who made Kehong his elder?

When his master saw Ke Hong, he also had to call Lao Zu.

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Even if he is already two or three hundred years old, he is still a junior in front of Ke Hong.

“Ancestor, disciples don’t dare.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Ke Hong, “Ancestor, since the head is here, let him join him, anyway, let him pay later.”

“Let him do something together?” Kehong was reluctant.

Just like Lao Tzu goes to prostitute, few are willing to take their sons with them.

Lu Shaoqing pointed to his chest and said to Ke Hong, “Ancestor, here, let go.”

Ke Hong hesitated for a moment, and finally said to Yu Chang, “Come here, sit down.”

“Since you are all here, let’s go together.”

Yu Chang wanted to cry without tears, and had the heart to refuse, “Ancestor, this…” ”

I came to catch the adulterer, not to be embarrassed.”

“Huh?” Ke Hong’s face changed, and he snorted coldly.

Yu Chang sat down obediently, and Lu Shaoqing next to him squeezed his eyebrows.

Yu Chang was very impulsive to rush over and beat the rebels of this sect to death.

Take the ancestor to drink flower wine without saying, and let him, the leader, also sit here.

When it was passed out, the face of the Lingxiao faction was completely lost.

Ancestor, the head went to drink flower wine, Yu Chang felt stuffed when he thought about it.

If it is discovered, will the sect have to be changed and introduced to the outside world in the future?

The sect that is good at sword cultivation has changed to a sect that is good at harmonizing yin and yang?


If the ancestors knew about it, I am afraid that he would not have crawled out of the ground and killed him, the leader.

“Hey, hey, boss!”

Xiao Yi also sat down, being a caring baby, and comforted Yu Chang with a smile, “Don’t be sad, it’s coming, and if it comes, it’s safe.”

Yu Chang looked at Xiao Yi and put on an expression of wanting to cry.

If you already know, listen to this girl’s words.

Now, well, I am also pressed here to sit.

Regret it.

“What are you sitting here for?” Yu Chang glared at Xiao Yi and shouted sharply, “Let me go out and guard outside, and don’t allow others to come in.” ”

What loving father, go aside.

Now it’s time to think about how to keep it a secret.

The fact that he and his ancestor came here must not be spread, let alone allowed to be seen by others.

Whoever dares to break in, shoot and kill.

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, not intending to obey, “I want to watch here, why can you watch, I can’t watch?” ”

Drink flower wine, you men can drink it, why can’t I drink it?

Is it toxic?

Yu Chang only discovered at this time that the guys from Tianyu Peak seemed to have their own anti-bones?

Don’t you listen to the words of the boss?

Yu Chang stared at Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi also looked at him with a smile, without the slightest restraint and awe.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar shadow from Xiao Yi.

Yu Chang couldn’t help but cover his head, wouldn’t it, the second one?

Did Ling Xiao send pills?

Just when Yu Chang felt a headache, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, “What are you sitting down for?” Go out, adults drink, children go out.

“Hurry up and take my girlfriend out, take her to this kind of place, and I’ll find you again to settle the score when I go back…”

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