Xiao Yi was driven out and sat here sullenly at the door, holding Xiao Hei depressed.

“Damn, the second senior brother actually brought the ancestor to drink flower wine, and he didn’t bring me, he was angry with me!”

“Now that I’m here, I actually let me be a doorman, damn it!”

Xiao Yi pinched Xiao Hei’s face from time to time, indignant, “Drink flower wine, why only men drink it, and women can’t drink it?”

“Really, what’s so good about flower wine?” Dad wanted to drink, and now the second senior brother actually brought the ancestor to drink.

Xiao Yi didn’t understand, but at the same time she was very strange, with Lu Shaoqing’s personality, if she wanted to eat delicious, just order takeaway, and with this time, it was better to sleep in Tianyu Peak.

I actually came here with my ancestor.

Does Second Senior Brother have anything to do?

Xiao Yi secretly guessed.

Just when Xiao Yi was waiting until he was depressed, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him.

“Who?” Xiao Yi shouted warily.

After fixing his eyes, his vigilant expression turned into a surprised one, “Big, senior brother? The

person who came was actually Ji Yan, Xiao Bai was lying on Ji Yan’s shoulder, squeezing his eyebrows at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened.

Does Senior Brother Fei also want to come to drink flower wine?

Or is the senior brother coming to take the second senior brother back?

Like her mother took care of her father.

However, before Xiao Yi could ask Ji Yan why he came here, Ji Yan’s gaze suddenly sharpened.

The closed door in front of him suddenly fell apart, turning into countless fragments.

Seeing such a movement, Xiao Yi confirmed in his heart that the senior brother was going to follow her mother’s example to catch the adulterer.

The movement outside startled the people inside, and Lu Shaoqing’s voice came out, “Who is making trouble?”

Then a murderous aura suddenly erupted inside.

It is Yu Chang, Yu Chang’s murderous aura has skyrocketed, no matter who comes today, he will kill people and kill people.

The secrets of the head of the Lingxiao faction can only be kept by the dead.

After Ji Yan came in, he saw that there were actually ancestors and leaders here, and even he couldn’t help but have black lines on his head.

Being able to take the ancestor and the head to drink flower wine, only his own junior brother can do it.

Lu Shaoqing saw Ji Yan coming, and glared at him, “What are you doing here?” Or are you enlightened and want to come for a flower wine?

“Come, Grandmaster, you sit him down and order him ten girls.”

Xiao Yi followed in, and secretly said in his heart, Senior brother, you are throwing yourself into the net.

The head came murderously, and finally sat here obediently under the order of the ancestor and drank flower wine, and the fart did not dare to put one more.

However, Ji Yan said coldly, “Master is in danger. ”

What?” As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Lu Shaoqing stood up directly, his expression solemn, “What’s going on?” Ji

Yan’s right hand flipped, and a life Jane appeared in everyone’s sight.

The life is as simple as a finger, and the originally smooth and bright life simple is now dull.

Fate Jane is that each cultivator attaches a little of his soul power to it when he enters the door, and when he falls, his life will break.

If the light is dim, it means that the person is seriously injured and may fall at any time,

“This is Master’s fate.”

Yu Chang’s face was solemn, “Is Junior Brother Shao Cheng in danger in the demon world?”


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Shao Cheng was in danger, and everyone couldn’t help but worry.

Shao Cheng is the peak master of the Tianyu Peak, whether it is strong or not, it is another matter, but he is one of the five main peaks, an elder of the Lingxiao faction, and represents the face of the Lingxiao faction.

If something goes wrong with him, it will hit the sect very hard.

Yu Chang then ordered, “Go back first and discuss how to save people.” ”

This broken place, I don’t want to stay for a quarter of an hour.

“What back.” Ji Yan unceremoniously interrupted the leader’s words.

Lu Shaoqing agreed with a hundred, “That is, go back to what, go directly.” Yu

Chang and Ke Hong frowned when they heard this, if they remembered correctly, Shao Cheng was still in the demon world.

Although it is not as difficult as going to the demon world in the human world, it is not so easy.

I don’t know if the way to the demon world is still there.

Ke Hong said, “Don’t be impulsive, go back and get ready first.”

Yu Chang shouted even more, “Boy, don’t be impulsive, you brats, it’s not a good habit to be impulsive when you encounter things.”

“Do you know how to get to the demon realm?”

Really, frizzy, only mistaken things.

Think that the demon world is your home, just go.

“What else to prepare,” Lu Shaoqing directly took out the boundary piercing plate, “We will set off now.” ”

Spiritual power was injected into the boundary plate, the light flashed, a spatial power emanated, and then a light gate appeared.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Let’s go.”

Xiao Yi hurriedly raised his hand, “I, I’m going too.” ”

Master is in trouble, and as an apprentice, you can’t sit idly by.

“What are you going to do?” Lu Shaoqing was a little disgusted, “You low-level cultivator will only add to the chaos if you go with it.

Without saying a word, Xiao Yi pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes with a determined expression on his face.

The red look in his eyes made Lu Shaoqing unable to refuse, “Okay, go, go, when the time comes, the monster beast will eat you as fast food.”

Ke Hong and Yu Chang next to them were dumbfounded.

Even if they are ancestors and leaders, they don’t know what to say at this moment.

While they were thinking about how to go to the demon realm, Lu Shaoqing’s side had already opened the door.

Yu Chang felt old and out in an instant.

Are today’s young people so awesome?

“Okay, Ancestor, Chief, you guys go back,” Lu Shaoqing said to the two, “Let’s go to the demon realm.” Ji

Yan nodded to the two, then stepped in and disappeared into the whirlpool.

Xiao Yi hurriedly followed, lest he be left behind.

Seeing this, Ke Hong said, “Hey, boy, I’ll go too.” ”

What are you going,” Lu Shaoqing turned around and waved his hand, “You sit here in the sect, what are you making fun of?” With

one step in, the light door closed, leaving Ke Hong and Yu Chang with dull faces.

The two elders of the Lingxiao Sect didn’t know what to say at this time.

For a long time, Yu Chang could only sigh, “Long waves push back waves…” Ke

Hong also nodded, very gratified, “My Lingxiao faction can have them, the future can be expected, and I will not be ashamed of the ancestors.”

“Yes, but Grandmaster, why did you follow him to drink flower wine…”

“Yes, yes, the disciple knows that he is wrong, let’s go back.”

“Go on, keep drinking, keep dancing…”

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