Tao City!

This place has become the base camp of the demon race.

The demon race that has come here has exceeded a million people.

And it is still being transmitted from the cold star in a steady stream.

The huge transmission array ran day and night, countless spirit stones were consumed, the light flashed, and a steady stream of demon cultivators came out of the large array.

Groups of demon cultivators were like soldiers, led by their respective captains, and rushed to the battlefield one by one.

The two main factions of Yanzhou, the Tiangong Gate surrendered, the Dian Xing faction was destroyed, and the remaining forces could no longer resist the demon race.

The demon race is invincible as if entering no man’s land.

In front of the demon army, Yanzhou soon fell.

The Terran monks either surrendered or fled to other states.

After the Dotting Star Sect was destroyed, the Demon Race changed its attitude towards the Terrans.

Before that, it was a wanton massacre, setting off bloody storms and creating countless panic.

Now they resorted to gentle means to appease the Terran monks.

Even support the puppet forces and let them pacify the Terrans under their rule.

Despite this, there were still many Terran cultivators who secretly resisted.

The fallen demons are often attacked and suffer many casualties.

Before the demon side could digest Yanzhou, the army of Zhongzhou was killed.

At the same time, there are also millions of soldiers on the Dongzhou side, and the tiger is looking at the tiger.

In general, the pressure on the Demon Race’s side is still great.

“Master Han Zhang!” A demon cultivator came, “Lord Muyong, please come over!” Han

Zhang, who was meditating, opened his eyes, took a step and came to Muyong.

“Master Han Zhang!”

Mu Yong, a young man in blue clothes, stood in front of a map, slowly turned his head, and arched his hand to Han Zhang.


Although Mu Yong’s current breath is only in the Transformation God Period, as a refining period, he does not dare to underestimate it, but politely reciprocates.

In the demon race, adult, represents two meanings.

One is strong strength, and the other is strong identity.

Mu Yong has a mysterious origin, and it seems to have appeared suddenly in the Holy Land.

No one knows who the teacher inherits and where he comes from, and his identity is extremely mysterious.

At the same time, his strength is also extremely strong, and Jian Yi, who is known as the genius of the swordsman, is not Mu Yong’s opponent.

In the Holy Land, even in the Transformation God Period, few people knew Mu Yong’s identity, and only an existence like Han Zhang in the refining period knew that Mu Yong had an extraordinary connection with the Holy Lord.

Therefore, Han Zhang did not dare to treat Mu Yong as a junior.

What’s more, this time Mu Yong became the commander of Taocheng here, overseeing the military and responsible for the size of Taocheng.

In other words, even Han Zhang had to listen to Mu Yong.

“Is there anything you want me to do?” Han Zhang’s expression was indifferent, although he shouted Lord Muyong, but there was not too much closeness and compliment.

As a refining period, giving Mu Yong such a face was already giving him face.

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We are not the same people.

Mu Yong’s smile remained unchanged, and he didn’t care about Han Zhang’s attitude, “Don’t be in a hurry, wait until everyone is together.” ”

Soon, people came one after another.

Cui Zhangwan, the head of the guard, Sha Ji, the head of the Sha family, and other gods also arrived one after another.

Han Zhang looked around, and there were no less than thirty Avatars here.

Of course, most of the Avatars have broken through over the years, and their strength can only be regarded as average.

After these people came, they saluted one after another, “I have seen Lord Muyong, Lord Han Zhang!”

Mu Yong looked around, his brows furrowed slightly.

Han Zhang knew the reason.

Tao Cheng now has three refining periods left.

In addition to him, the two came from the hidden forces, Zhu Yi and Gong mourned the two.

Although I don’t know how the Holy Lord persuaded the hidden forces to come and help.

But the people of the hidden forces are more arrogant than the people of the Holy Land, even if Mu Yong represents the Holy Lord, the people of the hidden forces do not give him much face.

This time everyone was summoned to the meeting, and the two did not come directly, without giving face at all.

The deeper reason, Han Zhang can also guess.

The loss of two refining periods and more than twenty Avatar Stages on the Dian Xing Sect’s side frightened many people, including Zhu Yi and Gong Zimourning.

Mu Yong frowned, and the other Avatar Gods could also guess, and one of the Avatar Gods from the hidden world forces spoke, “Master Mu Yong, the lords and Lord Gong have said, you can just say something.” ”

I’ll go back and convey it.”

“They also said that they will only sit here in Taocheng now, and they will ignore the rest.”

Han Zhang smiled secretly in his heart, and what happened on the side of the Dian Xing Sect frightened the two of them.

When Mu Yong heard this, his face was ugly.

He glanced at everyone and said coldly, “The soldiers and horses of Zhongzhou have entered Yanzhou, and it’s time to fight a decisive battle with them.”

“This time, we must teach Zhongzhou a lesson and let them know how powerful our holy family is.”

“No one is allowed to retreat without my order.”

“This battle is related to the last step of the Holy Lord’s plan, whoever dares to drop the chain, I will not spare it lightly, and the Holy Lord will not be spared.”

After a pause, he looked at Han Zhang and the incarnations of the hidden forces, “This time, I need a few Refining Void Stage masters to go and sit down. Seeing

that the Transformation God of the hidden forces seemed to have something to say, Mu Yong coldly opened his mouth and blocked them first, “This is an order, if there is any problem, let the two adults come to me, or go to the Holy Lord.” The

stern tone and tough attitude made the face of the hidden forces change, and he subconsciously became afraid in his heart, and did not dare to speak.

When Han Zhang heard this, he was secretly surprised in his heart, is it time for a decisive battle?

Han Zhang’s eyes flickered slightly, and he asked Mu Yong, “Master Mu Yong, what is the Holy Lord’s last plan?” ”

The Holy Lord’s plan, not to mention Han Zhang, even Elder Rui of the Holy Land does not know.

Everyone’s eyes also fell on Mu Yong, and everyone was also very curious about the Holy Lord’s plan.

They came here just to follow Mu Yong’s orders, and they would do whatever Mu Yong told them to do.

Mu Yong smiled slightly, showing mystery, “You will be clear then.”

“However, one thing I know for sure is that once successful, it is no longer a luxury for us to return to the ancestral star.”

The next thing was all kinds of arrangements, Han Zhang stood quietly on the side and watched quietly…

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